Show THAT PETITION lite ilio un nf odly anti their little old whiskey brig the nw to peta tion lion is ia conceded to everybody but it occurs to too that if Provi providence deem hd bad had bail time to attend to ilia matter tho the amily to petition poti tion would be withheld from some gomo people A great effort il a boins boing inada by using the signatures ot of school children mil old women wornor to well BB 88 other and ot other be r potent people to bring a pressure re 10 lo laar bear upon the ilio liquor linor trade of th this oily tho the council has h lint recent imposed an outrageously heavy h lr conte coda upon ilia ibo craft mad iod the lb sum eum though largo enough to satisfy tho the maw of 0 a tweed or i a does doea not appease its ila rapacious appetito appetite as is clearly manifest in tho the moto ments of the relief relict tia ot of tho the A and the iba utterly made alt nio he of 01 KOCial IS AND IGNORANT in other communities t Z can a under stand how I 1 the saray and other worthy ta might id ad Lo honestly nestly originator Dlo inato nn an effort to tho the sale alo ot of iotov 10 l orie 0 oo on the iho PG is th would W work aik oik tit fr toy other go gg object and wore there the slight p reason to believe that the effort was wa being modo made la III the of morality I 1 for or or aaa a it at least would have reepen hr fur the iho dolivo no matter what po gwidon ilion I 1 tiu beld on tho the question bat moamoa schools church organs cita city rulif cona com cott ees on licenses and municipal laws ita ia utah ulab tire aro each cich and every one subservient to ond and amous of a retrogressive and unprincipled church organization which with its aci nci with tiribio io a ravishing of itri rides ic towards ito deign motta like it 11 ghost and wo we know as wo we all do that como BOHO ot of kieso lieso tools can use themselves either cither hammering chip p ng borica dg or petitioning all 11 indicate ilo tho the presence of the ho mastor master 1 annj to some extent client unfold hia big ael lall qt al least to 0 ono one who ho LOS has the to 10 bo be so ila well acquaint cj as I 1 I 1 havo have board of collectors sea m tem meetings in a the ibo est dist having the iho large bills from tho collection boxes while pasing up to the platform but bat our oar local lacal crusi jars seem to went tho the nickles aul the abo boxes as well As aa joe BO independent reporter ii H a lowyd lowed in the holy chambers of the iho council wo we have to lo quote irom from the which says eje that at t tho be latt moetia the license committee reported tint that they had duly considered COnSider cd the lb petition peli tion on of 01 the teachers god and scholars of the sunday abool beola apking the be council lo 10 a Bapp refa refe the sale file of intoxicating liquors and that they had bad taken a great deal of pains to ascertain that the majority of the peoli 0 are 1 in favor of suppressing ts lie fir BH 98 powwow ible the falo ealo of liquors lia ors in ia this ibis city cily idil and the people require the council the tools require the macban iol to vae ree the authority given it in the charter to re gusto or irain the solo ealo of ct and fermented liquors farther the committe com say my we that this thia matter ma iter lo be referred refe ired to the committee on law with DO to amend the tha present ordin orji roDCO 11 by maling making it a for any person to sell ell spirituous or cr fer men ed liquors to soy minor binor without a order from tho parent or gua lidian and also to provide that a license may bo be revoked by iha he city council tt at any timo time tor for a TIO ol if tho the ordinances this thia means in plain loab eli that they desire a pretext i TO CLOSE ANY liquor whenever they may fee ECO fit fil it 11 is a well known fact that our taxes are used to ply spotters Ep to catch toy soy one who may break lu falc any liw law of the city how bow easy under the alo proposed law to send h spotter potter of sly y twenty years or of ase age to a little lettla laiq nor and nd when he be tells the fact to the court and dd swears that he bo is ia not dot of ago age this liberal nod and trustworthy council lag has the di oration on account ol of the ilia WiS misdemeanor demeanor to revoke license iad close your busio bus laces caa such a im 19 ia worthy of such an aa origin I 1 in a community lile like this bis where children aro are born ia liters lillen aad DI DO record made of 0 the who could determine their ago eo too the devil can quote Scrip scripture taro for or his bia purpose so BO cao can the politic ul jl leaders of an inimical iDi mical al church use me the landa of innocence to aid them abe n in their plots against the ito GOD gen tilo ot utah they a atack the liquor question because it is ie lerable the social evil question bo be causo in their crusado it christianity is ia likely to lymp still Z 1 but eutilie alio llio same came spirit woul would close lb mines would crush out tho grocer and the dry goods gooda merchant bo be me chadic and the ibo furmer who bows bowe not the aneo to the imperious brigham such a thing as fl the interest ot of morality is ia never thought of c by these note ante del delorian yeat it utah be admitted 23 a sovereign state and then sao it if the ibo council will frill use children to pre petro the way aleu it desires to introduce obnoxious rac mca furce asure and wishes to impose additional tax lix upon liquor dealers or others as it now is ia cottem plu pla ion iou there will bo be no Losi tancy then lien laws lans will kill lo 10 male made and wo we must obey them or leavo alion send col dollars pr mouth month would bo be the figure figora demanded of a gentilo liquor dealer ilion with tho same eimo compla conoy coney ga they now take one I 1 dollars dollari per year As utah has baa not yet keen been admitted however and ia the liquor dealers havo have been imposed on about enough I 1 would adkiso our city fathers to ti GO Oo boslov SALT LAKE ani jan G 77 |