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Show iJR'tjRjl Jo pAi-mfe on lUbor Day. Ii'i3il Tint niemlcr of the riftrnt!i W fulfill Win. will l.,i.nuwloi. to flai-floM I tfllll T,,r WoriiV KalrcotnniUlonorn went Sf I A brrclAL BCCtit l now cngaKt. In I V I 9 .rolltrllDK tanoui icltiiuD vf u(li I & I I Boll for lUoorW' llr. , U I I .'hank Lr.M' JttHitrattd UctUvfor .ii Autfuht If. . Urn Uuh Uookanahtii- I ilfi It. Jtonitu, an rniplnj of llc-orso I if HB ArboKMt, mi Udlv juur-l joMtrJ)' (I I Ri nfirrnuon by Ullin from a Ii nylon. I ! M Mil. Uloiioi. IVumii' wlivhavjuit If r t ' roturnfil from ttoutlwr UUh, wiyn llio I. BU cropi ar lluurhtiintf In Uiat q inner. ff A 1 $ TWj.lv i: cur ImuU of txcurIonlta it -t t if from Juatinntl ttitoriuMUtc joIikb Hint rift I T t0 lxtnu er lti0 Union 1'jcIHo to f J f Hx-ClTY An.lllor lUIh Iloait ro JS i'r'lf turnMiliUruornttiit from a Iwun onili H trip it rortland. ban 1'ranciicu ami oilirf I ( l Sf WiilblnBlo'ii, U C Vln .ho city wWi i ' fet fZ I 1 )i ' oli ou l"ifr wcMotu tour, E ftf '2 IB Vnn KlRbtta (juorum of Mmntlra will . iti fll meet In liu rmiry t tho 'iHolfih Ward . 2 i lm AtcinlIy IU11 tomorrow (Friday) ' & '9 JfH itwulnic ol i30 o'clfHk, u A f r ALL 11 momlicn of tlio Union (Jlco I if I. Club aro rriueMfd to inrtt for apudAl ! V F ' jiiifc rohwrt! on TrltUr I ojsi f. in. V - I 15 II IK U. J. TliuHAS Uinduilor. , j 1 !l ! Tk atocLliolilani of Xlnn'a IltnvAl ! , , J Jfi- Ilulldlnff vooiety hold lliclr inveilpjr In , I ,2 Ulk UivtCM. I. ulioo factory tonlthi (a i' "0hh ooiulair tlio propoltioii uf bonowlnjt if I til ' jfiiB money. tf ! I J al9 Tnuclty tanltary roinmltlw ami (ho nli' ' lJ.)il lioanl id health nao onco moro ro ill iciflf modclrd the ijirhngo ordlnanco and Lb ' '!: "HI anhmlt Iho aamo for anion of luo fcfff il 11 Council at ono ol tururly incitlnira. t t1 Sil Union otllco for Albert K. Holland, A. i yJ ,m ii'rdiy, John Jo'ty Jons Wi-jOpt, J. i li ft P ' i1 Morrwon, W. J. McChtanoy, W. U " J I A$ tiodiioj. !J , I t'jl A. O. Dtiii, brother of llif lato (J ' '2 1'rauk II. Iijar, and Owar VaudorcKik I i ; kcut In tholr rcilKiiatlona 'liiUy ttljlii , ' ;, . I iho Tucaroru- r.n.1 vlll l.oroafUr 1 ; I 'I found with luo airaiKht ltamocracy. ' I ' j On tlio 'JHh Iho Iti'i (liando Votorn I . iruna ono of Ha oicuralon to l'rovoj I ' ' 1 train Icuvlnz Salt Uko at OU u. in., I ; ' LJ io;urnlup havea l'rovo at mldidsht. ! ' (, Ihrro wilt bo aiiijilo acoomodaUoni aud i a cood tlino la oxiwctod. i, J M KinrsT IlnootiuiK and John I. ' i 1 'V. My will ahiHii acatutt W. J. Lynch ' 'i . unj M. 11. l.iywii fcl tNflMJll' l'tk nu I ) toe Htato road tomorrow at half jt d ' i . i o'clock. Thro wilt lx founy bIhrIo. ; , ' uuknown Irapa and ten pair a of tr, t tlotibloa, j Mr. A RTiiun I'll att, Tt rrltorlal I . Auditor, ha botn conllmd to hU liom 'I lor tbo laat two daya uwIok to IUikm. I f Today ho In abla to iuod about, but l' will not vonturo down town lor a day or MM Iwo, i' J l lloorim and Clark, the men charM Ik C : before Com in I a loner drooniutin with ') I r ' attalluK a wapoit from Mr. I'ri-u of iho ,t ( , f Trutytlnt Ward, were dlftuaarct-d fir I L ,..! Jcitotday aitornooii. llicroWMiiottiintr !i Vi ,'1, i Hi AUTirt'L, coitlr and com mod loin iV tB 'school bulldliiKa are now belim coil K k 1 1 ' ? atructed in Lchl. HnrtnirTlllo, 'looclo. f ' d-' ; llyrum, Ijikq View, (Iranger, hlliin, I