Show o 0 9 9 PROVO MAY NOT ENTER NEW UTAH IDAHO CLASS CLASS-C BALL LOOP I BOISE MAY O BE BETAKEN 1 TAKEN A N GROUP CROUP All Other Teams Ready 1 I for Organization Meeting Friday While there is still a possible ch chance nce left that arrangements may be made whereby Provo can ca'n place a class C team in the Utah-Idaho Utah Baseball league V organization is expected at a meeting to be hel helIn held In Ogden on Friday action of the Central Utah Semi professional Baseball league last night threw a gr great at obstacle In hh the path of the professional loop The league declined to release Provo from its association with the circuit Of course there Is nothing nothing- to prevent prevent prevent pre pre- vent Provo from divorcing ng Its in interests interests interests in- in from those of the Utah towns with which it Is associated but the baseball enthusiasts of the town gave their word at the organization organization organization of ot the league to stick with it and they consider it a matter mattel of honor to remain with the circuit until until until un un- un- un til given their release PROVO MAY WITHDRAW It is extremely likel likely that thai Provo will withdraw its representative from Crom future meetings of the proPOSEd proposed proposed pro pro- posed loop Word comes from Ogden that Fred M. M r. r Nye temporary president of ot the league is already making plans In case Provo definitely withdraws withdraws withdraws with with- draws from the proposed professional professional professional league Boise or Twin Falls in Idaho will be invited to join the organization and as Boise Is an ex If extremely h emely good baseball town it is likely that that city will enter Boise would have been considered in the first place but preference was given to the straight line of ot cities upon which the league was organized Boise is some two hundred miles off line of ot tm travel vel In the l league ague and additional traveling expense will be incurred LOGAN READY Opinion in Logan is very ery generally general general- ly in favor of the proposed new loop A meeting will be held by business business' businessmen men and boosters tomorrow to complete complete com com- the business organization of I the new league Logan is just about ready and will send delegates with full tull acting power to Ogden for the I final or organization of the loop I President Nye e has called a meeting meet- meet in ins ing of delegates from the various cities to be held in Ogden Friday evening The meeting is scheduled as a final organization me meeting eting |