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Show HOW IT WAS PLAYED ON DAD lie 1hmii1,l He Ma- llrllhi Ilia ll-llei el Hie Tin I e,l llrr hill lie llhlu I Vol I know hnwnpiK l on thofnrni liuli-ea coiillmil lo n Jion alwn)' n nutlng to pit autno hcru cl-e One tiny one of ouriilgiiffotiiitothtiatiililf nml wiw klcktil bj n hnmn onoeyc tt iw put nut nml hli J tw broken, nml thnugli lie ifirt well Ida Jniv -wtu ttirmil to tho right nml hi mimil lnnalml flat It woiiM N-t oiw 1 null ing Jut to look nt him Hu hail onV fault ivcnreml fnun Una aitrmliini when hn pit caught in n rail fence nml lulatol hie apine Until liowai In lit iilmoat double Ml n ho rut out of 11 orejii ho wiw tho odilont looking pifj In four Btnttv When ho wnlkul ho hml to go bi-oiuleiilo on and ho never km-w whkh iMir of lean m m front or tvlih li Uhlml. t)no il a Im ml liter liiii!liwl to riuno nlonir iuk) no tlml tho .inituiil nml ijult-lly nokol tlii.' old nihil" how mm li ho d tiiKo fur tluit pig 1 nil ivrnllwl father, wlnklnp; nt Tom nml 1, lioKt li iiji jou know " Yiit, 1 know tint iiork hxi nd IIiu-m that JiIr ought to bring three ilollnm.' "Ill (ritoyoii two" "Huh worth u dull ir wotv, bill belli It'a you I II tnko It. ' nulil fntln-r For the noxt t ii i-oks wo crucg cl n roiI tunny jokoa nt Hint tin Iioililler'a i-xjiOiiM', aa rather would hno Klten Iho plir to nn Uly for tho luklng Alout n luoiitli after tho Kilo rotirtli of July cuino nrotiml and wo nil went lo town-nix of tia. Aiiioiig the nttrattlon wav n elilo how, (tnll ibi i hli f algn wiu a jnlnt lnu;of n eiiriouK)rtof nuimiil, ami underneath tho liifonnntlou- : Till HM.Y Hiiu(i ! t erereiliiliiirU In Atnerien. lronn,in''e'l : 1 li) lultarallila i 1 11,4 creale-t ,Oiltr : I en II a fare of II,. rerili lhe oulroue i ! knoahluUlnrihlMM, I II ih ik, uii lll reiril II Mhuii ! ! foil line. lie U lo U aeial o UiluU lacltaeek 1'iither mt on Ida hik-cUcIch nml rend thnt algn tw ieo o cr, uud then turniil to iiiother mid ankli "Om-ea wo'd Uttir ro In. u aeon skunka mid lioua nml tHwaunit nml lr)i;u by Iho tiirtload, but I mucmnwuhoiliR'' 'Tluroa elx of tu, and that's (1 60 " replied mother 'Oh vtull, It won't bint tu If our lnybura neo tho consumed thlnn nn j wo don't, they'll lw crow in nboutit fur nj ear I KbeM w u 11 tnko in tho hod ik It 11 Ih) mimUiin fur tho i lill drill to)iiiK-roer," 1'ntlu r iclded up tl 30 ami In wuweut Thocnuo wnanttho opposite end of thu tent, nndna no went lu li lectitur waa MljlllR "Iidlea and iTOlilleincn, wo hni tho luwunuico of no lin than tlvo well known nntiirnlletg tlmt till ii tho only living irja.cinieu of the ho-daic ho-daic now In existence liowai cajv' Hired In nh elm ttnp in Boiitli Af rim utul was brought over hero nt a toff.T0OU CoinoniidgnruoiithU wonild of thv NinetoLiith ixiilury." 11o irciuilnl up to gnu. Next mliiuto tho four ihlldrcii of us were Uughiui; fit to eplit, whilo mother w as fto o nvoiiio alio had to alt down "What lu crcntiuii luoa atrutk jou folks?" iKiuniidcd fiitlar,iulioulH.O off his ;lli"cn. Wo laughed nil tho hauler, and ho adjusted liU gKnMH in u aolcmn manner, man-ner, nml turned to insjx-ct tho pi-cnt est llting eurloelty Ono look wiw uiougli His jtw fill, tho coiArlkd from his face, ami ho inado for llui door Willi tho flMiof us followlne; Not a w ord w na anld until v J who tleur of tho tent Tlicn father atoppod nrd loolteil nt endiiiuii of our Kriimliig facea' In rotation ami cxUniiucd "Dod rot my alines If that nln'ttho crippled hug wo eo!d to tliotltiasl dltr but I want to nij tootirit.ht heiv nml now that If tiny ono of jou our Ki) hochli,' In my luurin III turn you ouliloors without nwonid rliirt to jour buck I" Now Yorl. Herald. |