Show Hoff W Will Do o Double Act Specialty Again Tonight A A. A. A U. U Officials Agree Upon Seven Event Match Between een Charles Osborn rn S and Norwegian Star NEW YORK Feb 17 AP AP- AP Breaking a recently made resolution to please compatriots Charley Hoff tonight will resume the dual role of ot vaulter and runner for the thelast thelast thelast last time prior to to his around all round contest In March against Harold Osborne of Chicago After a fifth attempt to Improve the indoor pole vault record which now stands at 13 feet teet 3 Inches he will wUl compete Ina Ina in ina a meter GOO run at the annual games of the Norwegian Turn so so- so clety Vincent Lally national GOO GOO- yard ard champion and Johnny Hold Holden Hoiden n. n New NewYork NewYork NewYork York A A. A C. C star will oppose the Norseman S NEW EW YORK Feb leb 17 AP APA APA AP- AP A program of seven events has events has been agreed upon b by Har Harqld ld Osborn of the Illinois A. A C. C and Charley Hoff of Norway for their test of ot allaround allaround all all- ar around un athletic ability in hi connection connection tion tiers with the Knights of Columbus track meet at Madison n Square Garden Garden Gar Gar- den March 16 I This was announced yesterday esterday after the Amateur Athletic union 1 received formal acceptance from from Osborn of Hoffs Hoff's challenge Osborn Osborn Osborn Os- Os born wired from Lake Worth Fla where he Is teaching that he ob obtained obtained oh- oh a leave of absence absence- to cover the date of ot hi his duel with Hoff The events and the the- s order In which they will ivill be run off orr are as follows Sixty Sixty- yard Sixty ard dash running high Jump sixteen pound running running running run run- ning broad Jump yard sixty II higi hurdles pole vault and yard run The Olympic decathlon scoring method providing a scale of points for performances in each event I will govern the tho test Osborn Is the tho present Olympic champion but has never encountered Hoff in competition competition tion as the rian was kept out of the around all-around test at Paris in 1924 because of an injury Hoff plans about two weeks of training to fit himself for fOt the duel With Osborn Except for his appearance appearance ap appearance ap- ap In the national championships championships cham chain at Chicago March 5 an and 6 he will c cancel other competition In March prior to the K of C. C meet s NEW YORK Feb 17 By fly the Associated Associated As As- Press Press Major Major honors fio fioto go goto to Harold Osborn around all-around ace of the Hillsboro Athletic club and Willie WIlIle Ritola crack Finnish Amer lean ican distance runner In tIle the selection selection tion of or the America All track andfield andfield and andfield field team based on the past years year's performances Four our places go to Osborn and three to Ritola In the 1925 star all array an annual list compiled by Frederick W. W Rubien secretary secretary- treasurer of the thi Amateur Athletic union for Spaldings Spalding's Athletic Almanac Almanac Al Almanac Al- Al manac and made public last night Osborn Is rated the best performer In tour four o of his specialties the standing high and broad jumps run running ln high Jump and decathlon Ritola pre eminence among American runners Is recognized at two miles ten ten- miles glues s and In cross cross- country running running- National champions are arc recognized recognized w th a few exceptions the most notable being the placing of Jole Joie Ray as All American All taller on the strength of his consistently good performances Indoors and out althou although h Ray Buker won the A A. A A. A U. U title titie deorge George Marsters of the New York A A. C. C gets the half r 9 post despite the fact that Alan Helffrich a is national champion but Helffrich is regarded regard regard- ed by selection as the best yard man Glenn Hartranft's I displacement of Bud Houser Housel In the discus throw and Ritola's substitution for Fred in the cross country run are the only onh other Instances of national titleholders being dis dis- dis- dis lodged The American All-American lineup S Sixty yards Loren Murchison Illinois A. A C. C yards ards I Frank rank Hussey Boston college yards Jackson Scholz New V e York A. A C. C yards Vincent Lally St. St Anselm's Anselm's Anselm's Ans Ans- elms elm's A. A C C. New York yards Cecil Cooke Syracuse university GOO yards A. A B B. Helffrich New t-ew NewYork York A. A C. C yards G. G M. M Marsters Marst Marst- ers New ew York A. A C C. 1000 yards ards Lloyd Llord Hahn Boston A. A A. A one mile mile Jole Joie Ray Illinois A. A C. C twomile twomile twomile two- two mile run ten-mile ten run lun and cross cross- country Willie Ritola six mile run George Larmond Boston A. A A. A Aj mile fifteen-mile run Albert Michelson l Cygnet A. A C C. steeplechase Russell Payne Illinois A. A C. C marathon Charles Mellor MelIor Illinois A. A C. C 70 70 yard hurdles Charles Moore Perm Penn State college yard hurdles George Guthrie Ohio State yard hurdles Charles R. R Brookins University oC of Iowa yard ard hurdles F. F Morgan Taylor Illinois A. A C. C one mile and seven milt walks walIs Willie Plant New York mlle ee walk Harry Hany Hinkel N l 1 W York standing broad and hi high h Jumps running high and dec dee athlon athIon Harold M. M Osborn Illinois A A. A C. C running running- broad Jump De Do Hart Cincinnati running hop t step and jump Homer Martin l Illinois Jill Illi nois A. A C. C pole polo vault Harry Smith Los Loa Angeles Angeles Angeles-A. A. A C. C shot put Bud Houser Southern California 56 pound weight and hammer brow |