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Show Tlio UcniortaU ToulIil. II la expected there will be a large nttendameat Hmoot'a Urove loulgbt, the occailuu Icing the preliminary Hireling uf the coming campaign In thla county. Thu meeting will le under Hie auiplctaof the Sugar Ituiiau club, aialatvd by the Houth Cottonwoud an J Milt Creek club., and tbe exer-claea exer-claea will cou.lkt mainly ot .peaking and mu.lo by lleld'a uiind. Judgo Norrell will.) ink on the Inl I ft" qu cation, ca-tion, Hon. H. It. Tlmrmaii of 1'iov.ii.n Utah politic, Judcu Hmlth of ()(li un the force bill, and H. A.Konner Will eulogize tbe Democratlo eandidalia, Cleveland nnd Mteveu.ou. The dele. gatra to tbu late national convention, Hon.. John T.Calne and 11. 1'. Hen-eteraou, Hen-eteraou, and other imminent Demo crata have proml.ed to be preivut. |