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Show I QUEEN OF THE TIME. jmcr "l ,'0,", "' ,v"ria'" H ' l'.cccrd ol Votlilnlun I'ark Hg Yeiler-lsy n Trie PMenee op tin thousand thou-sand PERSONS. Pcrllln ' n0 'n",lo l "' Ucdlani l'.tlffin Among Hit Inwil. j, TillirraMoUteNswll l 11 AMI. lbs .oillln ol queen r !! TitH" Unit Irom 9lnl M. I'liioAiKi.Aug. 1". MnuiIH. la no kii'lrii.".. i of ill. Hutting turf. Tho JSuJ wsltlou whlih alio has held hg la vm.tcJ fmru her -"y-, J1"" Sacks f'lito" upriiue. 'Ihls alter-i-n t Washington I'ar-i, u Hip Nf MB of 10,000 a.ictators, Itudd 1M la 1-otc ttetxaulliiil maro l leit hit w-jraoft.W. Hhe not only t.ct hir u record lut lowered the v aril's tnillug record from 2-UJ,-Muil H's The day' ' "" W"1 on for UjIIIW rt. Hack" was s, trlllo duMy UIMlwt OS It well Cuull I.e. Ill nit. In excellent condition, and U'oreeha made lite trill lli general anlnlon was that If Nancy Hanks was inrto equal lier record of 1.0 J tlilv si the occasion. About 3 o'olockliancy Hanker rat anis on tlm tra-h una inieed Iho .rind aland while tho huraea wcte (colli g, and rccilvid but Mile recon-ttloii. recon-ttloii. An hour Interelie wuit uvtr Mrtloiia of tho track at a .iUIIi. rbs waa wurnily gnetod, and ofltr Joining mile went to tlm stublu nud l. rut bed ilnwu preparatory to tliu Mil heat, vrl.lcli Mi scheduled for tuMock. l'unctually to tliu minute lt) gatu at tliu i-aal end uf tlio traca treted ud Doblo tlrovo tier out, nnd nta without boots or trappings ol soy rl wm Lltci"! toonoofthoiullil.il tub Ull hotilmn kiiJ iiKiituatlo lin. Dolilo wnlkeJ lirriilowly to tlio till of thu lower turn auJ thru tamo tut to thu win. at ii Rrntln rati. Aitrr waiting until thu ilruK lull tliu Lkk Dot lnurovu buck to tho ilxtt rntli t.t anil thi.ii iHtuuilowli at nfina.li !i call. 1'innk Mtnrr, lnhlnJ tho inmikcr, Ahu J.lucolu, waiting M til in. irtrr Vlkr walcbnl Dsblo'a Uee la.ii.Uy to mo If liu wanted tho word. Ailln iu lA'uru iiii.atii tiu: ii r Dulltaliook nlahialnml Mm ullud tfUirallUiokixonJ trial. lli.k tu UrtlunoellaK rhu went tliu time ti.uiitentlu trot, Increulug ai ahd infjc'n.d tho wire. tun waa no word from Dohlr, iaJNsof'tta.hird frwm Wulkir'a llji iitatmuro.bol Ubuun arrow towarl Ibf turn. ! or thu llrr.1 aUlLuuth of a ttAt o lout urou uil alraJlly. rimn nn utkuU lilm ou ami at thu quarter tl l on N aui y'a hurl. 1 hero waa kit a aouuit hi tliu di n.oly uKked iriDilitauU a. tho mare flaw pail thu V-rLrjo'ulu...',, aiiuicalt. Ai ISaacy atanoJ aloii thu tack Bl.tch, IrotllnK true ai u Urir, lit r kuJ well up, fut ilrlklni; thu ground CUM the Irtfulkrlt) of n liUiiluui, Tiirciimn in ux tu utioiun SkellciTeriloli; invtrdolt In tlm itlld" Hut old liuiira outllnul IViublri'x (tily lacltet ni(alniit thu lcki t 'cevtejond tiioii auJ aa liuni..el it railjly lliu lcketa aetlned to la polD backward, thoy km vr thu mxrJ waagoliiKns tho ruaro wan allll tMUDB up it htauttful Ktlt. tilio wt lit I; II nall-iullo In l.UIJ A man In tho t'tnd tUud uilled oul ' l.UI at thu atll." A mighty yill wtut up from tut. crowj, "Keep ijulft till alio llnl-hi.," ilmutedriluart Wnlktr, hut the warn. ii.t aaa not htedt.l, a tho crowd ul-vii ul-vii of lit uWu attorJ. tta ovru InatbhH luttrrai nn tho cvoot krpl UfihU Tbtru wiu not a round hiard ai tba maro pa.td thu thruiMunrttr Iilaand turned Into thu homo alrt toll. AU Lincoln under Ihuwblp niotd ti in .Nancy's llircal lalih. Dul.lo ! sently to hernml horftttllew I'litriLaimyutoiilJ dlatlnvulali Ihini. Slia'lldjlt, ahu'lldo III" )llol ii n li'tllmlblu t ectslur, nud them u