Show allun johm said an train we uio tho r th tw Its twice you have como come boino aud furgol arird law r 1 bouc dutiful it aas ab 0 ito O that tbt it clipped blipped my labud 11 AT a recent aldermanic Alder manio metting meeting in new york where it was proposed that street cars should bo be heated a street railway president at land hand t and a 1 something Bom ething to say bay ho he became eloquent IIO he looked upon ocoa the cropo rion as aa a c conspiracy ons piracy ol of the doctors of new york to till kill off the pos passengers Fell gers it was VIM apparent that hit gets gen would get overheated w when hen they got in the cola air perspiration would be chacke pneumonia and other might follow and so forth and boon BO on it must mast hive hiva leca been a touching sele this etli by a 6 erect railway president regarding the publio public health thoro there is ia no similar case dol in ia all Li history story nothing lal so eo affecting |