Ionnr, Aurora, tluniuilaou, HrJhton, ,l Ulrerton, dale and l'laui illy. ) ' Au. pencr traluaontholtloKlrand SViwlorndurlii; tho laat wtiok hae Uuii 'il, inucli delayed and kul'bmi havo made jj weaUrn conuwitluna, 'lhl haw betu 1 ' " ii nocasluned by tbo Krcat ruih westward . t y from Uenter aHr tUoconi.lato. U ' UK Ansuit Mh tho Wotnan Itollof K ' Corna will havo an oicuralon to Lake I , 2'ark frm lioth hall Uko aud Osdriif f ' ' tralna to loavu arh ilntovar Ihu Ulo ,k , ! lrando Wfratcruut JUa. hi and 2 p. m., 7 i f lait train tearing tho l'ark ut 7.30 I p. m. Thk pi mi of lairrrlns 1T the city 1 aownico, by Kiatatlon, will, If adopteil t aaoutllucd by Uio nowcroKOConiunttoo toal tbetAX-payoinat leat a ipi&rtcrot i a million dollara aud irhap fOiildcr- i rtllymoru. Tlio proportion will aoon j, to nub united to Iho City Couucll In s dotal!. I lin. WlllarA and l'laln City bao ball I uloca are In uctlvo tralhti)f fr tlulr initch, wbUli cornea olf on Monday A. bitornoon at the Hprlntia upon tho oo'a- tk tou of the A. O. U. W plonlc. Tim II people of the rUal cltlvi ntu Uklng i ., ta imuh Inttrtal In tho Ktno and will bo y i , ( out lu larct uninltora. Vh aro r(Mucfcted bv llrothcr Jamoa I , I A. Cualil'ic. of thoi:lloieuth NVard to KA ' thank, InbthHir of hlumelt and wlfo,thu i many klud frlond wao, byword atul 1 act, luautfitNttd kindly ayuiputhy toward , them on aoeuut of their reemt bauAte-, bauAte-, m cut In tho diath ot their Uttlo aon. . A arwiAi. mcutlne ofHhe rwlcrail i ' . Tradi-a will bo hId toulshl at Vluiubora -! . hall.onNecondrMitithhlroti. 1hoptcUl ' t Drder of but mm will bo U' report of tho lAborlaycouaottieo. 'Iho council It , UkHtd, llUUo hoar n ieoit from tho . leslalatlvocommlttoolnreUronttt to tho illththourordiiuvuct. Tiih nad nev hua riarhM thla rUy that Mr. Will l'ankhurt, inrmerly chlil clerk or the Pttclno lin.nraiuo l'ouipnn), 1 , ileUou 'Ihuradaj nluht lam while ir lutrihedlvldulna Union l'mlllu pfc.ii. ft fr train near Miirtuan,nyoinmu. .Mr. 1 Vaukhurkt hik coinninptlis ami It I aald, rvalltliiKihat ihe end wua mnr, he i aurud homo to die. The body mm re ! inorod rromtfin Irutu and iohaliinl at 1 v l.he oiuie I n punitory to bultiir wnl t t Hots Powkiih end Ida rtfi3rew(mt '4 band of i alntud bra vn hto nt (lurilold u day lu all ol their UiimI aud prldu. With them aro thulr miiiuwhhiiu a j pooni. Ill i e ported tlml (ilawiiub'a I ; butralrw nro In ilhiisor ami thai it dotuch- t mtmt of 1 ort Don elm troop hat lxn kcntout to Kiard ihtut for fiar thoy Hill lio alnUBhtered and tloourid by tho loraclou 'luNo.irtrn, butai IhU 1 tho i iruulou of thu toMl ol Moudahruui ' when llierowlb boatiiibuiidaiii.oorKi'ceu I corn and Ilro woicr It in to bo j nMiiiiiud ?, , that Iho rumor ti lucorreoi, A rnoiisKr party of capllalUtn, ron. kUttnir of lxMuyor (leorjio M, Soit, JauiOk lloutia undwif, U.O. llall.MoJor Doxloand J. W. IMVlitof Andemuii, lud.f hdardnmlT W. Jlhodiii and O. Itooitchir of l)eiirt J. J- titU.m or Louaiikport.1iidiJ.il. UII'.n of 1'ltu burir.A.V. UuniuraiulCI, 'Iremblo or Uttilvllle, HuiirlnWimM Cochran of tho I'loun, U , cat pluut, W. 1 Harry, II, L. Driver, U. J.. DavU, T. 11. Wkkcr- alieiu and J, II. Whalun, aud nowapaper rrM)rtor wuiu out to tho hum wilU on a Union raOriOKeoal. Iho b new a iwull aa aot luojorutlonundthopreawuro oreaaMn ery airon. 'iho pArty ru turm-d to the city much p)iaod wltu tho , exhibition |