Show BIll PROVIDES SUM fOR SJ for Federal Building Feature of Measure Passing House I WASHINGTON Feb 17 Nine Nine t red thousand dollars is provided provid- provid I el ed u the general public building bill billj j ch will be available availably for the enI en- en I I Ig gement ment of the federal building In inI S Lake if it the bill which has been I I A approved by the house goes through r the thee senate The bill is so 60 worded hat at even more than this sum xi W h was decided upon several sev-eral years ago may be expended if it present needs Justify it it r P The bill also authorizes 65 f 7 a building at Nephi and additions to the federal bull building ling at Vernal Four Four new buildings are provided pro for tor iri in Idaho on sUes sites already owne owned b by the government to Cal Caldwell CaW CaW- well Nampa OO Coeur dAlene and Sand Said SandPoint Point Wyoming also will get Pour buildings buildings Cody Buffalo Green River 70 and Newcastle Congressman Don B E. E Colton has opposed the lump sum appropriation as passed by bv the senate contending that ach each building and town should be with the amount appropriated appropriated appropriated b by the bill It is the failure to do this that cuts out improvements improvements Improvements Improve improve- ments for the Ogden federal building building building build build- ing which are admitted to be necessary sar sary and for which Colton has been contending |