Show SCABIES APPEARS AT SHEEP Disease Discovered Among En Entries Entries tries of Bishop Bennion of Taylorsville Th state board of sheep placed under quarantine Satur Saturday Saturday day the pen of sheep belonging belonging to Bishop Heber Bennion of Taylorsville and nd the tho three pens surrounding It at atthe atthe the Fine ine and Fat Sheep show Scabies wa was discovered among among th tho sheep in Bishop pen and to prevent any spread of the disease the three pens surrounding it were quarantined at the same time The sheep in aU all four pes will be dipped in a preparation approved of b by the government for the purpose of pro pre venting the spread of the disease This dipping wil will be done under the joint supervision of the federl federal and state au authorities Some of the sheep In the three surrounding pens belong in Idaho and after the firt first dipping they wi be shipped back t Idaho under the he supervision of the federal authorities tes ties The sheep belonging to Bennion wm wIll after the first dipping which wi will take place at te the fair grounds be shipped back to and wi will there re rc cele a second di dipping ping Al All te the other sheep on the Bennion ranch wi will re receive receive like treatment and the tho whole ranch wU will be disinfected The dipping wi will be done either today or tomorrow None of the other own owners owners ers of sheep is affected by the The which took place Saturday was favorable to al all the sheep with the exception of those be belonging longing to Bishop Bennion |