Show Utah CoaL Castle Gate and WInter Quarters lump nut and slack anthracite all au sizes D B J SHARP 78 18 South Main Telephone No 49 24 East First South street c 4 Utah Commercial and Savings ani General banking business bustnes Int interest rest paid on savings depOsits W F r strong president J E Caine cashier 1 I of Titles Gustave Gustae H lackman rooms 2021 CommercIal L I Phone N The X Hotel The or place for comfort and ele elegance elegance gance Fireproof Central In way every room and modern In every I All AIl the Way Not only from Denver but all the way from Nevada Oregon Idaho and Utah tho th Union Pacific gives its patrons the luxury of a buffet smoking and library car containing barber shop and choice collection of current literature No other line west or of Colorado has this elegant 8 which Is eo greatly ap appreciated appreciated by all experienced travelers Buy your tickets to all points east via Union Pacific ther thereby b gaining the ad advantage vantage antage of qUickest time and best beet ser seI seIi service vice i ceo Ticket office Main street IZ If If you want ant something good In the theline theline line of fanc fancy cakes order a German torte at the ROYAL Q 0 I I Painless extraction of teeth by Dr E M Kc Keysor Main street Auer Auerback Auerback back building Toot and Keep Tooting Washington D C Star If you toot your little tooter and then lay I aside your horn Theres not a soul In ten short days dars will I know that you were born The man who gathers pumpkins Is the I man who plows all day And the man Who keeps is the theman theman I man who makes makos it pay The man who advertises with a short and sudden jerk jerkIs jerkIs Is tIle the man who blames the printer be because because cause he work The man who gets the business nulls Dulls a along along long and steady pull And keeps the local papers for years ears and andears years ears quite full I He plans his advertisement in a clear I and thoughtful w wAnd way i And keeps forever at It it and thus he makes it pay Do You Want HELP Do You Want a SITUATION The Th will ru your advertise advertisement ment Free of Charge Rates on Paid Matt Matter r in The Heralds Want Columns Per Line Une for Every Insertion JC after the fi first t tOne One insertion lOc IOe per line Special rates on standing ady advertisements by bythe the week or month I For the gre greater ter convenience of the patrons of The Her Heral al aIds s want columns we have made arrangements to have or orders ders for same at the following storeS Orders will willbe willbe be transmitted to this office on the day on which they are re received i and will receive as Prompt att attrition as if left at our office on Main Street OfflES fOR FO REl T OF SHER PHARMACY South and State Stat St HAZEL DRUG DRU CO Cor West 1st South and West PHARMACY Cor South and East BROS CO 68 K Street StreetS o S ll B East and 1st South C FOR SALE SAIL RAN miles from city Address or orl can l East South SHEEP FOR ewes 60 bucks herders outfit corn CO near Fort Bridger Wyo Wo Corre Correspondence Correspondence solicited Addre L B Hakes 2 0 State street Salt Lake City Utah A A RARE piano bargain for cash One extra fine mahogany y upright piano latest scale a perfect Instrument only onh Cable Piano Organ company 32 Main street opposite Z C M 31 L city FINISHING planer joiner Hinch cut cutoff cutoff off a ard d rip saw shafting pulleys arbo arbors tables counter lathe jig saw aU all compi te and In good order or will sell entire mill cheap for cash V k A Smith Park City Utah UtahAN L AN UPRIGHT Everett piano no nearly new Apply to Wm S Sumner mner Constitution tation building FOR SALE good young team new harness and surrey by David Hilton HUton F street I T ITER AND office books Margetts Bros 40 Main Mai n Phone BARRED BARBED Plymouth Rock eggs 15 setting C H Albertson East I S1 EAST AST First SouthA feet front frontis by is teet reet deep Brick Price 2500 2 Mo M Fitzgerald Silver City Utah FOR RELIABLE grass and an garden seeds leeds