Show TEXT OF RESOL 4 4 A BY rhe rutIon b by time the sheep D nn n ye yesterday follow J 1 tie e it resolved bat we believe belleva the policy or the KOn government In eon con ti for or thE future u uie of the lb I hi right but the method of I the rules naif KOy governing the I In many Jn tunce WI 1 most eane tl protest the I ratIon of forest reserves In regions where there Am r no for foret t and whOre rc lIun ean n be crested withdraw raw i ing troia rOM t the 1 ube of the people lands are an or of value for graz log and which can be used tor or other IL II W uk ask the tho association low In session on itt at Sat SAlt Lake Juke City Utah appoint a committee of nut not to exceed t three hr o mel front eRch or of the arid states nd n territories eUve acUe stockmen to moot the land commission In the near future to confer conCer with them Ulem relative to the gOY gov control or of the pUblic domain saki committee to be In b by this to try to show how th the commission that under r the now existing circum It would bl be better for all nIJ con on to deter cont con troi of thee domains until forest rv policy polley 18 h more thore de dc finitely and also the and fairest wa way to all rma ted In those these one persons interests will wIH not be ruined rumel in order to build up With due respect this cOnvention and the plo o owe this to the president or of the as a Mr 11 Pinchot has ex cx to you youIt youIt It Is II further recommended that a meet Ing in with the United States land commis and ana the m members of this At SOme convenient In the very e near neam future futuro be held saUl said committee to name place ploce ot of meeting III We protest against time the present fees for grazing sheep In the forest reserve e ali a being excessive The Th Ice fee charged barged for grazing Is 1 greater p 11 proportion to tho amount of rood food con coti than that d for Cor cattle and not be In excess or of the ratio of 01 I to i 7 xv JT We Wc further demand an equitable dl l n or of g In tho for Cor st as between sheep and other kinds or of stocks and that each ooch kind of stock bp be made to graze gruze within Its Iti allotted district Y ve are arc In our Indorsement j or of the present Import tariff duties on J I woolen fabrics meat and nd nIt animals and Op s nn 1 I d f t I I flo uC err or di tur the tho of the wool and livestock In or of the United States I L VL VI I HWO HWa uk ask that the National atlon l nt r Lak now In session itt Salt City Utah appoint n committee of cho chosen n from time the different stat the number to 10 determined b by the Glee I or of tills this convention to meet with I a of men the representing different railroads and If possible devise Mock lame omo fair means by which the uv live Interests can be better protected ly by the furnishing or of cars anel getting to theIr destination and that this Noma ot of and railroad men e from Us Its members a commit t tee lot for 8 they may select to arrange a date ate Ii a meeting with the tho interstate corn com meree for the purpose of such rates and making such between the stockmen the railroad mon men And the Interstate corn com masree the tho commissioners as wm will best bost serve sene concerned elfare and into Interests rests or of animal We Ve also aleo to the bureau of the t that they place men in f furnished to see that stock in transit Is the With proper teed feed and water at resting Ung POints p ints and that nIl all yards not liable for tor tho unloading of oC sheep shoop are Dro I We favor the enactment law to ro rei all railroads hand handling livestock lEt In tin tain ot of ten cars or more to main a Speed limit of not less Jess than seven ng an hour Including stops i m YIL VIL by br Wo tV 0 heartily the action taken t I Our oj executive Ute the formation commit committee tee In assisting of a cooperative live Us commission company that wo we feel to protect OUr interests and we aU fl 1 In their Our members to do everything POwer to aid in Its success e Indorse VIII W the candidacy mf f the Ule lIon Hon ji Springer or of Colorado tor land 1 or of the tho United States and tho iho Commend him to his excellency President for appointment to that im 1 offiCe We IX i extend to Mr Gifford States Pinchot I Ir r Potter otter forester and his assistant Our sincere re thanks for tor the efforts on they are aro making In nt at Our convention and visiting our and Of the tho ranges rang to learn the real need stockmen ot of the forest reserves W x On of sheep the Poun companies have established E c r os minimum weight for stan ard cars and charge Whereas fOr all The railway companies Weights III excess of such urn weight and fOr