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Show 1111" TlMs MILtTION. IltcuuTS from rmuuara Indicate that the labor troul le In that Htate la nollturoTlng. The numbera of hoi-tile hoi-tile mlutra aru being lucreateil, eoltle ttattd, by re Inforceturiibi from Ken lucky. Thelrforciaaioiall to aggregate aggre-gate nearly "0,000 men, determined (ellowa, well armed aud familiar with theiuriuundtug country. It la doubted doubt-ed now that all the troop within the Htato wonld prove a match for them, eipeolally a their recent aucciaiea muat hare lucreateil conflJeuie In tlielt own poweta to coo with fircra oppoaed to them. A a con-riuenco con-riuenco of the gravity of the alluatlon, (loeernor lluchanan ai being urged to apjly to the I'reildrnt for Federal atibtauce, Uliould ha do to, Tenntwee will make the third Htate to Invoke I tderal anlttance for the purpoto of quelling ular tevolti within a pctlod ol a few weekl. |