Show SOAKED FOR KNUDSEN RIGHTS owners Secure Top Figure in for I I TAX ROLL VALUE M MAYOR VOR REFUSED TO SETTLE FOR 0 Has Ha the An narty art a Jon purchased a gold brick for tor 30 alit lit I the shape or of the tho Knudsen sen water the heated city campaign or of 1903 1005 It Ie that the tho tai had neglected tI and In buying the rt t to the th or of Big Cottonwood bad overlooked au an insurmountable to the delivery ot of the water sa Ia Ole th power for a 0 flouring mill wed by Knudsen The value ot of the rights at from to which It was asserted the city nave hAve to before ono one Of oC water from Big Cottonwood could coal be hinted Into the conduit The Tho n matter was made an Issue in the alad hd changes rung upon It for or aU 11 It was worth Mayor Morris 1154 advisers Insisted that the tho Knud n rights were worth no such sum as by the AmerIcan party organs nd at the proper time Instituted to condemn them This suit was wa In b b bY the American rican party but never pressed to trial Now more Jl a year atter the tho Institution o of tM ili the American n mke Cn n Ue ed compromise Knud for tor which Is heralded as n a nt great t victory victor of diplomacy for the tho ad And the of a VAst Jum to the city Could Have Been Bought Cheaper A a matter mAUer or of fact the Knudsen claim could have boen compromised during the tho of Maor Morris for 26 while MAyor Morris offered to settle for s against the advIce or the legal I which held that the Knudsen could be s secured cured for a less sum through the means or of the pending suit Mayor MAvor Morria also otfred Knudsen for tor his WAter and to provide him with th power to run his mill This was WIS refused d Knudsen holding out for just each a sum stun as 5 has been obtained as u a from the American adminis n claimed that the cIty would June have to buy his mill and forty acres of ground with lila his water rights but buth h lie to hAve chAnged his mind in inthis this regard M As a m matter or of fact the theIN tax IN rolls show that all his property hi 1 for fot less lesa than and this would hll have been brought out In the 01 on the trial of DC the condemnAtIon suit t tIt It wu wae the belief beller of the tho legal department of th the Morris administration that these Itt showing Knudsens policy polley us against llin t tb the neo neede or of the people or of SuIt Salt Lake rich and poor nUke alike for tor the water In Question would have brought A tn verdict from any L Only Thing Accomplished The Tho present of oC the tho Knud m I mAtter to mind the fact that its it I settlement is 18 the only thing thus tar far ac accomplished c I b by the American t lion Ion increasing the water I I The Tho of oC the water In L f the Tanner ditch negotiations fr which I Ion fin on terms favorable to the elt city were lii In L reu luring durIng the Morris orris administration has 8 been entIrely neglected and the op Hons allowed to lapse lapso This would have i for th city or of the thu flow flaw or of Dig Big Cottonwood making seventy f five v per cent In all controlled by the tho city S for tor securing sixty per cent centor ecu t L or the tho flow o of Mill creek which would woul 1 have added materially to the tho supply fir f water lIter have also been allowed to lapse The of a year b the American administration In the mat tr of oC increasing the water su supply ph phare are hardly enough to make n a ankle over remarked a farther city Ial In dis F tI tIe 8 matter |