Show Student Building Is Result of Ten Year Funds Drive U Subscriptions Make Construction Possible Ten years of persistent determined determined determined deter deter- mined activity on the part o of the leaders matched only by the students students' students students' students students' stu stu- stu- stu dents' dents enthusiastic support have resulted finally in the completion of the Utah Union building Although the idea was conceived conceived ed over a dozen years ago the official movement was begun in 1922 when Junior Rich A A. S. S U. U U. U president presented the matter at a meeting of the Presidents President's club A one-dollar one drive was was' begun begun begun be be- gun which netted over a thousand dollars The same year an amendment amendment amendment amend amend- ment to the student constitution provided for a fee of per student each year Activities Centralized The activities of the student body faculty alumni and the board of regents were centralized when the office of executive secretary sec sec- sec secretary was created and the secretary secretary secretary secre secre- tary of the alumni association tion was appointed to fill this position Under Under Under Un Un- der his his' direction the work went forward until the stadium drive was started A representative was t teri ent to th of tha Association Ass Association of University U Unions io to study the union uni 1 drives of other institutions Th This led to the organization organization or 01 or- or of a comprehensive I building and financing plan Campaigns Conducted ted Intensive ive subscription campaigns were conducted among students faculty members and university employees until 1926 when the total fund pledged was approximately approximately approximately The drives were omitted the next two years in favor of the university stadium ca campaign Following Following Following Fol Fol- lowing the completion of the stadium stadium stadium stad stad- ium the drive was stimulated by bythe bythe bythe the inauguration of a voluntary quarterly cash fee of per student student student stu stu- stu- stu dent which was paid at the time of registration The sponsors of the Union Building incorporated as the U Utah Union Building Corporation in order order order or or- der to attain a a satisfactory legal status The incorporators who receive no profit or gain include representatives of the board of ot regents faculty student body alumni association and friends of the University Architects Named A contest was held to select suitable plans for the proposed building The designs submitted by Ashton and Evans Architects of Salt Lake were judged best by bya byI I a jury of nationally famous architects architects archi archi- I and local officials Ground breaking ceremonies were held on Commencement Day in 1928 The frame of th the build build- Continued on Page 2 Student Building b Is Result o of Ten Year Funds Drive Dive Continued from Page 1 ing was completed in the spring of 1929 end and for a year the hungry skeleton stood on the a site she completely completely com com- deserted Collections from irom funds pledged were exhausted Those Those making the promises had hac evidently broken faith or had come into dire circumstances and could not meet the obligations as they became due More than sixty per percent percent percent cent of the student body subscribed ed per quarter but the fund was only large enough to take takes s small slow slows s steps ps the the construction tion Fee Authorized The state legislature in in 1930 i authorized the Board of Regents to levy a un uniform orm fee for construe construe- tion and maintenance purposes and to pledge these fees as security for a loan which had been voted the University of Utah The Regents proceeded immediately immediate immediate- ly to award contracts for such work as that amount of money would purchase The loan would be sufficient for plastering plumbing plumbing plumbing plumb plumb- ing and heating and would leave the building in a habitable but unfinished unfinished un un- finished condition V Work ork on the Union building has gone forward systematically since Aug August st 1930 At present It is completed except for the tinting and painting of the walls Installation installation lation of light fixtures finishing of some of the wood work the decorating and a few other de de- de- de tails To complete the building 30 together with such additional funds as may be necessary for furnishings approximately 25 will be required These funds must come from popular tion Equipment for the offices is s being paid for by the activities using them and the cafeteria willbe willbe will wille be e equipped and operated by the University administration 1 |