u. a I'lu tell a( tl(l (Mun ipiarteltu of t!iloj lioofa evnr heard on tho trot "as Hack twtt uudtr tho wine. A Mmem-l pauie, it hatty runaultlUE ol Mb aul the umbrallaa wait (all. i 'j'." "'" ""i acconiianitd ly a ffllouutga hoi, and tnm Inllam 'V 1. JUu, cane Mil) imia wcntOHn wildly Into tho alt. Mm a;it4chothrou tho back, whllu 'ktrairiv. landa lu thter mllght. idtchein whid, wentup told Doblu "a Uiub ha atroilu up tbat tho 're nlbiatui, broken, and aa no ro. ..i U lh" JUJta' aland, Ilia focu '"ailiiaiu timhi, and ho waa aur-niitil aur-niitil by mi wll0 wt,inK lil. imn I. lieoheiaila clnmeo hu llltoii hla P Hi acknouledhmiut. Tbcro were it,?!..""1 'ou I cjlta for "Dohle, ""l," onl tlm vattrau relna-aun, k "'? '"I" thu crandaUnd, Balu "Bona hbcaplu act nowledginont of IM api luuto that srtetod him. i HF.1"?.01"1"" 'or Joncy JIanki!" ' ouiwi Ht.tter Walker, and tiny cama a t.a thou.,,, i ihroju win, ,,,. ,J ntbualairu. "Now thno -ttrator tno man who urovo lull" J?na'ln tb air tliWert tl, and c ury. K? We h ent akj w nrJ. It wua UIJ,3n mll,ulM L oro tho tumult Tba uncial Umo for tho mile, which taui' ll0,"",,' nillo aa uvtr Jwaa l1i'lu,.n,!t ln ,s,'i. r'io exhl "nwaaitlTeiifor ateitalu mm to IhSiiiY ,h" .""""falern llrcodirs' kuiu "" U1"1" w,"," d'rtollou the labl. . J1 1 m l ' "mount ol which Sllftif.".'"" .'" '"-'i waatou Alii. ".f'oorJ "M broken. fcuLI. ? '""""lent aubsldeJ, ft!m?fJ,.nlJ.u,,,,Uo ,u laklnj .ie mam and aald. i Ibo?,1!1 '"'? n "' h "I'l'out a peer 'ion- vv '.'? "'" Mulaliet) freali nud bouC . . i, " tyonlj rulnuU a nfitr wiauj' "V,'5.0'1 ,,le co""1 1""" ""laud troll! Tery closu loU. Hho I trolled Hun from "In. to wire, ictr lout her Inn J au I dl I not flow tho allehteat Ibclluall m tu ltu her f.it. I dlil tact lout nhi-r in en wllh ilmwhlp an I only awl. hid It through tliu air an 1 apoku quietly In titr aa alio entered tho liorao rlrilaii 1 will not tltrl htr hereagtlu, lot liato every rtaaon to b-llev.1 hu will make htr reatnt rue. t rd nlnit nunihet b thu tluiu anon fllia. Hhn did the Itlrl. m romfotttl ly toilat I nin auro ahu will Ltat It In tho future." , l' Aaledlf liuwaa nwaruthat he Uaa btoiklng tho retord. Djhlu anlJi Ml ktiu nt Iho half Kaney waa go Ins to pomu try cluaolo lt,uuitlooknl at tny watch An 1 nw ahe hid done It In l:ul nnd kmw alio could nt Jtruit keep up I tr gall." riiemiriiwilgllcl 671) pniimla liJ.i) aud lulled Dohlt, who weUhud loil, aud a atilky of 0.) pound.. Nancy Hau!t, queen of tl f iri tlnglurl, la a La ruaru(l)earavld, 1 t hanila high, elm) by Il'lir Meuuiii out of a Dictator mart. AI Lincoln la u tut) hcrtt. formerly connecled wllh Kon lauh'a tlrcua, and It uaa Wotuai. of nla letel htad, obedlentu auJ th irousli trllnLlllty tl at Ho waa ttki n by Ibbie aa tLu pict maker f r ISincy llnuka. Myln Jib, (tiling liWtu 18, hal n Jilcnioln Ihu (iicliglntit raie. In thu a.1 heat I.ui y J in iveU up to him aud niailolilmuoln. ml. Tno beat quar tir waa In ill, tut Ibo Jlh had rlenly cf rta.rt " uud may prove able tu hold lil t wn acnlhittviiii'iaaii-otalllrtit and Hal Pointer. Woahlngtoii l'ark ofllclala ilalm that thu Umo of I. "i niatie by Mau I H at ( lerelan I lu Ihsi la tqual to that nf Nancy llank.' rrrora of tola;. Hunol trotteil in I o'l ou n kltoahaitd track at ritoUton, C'al , In 1891. lhla urformanco lliti derlartd tobolu f-rlor tu that of Maud H on a reul. lion Irack, which Ii cotcedol to 1 1 from ono to thno aecoude tlowtr lluu n hlte-alui d track. Nancy Ilankt l owned ly J. Jlalconili I'oll et of Motion Man ,who I urchaiid horlut) ear fur $M,00il. |