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Show llr.illi nf Shier AllrcJ. 7M(f IHtrrit A'twr. MtlliMNiitlati Allrrl w lrn In ,' LibUii, Statu of liillaim, r4. ctiutar Jul, IMI. hho wu lliu !URll. In of ImvIiI Rinl l.lUalrth N tmu .rnlwlfx of I'. II. AllliJ. HlmilloU July yllh, IdW. lift KtnJIllir louuhl In lli II, Tolulliiuuty -r, under un-der Bnwrnl Urori, Wulilngion. HI14, Willi lur inianU, cllin-I Urn L'liurcli In n fatly ily and mimnl from In. u.ii.a wIkii IhvIto ytnra oltl tu llm Ruin ol Mliaouri, lu l'ftKlililit A.U. foiool'BC nipiij, wtlUJ uiarllauu'i MJIJ :lnl4il lu tl.o iiitillcinif llm jnH J cm"" '"' ,lll" '" ,,ie Jlaun'a SI ill-in iMiicrr. 1 In latlmr iin I urailj stl'"""u Ui mill (orrotic lion thu ulRlit prevloua to tli tn-itiAor. Kathtr Xotton liaJ a (itrnioultlon II. t troutloHoulJoiour unJ that If ho re malinil lie woulU I ilaln. Ilia homo llni; Inn rathtr M'cluJwl Ulu h ro. lun.U'l Hllli hU lauill), onnii.fiitly ihfy 4ihJ Injury. Thu ilaynfier tlio iuaa.ai.ro Uavli IlTananuil oliivrt, bf tlio ,uilorr, look ruIUKO In a luirkot on llrollmr Nurlon'a lann. To tl.cuit In tioiiiiiy wltli her nntbor, llio Mcciatod nirrioil wotIjIoiii uiittl jxaco wa mtornl. Many ollitr Incl-ooiita Incl-ooiita rf kinilncrt cuhar to HUtvr AlirtJ'a uUioitlon mlitlit L nuii-tloiiril, nuii-tloiiril, hut 'ci will not rmlt. lIt, tluouk'li tho 4:ilermlnatlui orJrr ol (loruor IIokki., tlio family vtrvcoinprllttl to llm Into tboriuilr of Illlnolf. rii-y iariklteJ In tlio . nruUot.s III Jsauvoo, 1U4. tilialuy Iwll K, i-oDlliuilly on Ihrlr lull. Tho lanilly Htr4taKalucouillinl toaldiiiiliiu tut-tr homaaua tlril tudiuiull lllulli lu tho Htataol Iowa, near NVIuter (oarttra, on tiia M ta.url river. It ai at tin lat uieutlouiij laco tbat ilecni'J ho. nme tlit. wlfuot 1'. II. Alltel, February Febru-ary 8rJt 19H. nie-fjllowluicaunimer, rllbt4r anil ilrother Allrovl euitrrato 1 to Uftli In I'reaidaLl Ilrlghiiu V.unc'a (omimny and ki tiled lu ttitj OIJ Foil, hJaltLakoC'll). Hhe Willi hirlm.l.anj hire.l tlio Imrdihli'i t'iillar to tbt that Urrau and uncultivated rmlon, lullrrnt many tlmea for the want vf lonj and clolliintr. hut illvldlnn their t.aoty mean with tin .j frlcnda nnd alu tlio iudhtia. Ill tho fall of l5ol Hitter Allr.a and family lom'ed lu 1M Clly, Utah couuty, whero they midtd until tho lima ol her iliath. tibahnlteena iertuul eutlerer for &luvt4en tari never at any time Ulurf free from tain. Hut ana io4. lewd a iwvtrful toiutntitloii, anl Irumiled ulonit Ibrounh all thco yo.ua of ml olloti. 1 1 haa liecu a in) atery to Itioteuctiuulntud with her how aluyur-vlxd aluyur-vlxd ao limit, rtbn wai ut it Itlntl, aiotbeily dlaiKialtton, ImiArlluR of her lubjtalcototnv ur,and dealllu i.ytio o.ver could Oo too, much fur auQerliix bumatuty, Thu day rhe illod tl.o re luoiked mat abe had uotfult no nell lurin;all hi r put yraia ol cllllctlou. flietluy irtvlouf tu her UtMtn bhu a ked 15 yards lo aeo Uo irocialju On July Win. lu tho urttruojii alio atnt to her aon Jamea Allred'a to dtuuer with her Mm I., Uu tlw day ol her death bhu ariao lu tbo nurulnir, ata brr breaklaal, did up her liouau work, iurtouk ol dinner aud after-uarda after-uarda rrauiuetl wurit about tbe huiie. rl'ie Dually laid don n upon her Uvl to re.t, wheiuuJdeuly abe called to hr bu.tiaud nnd nnmlked Hat ebu t,ua aliitlut, lie Went tj hor antUutica, wnutu)Hnbh cloeed her eyca and aielnway without nitrimiile. rbua lUpaititl an honeat, nollo i-ainciiterot tloj, to unalt tbo niomol lite lint rminictliti. Ioj inmlioAU-nb,.d inmlioAU-nb,.d of hero Llud-btartvlbut. laud lorn icejalniratiduntlrlniiefloria uurlngberyiaia of alllictlon to eoiu-fiitnuwle. eoiu-fiitnuwle. HIiUj Albred waa the motl cr ol Jhbt chlldiiu (i auna and S daUBhler,) . .1 H!."1'.0 " ldeil hir belllud tile 'ill.Bbehmeea. hlllUuJ, tU chllj- ' it, thlr'y.am urauil-cbll icn oli a tia citito of irleuua tomouruhir arluin. 'IhoIunetalBerviceawero Jl J at Ibe family real Jvnim at 4 p. in. ill i " Iw'n "f tho fauiot 'jul., Wu, i",',t" "',' K-"lg. 1 H II. i. ' '.". ""' r' u lll ' 1'enluB I'taj er, M llMh.rJ I-lltl l,ind hi. j .!,i,' ,r m eu wiuun.i jt unulnir ji rtoiinato ti tu wtMiou, Ilrotber r. H. i;utller Wm. Clark, K It. navla ami Itrael Ktatu 4 oke In eulogltlln term nf thu UeceaM J auj ntniredcoiuulliijreninika to tbe teUllvea and frlelida. M.1 p. 1U,. tie relilalna Wire rondutteil Id their lilt teatlng pltct), flliwed hi a hrue crnct urte of io le. T'ie tieillcat-nry tieillcat-nry tinoornlt1!!! i( biu iiai ihl'v it by IIMiop fuller. K. d. Lull, Aug., I'iiH'. |