Show OBSERVE ENGLISH CUSTOM Grantsville People Give Over to Three Days Festivities Other News Notes Grantsville Jan the last twenty years the people of have given annually what they prefer to the theOld theOld Old Folks social To those who are tic ac acquainted with the English whit week it would seem should they have spent the Jast ast l three days hero here as it if they were again in the land of John Bull ButI B By no means Is this an effort exclusively exclusively for those who are aged At least three days are consumed In genuine tes CS and pleasure During this time every living soul who ho has the power t to i participate Is expected to get aU all that Is coming to him In time the form or of delicious edibles and social enjoyment If he does not it Is his own fault To those ones who cannot because of o defects associate with the l road baskets are ure sent and thus till all fare alike Ol Oze e of the Important features of this unusual custom Is that the oldest pioneers in town do very much toward mak makIng Ing l ug the entertainment successful Them old time songs und and jigs are arc filled with the and spirit of earlier days Very much credit i Iii due those who Thid the tho affair In charge for lor nothing was let left undone would In an any wa way make pleasant time he situation Major Barrus the oldest In was Wag presented with an approprIate present to which he responded very ery feelingly Father Bar Barrus Barrus rus is 85 years vears of age a member of the Mormon b battaliOn and served sered In the Mex Mexican lean ican wa Mrs received th the present for the oldest lady She is now somewhat above aboc 00 years cars of age Several of the men or of have hac contracted to cut wood for the W Western stern PacifIC f in Nevada during the winter The wood will be used to furnish tho steam power for pumpIng plants along the new roadS road H Amudson one of progressive our cit elt citizens I has accepted a position with the Dal West Mining company compan He has gone to Ely Nev where here he will drIve wells on the compan s property There is 15 very nearly a foot of snow on the level more than has seen seenI for I some years ears We llave flave had sleighing for tor somo days and last night we had an another another other fall of eight Inches Th The coal situation here Is Ye We arc some Mme very e cold we weather and unless ss some sorn soon comes suffering must In InI J I e follow A car was received re c ec but le less s than pounds could be had by each family The little babe of Mr and Mrs John Hammond was buried yesterday rho rhe child waS wac six weeks of age and died with pneumonia To tIme the friends of Miss Enid Benson w war we weird ar z ird glad to say that the operation re recently recently performed In SnIt Salt Lake Jlko was sue suc successful and that sIte she is out of dan dang g ger l S Mrs Am Amy Hicks wife of John U Hicks of the L ID D S college Is here spending some time with her H Hamilton mUton Worthington had a runaway carly arly e this morning A tel telephone phone pole was knocked down timid three wires broken As a result all the lights w whre re off In InI town 5 5 I I s |