Show Beck Socks Em Emin in Chicago Camp AVALON Santa Catalina Island Feb Fob 17 CAP Further AP-Further Further develop- develop hent bent of baseball muscles grown lax during the off season was Manager Joe McCarthys McCarthy's edict for today's session of the Chicago National National National Na Na- league clubs club's spring training General limbering up play was to be held today By the end of this week McCarthy believes his charges will be well seasoned for forthe forthe forthe the rest of ot the training hitting was uncovered in yesterdays yesterday's practice with that of Jf Clyde Beck former Los Angeles Coast leaguer outstanding Despite Despite Despite De De- spite his rather small stature the infielder displayed great strength t qt t the plate poling most of the pitchers pitcher's offerings far into the out out- field Joe Kelley Bu Bush h hand and Joe Musson the the southpaw outfielder outfielder out out- fielder lelder also punished the ball Newcomers came in for their share of ot McCarthy's McCarthys attention and he he liberally dealt out dos and as they went through tice A slightly wrenched ankle will J keep A Alex tex Wilson on the side lines for tor a a. day or two t |