Show J. J Will Gray Sons in Receivers Receiver's Hands Upon complaint and petition of Arthur Frank filed tiled in the district court Tuesday aft afternoon J. J Will Gray Sons Superior Clothes Inc was placed In the hands of ot ofa ofa ota a re receiver elver The Columbia Trust company was appointed r receiver celver for forthe forthe forthe the concern Frank brought suit to collect alleged to be the balance due on store fixtures sold to defendant defendant defendant de de- de- de company In the complaint complaint com corn plaint and p petition for re receiver Elver plaintiff alleges that the defendant is Indebted to a nu number ber ot of creditors credit credit- ors on open account that It has not the money to meet thes thes' obligations obligations or to purchase further stocks that creditors are threatening threaten threaten- ing suits and unless a receiver Is ls d the concern would be forced out ot of business to the loss of all concerned J. J Will wm Gra Gray as president of ot the company signed a waiver and consent consent consent con con- sent for appointment of oC ofa ofa a a. r receiver lver if JiM t 0 |