the full mini weight t I when n are arc less than the weight of oC ship said herens and and d mixed cd It Is mp to load lambs and lambs up to such sheli f ht f L Lj r t iii j I i r y J Whereas reas This 5 system established b by the t tt he works H a great groat injustice on t of sheep be It That we ve the thc members of th t he on In c assembled enter a a this s of freight charges charge suggest augest that a committee be ap pointed to this matter up with the proper railway of officials Is with a view of h this Injustice a bill biJJ has been introduced In tit t he United States Senate b by Senator Bur h ett known as Sen Senate tc Bill which au t the thc president of the States to t o establish froni Urn time to time by pro i grazing districts the I pUblic land of the United States and Whereas We believe said bill to not be specific enough In some or of its terms and provisions and does doeR not make due al lowance for the magnitude and variety ot of the Interests and conditions Involved and finally will wUl confer if enacted upon the and bureau administrative officers certain powers practically legis and further dos does not make any provision whereby the various states in mu may have a voice In the admin i thereof therefore Be It resolved b by the an foal nual convention or of the National Wool growers assembled assemble that we Insist that it If such xi u 10 las be passed It be under joint government and state control of the un reserved and lan ians s of the United S States wo view with jealous alarm an any that threatens tens to tHrow our a affairs Into confusion a and which may deprive us ot of an any voice in leges the thc management of oC OUr grazing Be Bc It further resolved that we re protest against the proposed Senate Bill No in Its iti present form and the tho president of the United States to appoint n a commission ot of Hv livestock stock m mei representative or of the grazing which will be affected by thu propos proposed d legislation which said commission shall be authorized to confer r and net act with tit time present government land commission with a view to suggesting and formulating such amendments to said proposed law Jaw as may bo be deemed wise and proper and for Cor time the best inter ests of those concerned Be It further urthel resolved that the tar tary or of this association n Wan shall send a or these r to the of the tho United States and ever every senator and representative In congress vu rr Whereas we the people of oC tIme thc United States are arc being daily b by shoddy and cotton goods misrepresented ns as wool and n the United States government does d oes protect Us people b by moons moans of pure fOOd f lawn and mOat cUon from fOOd a and Whereas it Is right and just in the ab tract s that any government protect Its people eople p from frands an and counterfeits ud a ration therefore 13 It resolved that we have C the go gov o Inspection to us from shoddy hoddy s and cotton counterfeits of wool a nd we hereby request our congressmen a nd md the United States senators to Intro I duce d uce Work arid ancI vote otc for an act requiring manufacturers of goods and clothing to rand brand b their product designating the per c of 01 wool cotton shoddy or any other ther o material contained In J stud ld clothing and a nd gOOds undo and Be it further resolved that the thc pros pres dent Ident i or of the United States be made ac q with this tItI wish of the people or of the t he United States so that he may mend It If he deems proper to congress the he t necessary remedial legislation XIII Resolved that w we the National Wool rowers growers g association endorse the pl plan n for the he t Incorporation or of the National Wool I rowers growers g company by bona tide fide wool grow i ers e rs and the publication by such company i of o f a journal devoted primarily to the Interests i or of sheep breeding and wool growing and for the benefit fInancIally I and a nd otherwise of tIlls this association and that Industry i Resolved that said journal when so published shall be the official organ of this his t association that wo we pledge to such company our earnest cooperation and support s in aU all its works and earnestly urge all to w work rk for the extension ot of Its circulation growth and success s Bl Be It further resolved b by the tho National association In convention as s d that we extend our sincere thanks hanks t and express our appreciation clatl n for the he t entertainment and ancl consideration we wc have h ave received from people of the tate state s of Utah and especially aJl the tho Wool growers association of the state and the people of Salt Lake City |