go to Bailey Sons 63 E B Zd South OHIO omo RAMSI have now In stock 50 Delaine Merino yearlIng rams well gro grown D and selected especially for the range Any one In need of iams rams will wUl make no nn mistake In seeing these rams rains or buying early and getting them acclimated Wilt Will sell seU low as an they bought out of seas season season on Have low railroad rates Call CaU on or address Paul P Gurney president O 0 M Mand Mand and D S B ci Alexandria O 0 OLOST LOST Bi old no brane weight about TaO pounds Return So 4 nd d w A W Weiner WANTED THREE good vet horses about pounds Marnane Maman Co E B Second Souta WHITE porter at Wallace barber shop hop 66 Main A 40 years Jears ot of age wIshes to a lady Ob ObJect ObJect marriage A care Herald CAL YES FROM I to 5 days old Ad Address Address dress with particulars P O 0 box cIty TWO GOOD men for light work Permanent position tion for right parties Ap Apply Apply ply at State street between 12 and 1 p In InTO TO EXCHANGE City Mont in income income come residence proP rt for Salt Lake reSidence property house ome md and lot rent I lag Jg for tor mM 1250 per month price I or hou house e ard lot renting for 2000 price I or house and lot renting for 1 will exchange for Salt Lake residence property of like values property preferred Apply at No 10 First St city MEN with rigs to introduce our poultry SPec specialty alt 15 j to in rs S per week Address Wasatch Mf Go Co P P 0 box 32 BOARD AND ROOMS OMS T N 22 East ThIrd Ne Newly ly furnished Baths Steam heat European Europe n plan THREE NICELY furnished rooms for tor gentlemen with witt bath an arid e light lightA cheal A 2 2 cue care fOR TE WE SEL I ts all Tut i tb Bros MaIn street Red RAd bail sIgnS lot East Water I cash l 15 a 0 month no inter interest est eat FIne S 8 W 85 85 to Hubbard k CO 78 W T 2nd South SouthA A SMALL PINCH OF MONEY Is all that is necessary If you ou buy a ahome ahome home of McGurrin Co CoThey CoThey They wilt will advance you money to buy or build with They will sell you ou many homes at the price ot of the house the lot absolutely free At least a dozen hOUS housOs S 4 to 6 rooms roman each under 1000 Ten homes neat and attractive with large lots 1200 to 1500 Five modern modem bricks 5 to 7 rooms each at cost to buIld each at 1800 Several nice homes 6 to 7 rooms each modern modem and one oe or two with furnaces and each would cost for tor house alone to We least ten bargains in houses under 7 to 9 rooms each with furnaces barns baran etc striCt modern homes One of these on Brigham street streetA A choice modern home borne on east bench bath ll it AI f furnace barn lot co Large new srn all rooms wood ceilings flue fine w water r free gu gas for all and lighting Fine corner lot on tate street d for residence a hospital OT or h betel l Would ex cx chan change e owner leaving the city cit New depot some choice front frontage frontage age at low s alco alao track age Now ow is the time to buy this prop Over choice lots inside and suburban at 10 per rod and upwards Money loaned for building McGurrin Co 33 W 2nd South SEE us for tor genuino nuino maps Stein Main Maln Loans Loan and insurance CHOICE BUILDING LOTS OR HOUSES Over Oer cO properties on our list to select from Snaps about McCur fin Co 38 West Second and ALL KINDS JS all parts or of the cIty Houston Real Estate Inv mv Co H Main TEN PER CENT net t ri n money mone invested Double frame house of 7 rooms each rents for 30 per par month lot feet west On 2nd North city water end and beet b t artesian water 2500 2000 A Richter Home Investment Co 6 S 8 10 West 1st South PERSONAL MISS HAZEL EARLE liPids spiritual at her rooms M 54 East 1st South on n Sund Sunday and Wednesday a MASSAGE healthful and invigorating as well as nutritious manicuring in all Its branches chiropody podY practiced practiced and satisfactorilY applied Glen Given Glenby by lady operator recently from Chicago Harmon block LADIES English Penny Pennyroyal royal PiUs Pills ar are the best Safe reliable Take no