Show Bishop Advocates Ad Advocates tes te's tesI r I Birth Regulation e u LONDON Feb 17 API The The Rev ev Dr E E. W. W Barnes bishop of Birmingham made an an outspoken declaration last night in of repressive measures against breeding of the unfit Such repression repression repression sion he maintained ed would be in accordance with the plan by which God has brought humanity thus far faron faron faron on Its It's road The occasion for the address was wasa a meeting of the Eugenics' Eugenics Educational Educational lonal society The bishop contended contend contend- ed that the socially unfit were an impediment to the creation of what Christians termed the kingdom of God on earth and that when religious ious lous ous people realized this truth their objections to repressive action against degenerates would cease Strong arguments could be submitted submitted submitted sub sub- the bishop declared d for the sterilization of mental defectives but Ut religious sentiment was opposed op opposed opposed op- op posed to it This his opposition however however how how- ever might not be permanent The humane man said the speaker as a consequence of his religious instinct desires good en environment environment environment en- en for all aU born into the world and he is learning that he cannot get this desire unless his social ocial organization ia is such that de degenerates degenerates degenerates' degenerates degenerates' de- de I generates generates' leave no 0 o |