Show 18 Seniors Named For Membership In lu Phi Kappa Phi Walker Lowry y Leading I List With Average Several members of the senior class have been rewarded for three years of ot studious effort by election election election elec elec- tion to Phi Kappa Phi national honorary scholastic fraternity Those elected during the autumn I quarter are students with the highest highest highest high high- i est averages in their respective I schools Walker Valker Lowry leading t the h e School of Arts and Sciences heads the senior class with a average aver lver- age He has made hours hour of ofA ofA ofA A and eleven hours of f B liB N Nora ora Stewart highest student in inthe inthe inthe the School of Education has been equally prominent in extra extracurricular ular activities Her work on publications publications pub pub- has been outstanding Also she is a member of many honorary societies as Acorn Trotters Trotters' Trot- Trot ni i r i L i and V f A. A j i JW 3 c council f T T TAlan Alan Blood is high man in jn the School of Business He is a member member member mem mem- ber of Alpha Kappa national commerce fraternity Richard Johnson a member of Phi Alpha Delta and the Barristers' Barristers club heads the list of law students In mines and engineering Philip Elsey Elsey Elsey El- El sey is high student He is s a member member member mem mem- ber of Eta Epsilon Sigma honorary honorary honor honor- ary engineering society Others chosen to membership in Phi Kappa Phi are Marjorie Augustine Augustine Augustine Au Au- gustine John Adolphson Mildred Axelrad Hazel Blood Elizabeth th Deuel Vivian Gubler Uarda J. J Jensen Marcella William J. J Florence Soule Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Do Do- rothy Clifford Stutz and H. H Theron Thompson |