Show We have moved to Main street I Salt LAke Photo Supply P IY Co S SA A set of furs makes a splendid souvenir of your our trip to our on r cIt city thc th Furrier Knutsford HAMILTONS SMART SHOP SHOP l SS ThAN Off OF TO Cl CAN AN UP UE VERY DEPARTMENT One Sp cia and Suits and up up Fancy Dresses and up and aid Top Coats and up t C Silk and Wool Waists and up 1 5 t C Pattern Hats and up j NECKWEAR BELTS AND HOSIERY ALL PLACED ON TABLES IN LARGE ASSORTMENTS J rTh 01 ml 2 FREE CATARRH CURE Bad Breath and Spit Spitting Spitting ting Quickly Out Free Coupon Below 4 IMI i II y My New Discovery Quickly Cures E Gauss Catarrh Is not only but It auses bad breath ulceration death and deca decay of bones loss of thinking and rea reasoning power kills ambition and energy often otEn causes loss of oC appetite indigestion dyspepsia raw throat and reaches to gen general genera eral era debility Idiocy and Insanity It needs attention at once Cure Jt it with Gauss Catarrh Cure It Is a quick ra rad 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f fort In the direction of saving Yu ti must know that saving saing without the rid id idof of n a good bank Is both unsafE and un unprofitable profitable You must know our is No Iain street You must know the Utah Savings Trust Co Is the bank that pays 4 per cent Y W S Mc McCornick f Cornick pr president J J Daly vIc Heber M I Wells WeBs manager Directors E A Wall Vall IV Y J Halloran E a O 0 Howard M II Montague Ferry TU STAT BANK OF UTAH Y UTAH Established 1890 1390 b accounts or of Banks FIrms SOLICITS and Individuals and nd extends to ens CUi every r reasonable courte courtesy and facility Joseph F Win Vm B Preston Charles S Burton CashIer I Iu BANK Of m u S DEPOSITORY I FRANK KNOX President JAMES IAMES A MURRAy w V F ADAMS CAPITAL PAID IN A thoroughly modern dept ment conducted In connection with b ank Deposit boxes for tor rent L L S HILLS PresIdent MOSES THATCHER H I L S B YOUNG Cashier i i H Hills Assistant Cashier U S DEPOSITORY Deseret National Bank i SALT SAL LAKE CITY UTAH I Capital Surplus 1 Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Bent I ITHE i THE SAVINOS BANK I DIRECTORS I iv w Biter President I Moses Thatcher Elas A Smith Ca Cashier jp L Ij S hum John R Barnes Barncs John C t Cutler David Eccles A W Carison George Romney John R B WInder Reed Smoot E B R Eldredge W Y 1 F James Four per cent interest vale paid en ala depositS EST ESTABLISHED iS UTAH COMMERCIAL SA BANK WIlL F Armstrong president Byton Groo eJ h l COMMERCIAL BANKING G IN ALL ITS BRANCHES F Four ur per cent Interest st en cn savings d dc posits Accounts Satisfactory servIce guaranteed McCORNICK to CO BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH S Established 1873 BROTHERS B 1 11 CAPITAL SURPLUS ed the Sat Lake City Braica Z r Wells Fargo Co Cos Bank k Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Travelers Letters ot of Credit Issued avail ann annable available able In all parts ot of the Vo We Wa our account Established 1341 Offices The Oldest antI and argest R G DUN CO GEORGE RUST l Manager Utah Idaho Wyoming and Nevada Offices Office in Progress Salt Lake Cit City I Ic S c t i 1 d rii m Excursions East and VestI West Vest Via I Jt iF ti S S I II If I S 5 I f WEST L Jot I JANUARY AND i I j From Salt Lake to T 1 San Francisco or Portland and return San Francisco and return via Portland t Los Angeles and return via San Francisco Fran L Los s Angeles and return via Portland P TO j i EAST J n J I j I 1 JANUARY 1 J I I From Salt Lake to i Denver and return 1975 6 h 6 1 e 1 Orrl Omaha ha and return t t Chicago and ancl return 1 t Kansas City arid and return 11 it itI I St Louis and return f 1 TICKETS LIMITED TO SIXTY DAYS c SEE AGENTS FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CITY TICKET OFFICE MAIN YAIN STREET STREETt t I 1 rI E ee e e eee e I I m m 4 60 II r rm rm 00 m m I We have collected 7 th U S 7 Six Thousand for Dr DrI I ml i I r Jeremiah Beattie from his ac accounts iI tS tj counts We can collect some for you if you turn them in Red Bed BedS m 4 S streaks of honesty exist ini in inc m c everybody m FRANCIS G LUKE I Im m Merchants Protective Association SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS tT I Fifth floor Commercial National Bank Building Salt Lake City FRANCIS G LUKE MANAGER A A I SO SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE US 1 E e eEe eee eee W W t U q ci Wholesale Department Phones i w wl it S 1 f Retail Department Phones P 1 Ill 5 W it WS Wa S HENDERSON HENDERSO w i Wholesale Grocers Grocer a t 1 I i r h m L Lw W F Ui w 1 1 CORNER SECOND SOUTH AND THIRD WEST WES w Retail Department Main St g gm m W Iii j I i t SALT LAKE CITY J JU 1 rF 5 f U t EE e m i Wre We are busy wrIting ads for busy business men who want re results suits for their money C L It BRAZIER Club Belt ma Ind V IT ITt S 4 t 4 j HOTEL HERON EUROPEAN EAST SOUTH ST Telephones hot and cold water In every room new throughout Cafe and Delicatessen In MRS M r A Proprietor r TELu TELLI i i ii TOUR PAINT WE W CAN CURE CUBE T THEM b 20 E FIRST SOUTh r rI ri S 5 I J i j ii J |