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Show 353 2l "I" mmi oats '-fit m.v mm o ixisr Sot other h tlrl t In Qmkftr Oi . Clinn, hrcc., vrlmlaxtmc. In 2 lb pack2Q on) j not aul I lu bulk, 1 I Ihnrlti V lltrton MaMprr I FRIDAY and SAXUteDAY, AUGUST 19T1I and 20TH r.TValiaeHfiit&.t Sol Smith Russell. siuat ir Maii-t a,' A Itxiii licUTtos riiiDA.'V suci iriTit. A POOR RELATION. SATUHDAY, AUO UOTlf, PEACEFUL VALLEY. Ill K. r M..1 KK. TiircnvKm vt or thic skahov miikl vikktvHT nruu UtT I ItlCl--I,U), 'J). IOC toJCV. Scat now onbftlc HK.tr u ruAi ti m Chu. Frohmint Qlorloui Comedy, "ULOKIANA " rrtJynl 8turtUy,icnitiwr tni $ Snl lOK tllC. rpWO rAll.J IOSTA1MNO MM AOIII S 1 lot irMcalirt it ly io Jauk Liiikp, Moist isv r o i.o-v e-OS WATCHES anaJCWCLnV o( til kin U na lot if rr ihnrl Un at rfi.onkl.Ie imm tnl la mm m mtt Nw )ork i m Utrall(ttsV,Nit.7Xll Mrron I Bonili IrccU II . mLLKIl, Ir.irtMor W Star Horse Nails, 4 relished ee IllucI, JB Hats trea oM l.r . t M. I lor ft oierlljtar, They sis Ua UEST B NAILS MADE, a-I tuaiaolecj la I fiis s beat of aat iraet ps. Will ,"! teldaahosoalnatarUiaasajoUier Hina at tub J UNIONHORSENAILCO, 111 oiit.'titro. in. H Del- lor tala kj lalLL sal 13 Ir.otnilon, Southern Whits LsadWorks OT. XiOtJTQ. Ia nucturrri of "W1 WHITE LEAD Hi turns- yyvjSis tfivTii or -J lr itSot rSl CC XOirTstrJ W rrtnr. routiuiiv Miinn'icAD -- la iii in tf4ciured entirely from the beat refined I'l( ltad an 1 la gronn 1 la Tore I Inter I Oil, an I aa the company xnautifaoturu only flrntvnr rum:, par-tlea par-tlea buying liltd lytail I nn tot Southern South-ern tnmiany' ere sbinlntely sure ear ebtalnloga rinrnTt.T nun Anricuu For Sale ty All Dealers la Vt'tntc lial SIM i gj DO YOU WANT TO m I P COOL OPF? I I C u ir ao, look at oun f H 8 S1M0IS! 1 1 1 Infants' White Slips 1 I II AND DRESSES ! J Jnst as Lovely as any Mother'caii desire, jj 1 TO mI the south window 111 I Ltli GIVES AN IDEA ALSO. ,H WS S PATTERNS niCH. PRICES LOW, P STYLES ATTRACTIVE. M ALL COOL AND SEASONABLE. Don't Tpryet to Zoo!; and Ituy. W T. U. iiMllllIt, Supt. U IJONTINUKD Owing to tho Great Demand of our customers for IlLAL BAH' GAM'S, we shall CONTINUE OUR GREAT SWEEPING SALE Burin tho Month of AUGUST. Children's Suits from $1.00 to $5.00, wo7thiS.00to$S.50. Boys' Suits, worth from $6.00 to 60.00, all jto at $5.00. (I Youths' Suits at $6.00 to $S,00, worth $0.00 to $u,oo. Men's Suits, $5.00 to $7 50, worth i S.00, SIS 00 and $15.00. 01, 03 and 05 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITV -OOTVrrTIVTJIlVC3 sj- ' I Tho GrontOalo on our Kxcluslvo Stjl" of "Mothers' Trlond" Shirt Walsto, Wo uro always yours for Dai Kilns, H GOLVSJUTJl .0 CO., BJ, 03 .Is Of Slain SI. MK!na.l.....T..T.H |