other Send do stamps for par I Relle for Ladies in If letter by return maiL At Chichester mn q o Pa I MEDICAL DR E B S PA E South Main I street Specialist in diseases Of women i and children satisfaction guaranteed d In every case Call or write to above ad address address dress PLUMBING ANti AND TIN WO WORK K GREEN REEVE CO E B 2nd So Tel 24 SITUATIONS WANTED A YOUNG boy of 16 wishes to be ap prenticed to painting trade has had three years experience Address Wm Win M 31 C I I Thomson Montpelier Ida AN ALL around baker position state wages Day work Address A Hi this office AN ALL around business woman wishes employment In a store or bakery or at a lunch counter L 7 Herald office COPYING or any kind of clerical work good references Harold Brown E B 2nd South BOY 15 wants aunts work of any kind de ivery boy pr preferred 14 Euclid avenue AND plain sewIng Mrs the Globe Main st at atA A RELIABLE young man would like a position of any kind Can give good ret ref Address E B J 53 Zane Zano street city LADY PIANIST desi desires situation In dancIng school or as accompanist to or orchestra chestra Address A care Herald BY A of 21 yeam position as help helper or er for machinist or engineer Address S O J 3rd East city 9 BOOKKEEPER OFFICE clerk and wants work Part or all day On salary or COmmIssion P O 0 box 96 ci city t HOUSE cleaning or laundry work by an laundress Mrs Fitzgerald E k ird 3rd South POSITION rosmo in office real estate pre furred by penman abstracter and References A care Herald MAN WANTS W TS WORK In family can do all kinds of work must have home and small cages Address East 1st So o A lI 31 Wharton WOMAN YOMAN experienced Wishes to sew eW with dressmaker by week or da day A Herald BY E EXPERIENCED lady typesetter Call Herald office JAPANESE COOK desires work in ho tel teI experienced A Herald Herad CARPE CARPENTER TER WISHES work by day doy or job competent Call room 6 m 20 3rd S W West est DRESSMAKING BY day or at home at South West Temple A MAN MA school er Cr wishes work on the premises of a private family In or out of city Object a home and moderate exercise Address A care Herald BY teamster Good references can be furnished A A m STRONG b boy wants work of an any kind A GRUB STAKE wanted by party going to Cape Nome Name will give haf interest In all claims and finds Address J M F 68 1 2nd So city YOUNG lady lad stenographer wants post poI lion tion references Address M c Herald SITUATION as cook washing or nurs nura big sick or position as nurse in smallpox case Address W South i wants sew Ing by the da day t Address 11 N West WORK WORE b by n a respectable young Oung man of 23 Wilson 48 East Third South SouthA A SMALL SET of books to keep even A Herald T AS fireman clerk and much experience fast horses harses Refer Reference Reference ence exchanged AddreSs A Herald EXPERIENCED business man well in cIty Wishes position of an any kind J soliciting for fr wholesale house or light Address A Herald BernId SITUATION by pressman and jOb prInter In or out of city citro Ad dross dress A 24 23 Herald BY BRIGHT competent young oung Japan esel ens is as cook or will do general house housework work ork in cit city Address A Herald POSITION as housekeeper In wIdowers faintly In or out of town References It if required MO 21 0 Herald U S DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR P F M L jr 2055 block Salt Lake City AUCTION SALES N NEW W and secondhand and buggies new arid secondhand blue flame fiame and andon on oil stoves oves new and secondhand gas and gaso line stoves new and secondhand refrigerators feet new and secondhand garden hose so 50 pea and secondhand lawn mowers 12 ln ladies arid and gents gent bIcycles AU An kinds s of garden tools furniture ranges and carpets on easy payments Soc on Sl on no 10 on noo L LX x L See Sec store TeL r 43 E Second South street P A 4 Sorensen COME L m J GET your couches at the City Mattress Co 40 and up 50 East 1st SO o MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS or furniture etc No