Show I r j 1 MOST HUMAN OF ALL MACHINES t S t Is the Locomotive Say the Men Who Drive It and Know t i 1 J f It Best P t Now York Sun Suni i J Locomotive win tell tall that i I Ii of tin pieces or of a f t rJ r 1 he five comas to being a living tI n i 1 j r It may va La slow on it may he 10 fast fastI I r I t may he be a good uller n r or n a poor POOl P puller Those hose things are beyond the tho r or of manufacturer Or engineer to i 1 Do get the bast out of herto harto use 1 j pronoun that employ customarily in speaking of t loco ben j 1 n must be humored Her must know just what she can t tI j I j j do and what Is her hor limit If n a strange strang a I at tempts attempts to run ncr ner he nat naI na I r t I fails faUs to get ct the fhe bait bOlit results 1 1 tam her 4 oj r I In former days the he engine was n a nr aI af af f r f go gorgeous oUS affair glItt glittering with bra brai braas i 1 from ono one ena em to the other Some n b 4 I g rs affection for the ma mae e i 1 mine by spending hundreds of r dol dola of a i l on n But all that Is t J hy by on the I big makes maJce he h 1 ns as plum us as possible tI rue rho eng engineer studied his hie engine un tl he be knew every on one ot of Lt r points t f both good and bad And Ana it is right here that the locomotive bec becomes ms al alt t I h human I Build twenty or of them alon along exactly I the same lines und and yet each machine l will be d dU t from all th the others I u f i I s is W of th tons e ons why the I n attached to his hiN ma mat mac t c h ha He in j the only one who knows Jl lK tr r and h he cnn can get from her the bet best betI r I i 1 refs 1 its ta rhe story stoy is told or of Rn nn engineer 7 who saId lie he would almost rather run cun over a frIend than reverse his engine ReversIng an engine while moving at full speed has n a tendency to shake her Ut ug some Th The engineer meant that ho he would rather risk lisk injuring a friend than his Down en n the Missouri Pacific road was an engine that had a record or of dIsaster It was a passenger engine engin of the most modern workmanship ami from rom a mech mechanical point of vIew had nad no nn superior The fireman had an easy j Job b In keep keeping Ing steam stearn up on her and It was said that the engine could outrun and out pull any engine of hr build on the road But she was unlucky l y She had been Jeen In many ups anCi every engineer who had run her haG hac been boen killed Yet th the lu last t engineer wIn got ot her r became o proud of liter that he be never stoPPEd talking about her good qualities To a friend he said one ona clay la ns as he was oiling up upI I cant give this engine up I become so attached to heir that T care re to run an any r other An Anet And yet et I feel that shell bet me one 0 or these days replied his frIend if you ou feol like Ulee that tha you ought to quit nor right a at ray ay ayI I dont dire cure said the Ule Im going to stick to her t anyway 6 And hI he dW did And she got him An empty cur car blow blew blowout out on the track ono one night whIle ho he was going at full speed and when the tho cn ca glue gino was jacked up the engineer was found dead underneath Riding over the Illinois Central the tle nr r rt kZ r r F Wy t f fYr Yr T r t W y J t r 37 rY rt j jM jT M T Y FT j n n Jv Y rr 4 ta I 5 t 1 I II i Yr j r rr r Mr i UNUSUAL VANDALISM iN FRANCE THE BEAUTIFUL BRIDGE AT CAHORS THREATENED WITH DEMOLITION Great indignation has been aroused by the announcement that the beautiful towered bridge of one of the most most wonderful medieval rel refi 1 ic in France is to be demolished It appears that there is no chance of preventing this vandalism which is exceedingly unusual in France where historical monuments are generally regarded as sacred Illustrated London News ether day in the cub cab of nn of the big biggest biggest gest pas passenger ger engines s on tlc the toad load a layman Jayman was wan told by the engineer This engine is too f st for tillS run Its too bl b we are not a 9 little that I could show you what she he could do rust the same this was the rast fastest t trun run and St SL Luis on t 1 ny of the tho ro roads ds and the engine it the time her sp was traveling riot hot much less than a 1 mile a ra jump now wh I us a little of the res re power continued the proud And then he pulled d the long throttle lever lver out to tf its open in rail toad load Jump she and began to tG o U almost redoubled ed snEed Why thIs old c girl rI could travel like that rIgl l into St Louik Loui and anel not turn turna a hair affectionately s said id the engineer turning a proud and pleased face to hIs passenger after he had pushed the throttle back to Its normal position The engine might have been too Loo fast for lor that particular run nm It an any p too east a t for hirr was Ye vey y and If anyone hat suggested taking her off and substituting a small smaller er machine machin that inan would have been beena a as much aggrieved as if one had sug suggested suggested his separation from n a near rela relative ti tive ve or Of recent years ears on sc a of the roads there has been n a change chango In the of O engines Where jn i n former handl each en inter iner had hta hi own to Y which lw ran fait overa division of f a h ml miles or s so o and then hUb oak k n now JY runs have as a r many at three gme rs Oft On still other there tern tem is a s which h Is known as ar In gives An te n engin eng m r will hate of a machine OD one lay day and e J wont get a board aboard ot of her ber A at t aai f for r month A new t r takes tak her ba k still another bring et hEr out Ut so o It goes on onNo and No one takes any special the machine P r system m or of one engineer n to the dd oc Oe e the engineer will take so o much muche eit Inter it est eat in his charge that he s spends 1 ur of his own time whipping the lac into shape tie to Erin out g t the belt she he enn do for she belongs s to o h tp hit his pride Is arou aroused A g good cn n Kitt l reputation does not cou at t his ability tp to keep his schedule time i Nn J 51 muc much h of it rests hl hi b being able abie r keep his engine In good g o o order But th the pooling has halt with all this away and no held responsible for or the Doe f of an The ml moment ent fl finishes his run he be Is glad d to quit wert |