Show MISCELLA miscellaneous the prospects of the two tiro candidates DiscuS cil 1 an all ohio sheriff Sli critT armeed for I 1 corrupt practices lively scene in iii the nia wants the vote reca SAN ir ELli cisco jan 20 0 O A sin san diego dispatch says W H hardy a defeated candidate andi date for from arizona Ari has baa petitioned tho the supreme court of that territory rj to erpel can pel the secretary to re I 1 the Iha vote stevenson the present delegate De litti lavida received a certificate a te 15 it in ia DOI cot thought hought probable pro bablo that the ibo court will grant tho he petition loa and if it should facts will show that the detary acted lawfully law fally aad and stevenson will bo be sustained li nothing DOW from rom sonora tho the ro cent I 1 is 13 considered ended hen den 1111 elected I 1 ATLANTA GA JD jan 29 26 ben hill hii was wai elected senator from georgis today Arbau bonds jan SS 26 wm win IL if a yes george IV stallion Stan loo r john L mcaulay henry 8 marquard bind DI IL it 14 cutting jr love kavo been appointed a committee ty the bo arkin arkan eai bond bondholders holders to confer the iho governor Govoro or of arkansas and mako an equitable adjustment adopted JD jan 26 arcollo tion ion wi was introduced in ia the house aloneo to lo d day y d e wint that it wie was tho the aioo ii 0 u c ct f that body that hayea and od wheeler have hare been duly elected iho democrats left the tha hall in ia largo numbers thas hoa broking breski ag the quorum sewal seurat were found and compelled to newer answer to their dames camel tho the resolution was vaa adopted arrested Arr jan 26 sheriff W P wallace ot of this county was arrested today to day on a united states i rrt charging him with fraudulently and corro ply procuring tho the CE a of 0 IV young under indictment dic ment for illegal voting TOt st at the october election an and ti an important witness io in oolite contested itea election cases now DOT ou cu trill trial in ia this county snow slide C cirr wyo jao jan 26 T torce arce men were overwhelmed acid carried down tho the mountain near the centennial mine by a now enow slide elide ono joe ot at them thomas hoggson of 0 holland michigan was killed tho other two kelley and oco geo B D divia I 1 escaped with willi plight ideary T tho N avol mache was ass set betia in motion by the iho di of loftt it blast A swindler S middletown MIDDLE TOWS N Y jan 26 the liebi itice or jacob Hey hermance mance who mado sa me tt at ullon ellen ville a tow low days ago are reported at 00 00 0 asels not biOR her IDDOO is ij or ob to the iho amount of ca and raising rai sini money Us no has baa not been seen cebo since ilia th tho cho lale feiore ASHTABULA jan 28 26 0 2610 in ao the coro derd acts inquest today to day jos jag mi M steb bio bias joelte joel tr of ashtabula told a graphic story etory of 0 tho the disaster dis astor the in oc titia of the fire deportment claim edg to be antior under the orders ordera of tho the chief and declared thet many lives would lava hato been saved eared but tor for chr inefficiency sod eod ibia rif uial il to throw water the tha proceeds daily but few new facts come out goa gorklo lip about abot the ibo ion CHICA 00 jan 26 the tribunes W washington esh logton stecial cial says abiol danger dancer bee according accordi nR to some in tho the oregon returns ro luros others say eay in tho the florida returns reto rog it iii hil believed the louie iboa toto in settled by the begil leg il j 11 r of the retarding board b 11 is II it ii not cloar that tho the florida boand did not exceed their heir authority the democrats Ue will amulio mulio i strong attempt to have bavo only two tiro orrein votes counted thus to mako tt it tie end and throw the lh election into tho the allous the lia cicada 11 do lot cot believe the iba commis commission bion will 11 lo 10 so eo unfair as to one vote on oa account of tho the same eimo rule would cost tilden ono one voto vote in now new jersey one OBO in Virg virginia iala and one in ill misouri Mi Mouri could the ibo cues cases ia aboe states slates be ba reached but tho the coia 1 minion cannot apply the ibo role rale to ineligible democratic electors there being no DO doubli double returns from those 18 tace leading representatives and senators express the iho opinion that tho the bill biag the tae police board will mill te ie pa eed over the ii veto toto the abo blatus quo jn jan SG 26 alorro sensations have hato been mode made to the Prati president delit that in natchitoches 1 U pierson Pir ton commissioned by nich ollit district judge took on the alt of january ot of the court coort tied noil Fus suspended all tho the republican of the ibo parish pariah alto also that the Ou ouachita achita pori parish sh otti cers holding Nl cholla took look posse aioo of 1 ho offices on the secretary of wr war augur that the iho president Pre eident lim has heard boitt sides eides and thinks the Oa Oas chit obita case not dot a violation ot of the status quo but bat that tho the natchitoches case n is and orders ordera general augur augar to restore the ibo status as aa it there jan 16 hoth ho th carolla Car Cr lium ilford Ili ord of COLUMBIA COLOMBIA a 8 0 JD jan 0 supreme court today loday to lo day rendered a decision ja in the iho quo var carranto warra elo pro t trio ino il hies ayes tho caie ou cu the ground that ilat the proceed a were illegally ill call presented on tie the part ol of taj benle loread ol of the united stales this flaw ili of the cleato rl ral OM case of acl that lat ditale katr |