removal D F Walker jog ing g 6 PER CENT lOcal money any amount ready same day as applied for no com commiSSion commission miSSion charged C A Graeber Co t j East Second South street room S MONEY LO LOANED ED to any amount on listed mining stoc Stocks at t rates of Interest E B W banker and broker 35 bla Salt Lake City U tab tabON ON HOUSEHOLD gOOdS etc ete ro No re removal re moval RIttenhouse room ao 39 block blockON blockON ON household furniture chattels etc ete W V Horace No West 2nd South ON D FARMS In Utah and Idaho Banking Co Me Cornick block ELMER DARLING loans money moner no de deJay delay lay Jay or exp expense se 9 W 2nd So SoON SoON ON REAL ESTATE and to buy reel real es estate estate tate at lowest rates of interest G H Knowlden Co 21 West 2nd South Si SiON t tON ON FARMS and city CUI property J T Stringer Coo H W 2nd South bouth ON FARMS and city property special options optima Viele ios building R L TRACY m MaIn lends money commission ex IlSe or delay WHEN YOUR Iron loan matures see R L i Tracy Malo for fOJ rates terms options CO o 38 West Second South haye money to lend at t low rates PrIvilege o of part I payment a t at any time ALL KINDS AND of BABY CARRIAGES I Our stock is very large and of the very latest styles Beautiful Designs and Prettily Upholstered We lead in ii VARIETY QUALITY H PRICE Carriages from up from up tI L DINWOODEY FURNITURE CO WANTED HELP GIRL for general housework no wash log Ing Io wn n st SOME ONE to clean office rooms A BARBER wanted Good Wages wages 51 W WI 2nd I South COMPETENT GIRL for general house houle housework work must un understand cooking Apply East GIRL GIHL for general housework on ca farm fum close in hi references required Address 11 East Bast Brigham GIRL for housework no ing Apply at 11 North Noeth Wt est Temple street GIRL for tor housework rk must t be Od good cook Call Cau at G street CHAMBERMAID at Fords Hotel GIRL for general housework at Second street GIRL FOR general housework Apply No 34 W 2nd So GIRt FOR housework famil family of tour four Can Call before noon or after i p m East EastA EastA A COMPETENT COMPETE T steady girl for general genera housework must understand cooking Apply at illS 1116 East Brigham street BOY or man to work on ranch or would rent ranch of acres with Implements and stock State salary Address John Utah A GIRL for general housework Apply 31 E B 2 S South GOOD GIRL front from 1 to 18 1 for house housework housework work Apply 4 E B So YOUTH RESPECTABLE wanted to accompany young men man who Intends goinG on alt a see voyage VOye shortly ReplY fun full particulars A A J Mirley Ida I IA IdaA A NO 1 CORl must be a cutter Address P O 0 box Salt Lake City GIRL OR WOMAN for general house housework Wk work in boarding hos house Apply 3 31 W So Temple N GI GIRL o on Cerr Cener TO ASSIS ASSIST I In housework 6 64 3 A experienced do dry goods goodsman mn man Apy Apply N Y exp Store GI GIRL fo for gener general housework n no wh lug ing 6 64 Sed Second St St W WE W WANT AT go good reibe reliable sots solicitors bh both lades ladles a and gentlemen who are not af afraid to canvass Y No otes others need apply Ste Steady a and good n pay Add Address A 3 H Herald l s p GIRL GIRLS who koV know how t to hane handle s sew sewing ing 4 48 RIchards stet street GIRL for general houw rk ameR family InquIre G 0 street sa YOUNG GIRL for housework housework L I W Madsen i E ger t So GOOD COOK at ni E Soth South Temple Temple CAH CASH for acceptable idE ideas stae state I if patented Addre Address Patent Record Bal Balti moe snore Md A GI GIRL for general housework Apply 2 2 So Est Zest street streetA A GI GIRL for general orl Apply 2 3rd st street Park Ct City at quarry ner neat rR FOR RN RENT B O 0 TRANSFER COS movIn moving vans vau ray ready guaranteed T hone Oce once 41 tV 2nd So St FIr Fire proof stor storage e ei i Ds house ce cc ce cellar r ad and garden G S t E EONE East EastONE ONE ROOM ROOM for or housekeeping us use or of yn yen clar cellar road Inquire 13 1 st street |