Show Will CONSTRUCT 4 5 HALL HAU Twenty first Ward to Erect Building as Soon as Weather Permits Construction of a new amusement hall by the Twenty first ward of the L. L D D. D S. S church at First Firs avenue and K It street will commence as S soon as tho the weather will permit The new building which will be built bunt on the site now occupied by the old amusement hall will face on First avenue and connect with the chapel on the east It will be one of the finest buildings of its HI kind In Salt Lake containing containing- on the upper floor a large combination auditorium and ballroom with a stage equipped with all the latest In Improvements it Jt was announced The lower ver floor will c contain fourteen fourteen fourteen four four- teen Sunday school class rooms a banquet hall with kitchen attached and rooms for other church auxiliary auxiliary aux aux- illary organizations The old building which was one of the oldest in Salt Lake was built in the fall of 1887 Its razing will start fit t once which will necessitate the ward show which was to be beheld beheld beheld held Thursday and Friday in the theold theold theold old hall being transfer transferred red to the Twentieth ward h hall ll at Second venue avenue and G street The play begins be- be gins at 8 o'clock and will be fol- fol followed lowed owed by a social j fOI-j |