Show DRY FARMING IN CEDAR VALlEY Experiment to Be Tried in Iron County Says Representative Representative John Parry FUEL IS EASY OF ACCESS FARMERS HOPE TO AVOID NE NECESSITY NECESSITY OF IRRIGATION The progressive farn arin rs amI and sheel steep raIsers of Cedar Codar Valley In Iron Irow county have begun an plan for dry farming by which tho they hope to greatly increase the Prosperity or of that fruitful spot There rh re are are already In the valle valley about acres In cultivatIon or In supporting a population of about Ui O persons persons IrrIgation Is indulged an ano n no o a considerable extent but hot sufficient dent to bring the whole alley Into cul so that the tho land owners have decided tJ ta engage In dry farming John Parry a venerable Democrat who was elected to represent Iron county In the tho present legislature Is one of the tho lc lead d Ing spirits In the tho dry farming scheme DIscussing the matter yesterday Mr Par Parry Parry ry saId Acres Available On the ninth of AUgust last the farm farmers ors ers of Cedar Valley at a meeting de decided decided to try the tho of oC dry farm Ing There were acres of state lands available for this purpose and It was decided to take this up Advice Adlee was sought from Mr man the prince of oC dr dry land farmers who re resides resides sides at Nephi Juab county He came to Cedar City and went over the ground thoroughly much valuable advice He said that CEdar valley was much moro more favorably situated for dr dry farming than his own section having a greater showing of surface water apparently richer soil solI and an abundance of fuel easy of access On the of September It was decided to purchase a horse power engine and gang plow Cul U lon was begun with a view to put ting In n a crop of winter wheat when hen an early snowstorm of unprecedented sev severity erit erity stopped all operations In the tho howe however r we to resume and anc I make a 0 most thorough test ot of dry farm ing The rhe question of fuel for the engine and other purposes is a simple one Ye We sim ply send n a wagon to the mine and haul all we need a distance of only a fes P miles mUes There Is plenty or of water to be bc had for steam stearn purposes as wen well AS for domestic use and IrrIgation could be b utilized It if needed But we hope to get getrich getrIch rich results from the dry farming ex cx experIments and thus avoid the necessity of IrrIgating Capable of Development vAlley is as pretty a spot as a aone one could wish to see and is capable of 01 high development We Vc who now live i there propose to show its advantages by b actual results Iron count county is perhaps the rIchest spot In the tho world In minerals There are mountains of Iron and coal coa I there as well as ther minerals which L have been explored In part With L Its agrIcultural resources Iron county only awaits the coming of a railroad to tc tomake make It ont or of the tho most prosperous re regions glons gions In the state And we are arc preparing for Cor the coming of a railroad at no dis tant time The Iron resources of Iron county are ar simply Indescribable Ore of the highest grade shows rIght on the surface and Cl whole mountain of It lies there awaiting development Coal apparently Is In equal equa I abundance coal of efficiency Is being baing dug in that coun t ty I am told It Is practically per cent pure carbon This dep h i owned by an man who Is cx It and getting It ready for ship merit ment when the railroad comes Personally I am most Interested in Ir farming arming and my neighbors are In earnest In the dry farming experiment that I i have outlined |