Show telegraphic I 1 question as to alo he shall bo be tho refill apolio in III the lie wheels ferry F arry posits the dent on the orthe bill the fu fugitive mexicans interviewed on their future movements ahe next mm new youir jan 26 tho times thinks dow DOT hint ill t a t dmn is out of the way and t tha lle oldest of 0 to the remaining lio ila will most likely bo be selected as tho the fifth Til dons agent is 18 dissatisfied with the iho clat of 0 davis Divi to tho the senate and do di clarce climb TL Idena pro gramme vt ii not earned ed out which required tho the latter diller will vill have hart charge of federal patro 1 a in illinois it if tildon la Is declared doc lared ale elected e na 1 bo democrats say aay dotti III not dot I 1 till nitch caroln n t or r m ro ho do acs llodo of cl Wifton will bo be appointed his hia bouce Bucci assor sor the report NEW drw homr jan W tho worlds washington Wt hington special saya governor Gov kellogg il ii expect expected cd to reach horo here lonea and a confere rack pack or a friends will follow his coiling coi com ilig they have haro lorca that a vigorous effort many ciny bring about a sott settlement lement by miling culling to their aid tho the general government ern ment tho of investigation from rora the iho senate IQ in the louisiana Loni siana election is nearly completed it will present that hat th abo majority find cud intimidation to abo result its it ro the returning board la in with up tho z electoral voto veto but bat finds ita action ou the returns for state slata cors cud and ur constItutional Cinci bicic fOi o jn jan 2 23 0 tile tho lator ii washing washington a ft itch says judo west tin eminent priam nt las has written a lottor letter to judo judge left laft enclosing na an strongly adverse to the iho compromise bit bill 1 which la is declared tionne no he charnett that provision which admits an appeal from tho the docis ion of tho commission commis aion a delusion and mccause a majority of 0 tho the 17 court boford or 0 which the iou will como hag liss already prejudged tho the case 31 hady made mada by tho the senators I 1 ia aba tho yesterday aro on oat t by west met ia a str stranger angor buerry hosli tho the jan jalk ie 20 ferry calica upon pon grout grant last ovon evening Dg md and held a long 1089 com oraa tion with lim him on tho the subject ot tho compromise compromiso bill the principal object of 0 the ilo conference conk renco we wai i 0 1 o explain to the president Jent tho the most im amot dort rt ant act points ol of tho debate and cnally hla bl tho the batt tv ll 11 the provisions Pia ons of 0 the bill 11 W with ill put ul api upi io v of wiit loa gli tho out tho the esar discussion tius long ion re rn ol 01 1 th act u 11 it exo will the president i acho Q anho be 1 more promptly lly m I 1 co coclie uld jin jan ag the birthday ol of buras was wa dally celebrated hero here sua ia the cities adjacent by tho the usual ban quota still anil guinea games aoi hayes aaltio jm ac ia referring erring to the tha pas emage aage of 0 the th bill lor for counting tho the doctoral ow bald 1 I to a friend several days daya ago who makes nit lids it public this morning looming 1 I want it d distinctly is understood that I 1 10 10 not cot desire demro to the action of congress COD gress one way or ct tho the other in the matar 0 I 1 tho the electoral bill or soy any other mutter matter minting to tho tho rho whole Is ia in till the lands bands of congress aud and I 1 shall bo be content with its ill action EW biff ral luro ellenora ELLEN MrA it Y jan 26 abo liabilities li of jacob who ima has biado an ont are put lit at Z ow OUO was wa ono ODO of tho the 1 men mca lix in viator ulster county tile tl nex rexiene iene tives SAS jim jan SC tho the malican ox Jal osias elates that elfrio the presidential cloo owan july a st au dematio De patio C tho the me x ican mean constitution tullon limited the incumbent to ono one terms aud ho he LS la chief chic f justice in ia tho the of a legal election was wan cu co titled under ibo constitution to succeed to th tho Us ho put himself in communication bif general diaz who brood to lamut liim him to his bia rights alter congress on the iho of october last bo be declared lerdo elected iglesias kindice bu position dan gerovA fled in disguise dis guiso with four frieada to euans loat jattro 11 aich bad declared arod in his favor 0 un ozember icah diaz with wilh seven or eight thousand vol deflated t izreo ic thousand thon sand regular troops at tecoar andine ilo this victory con biag dia irom from a 11 partisan partis nn 0 to o an as t 4 abd amy y followed him in ft a ud body I 1 fiezl igler without support knob lt b al brought before lim him fo or r con beoo aeo mud his intention 0 of up P hit his revolutionary course and scap 1 be I 1 helical of his bis victories iglesias Igle ants party then than struck for the pacific coast urLing roii ro cLing on january yo he on ny a i as is rogarda dabis bis future intentions tuat tha ti bo 0 is determined to balao malao every on n debtor to care his constitutional right tho the only two mexican war TC tola gels la in the wore whon when he bo list last bearl from rom them pledged to his courso course H ile is still our euro thoy they vi ill arrive here two wo weeks weds arld and lo ha will return with thom at it they foil fail to come ho he will within twenty days leave for or either cither or acab I 1 C 0 I 1 r 1 bo uy tho baltor believing G r J A al 1 boroz bayed will hold that thai city it II he bo cannot obtain a foothold fool bold in any tit of tho the pacific Iaci fic states lo bo will then go to now orleans get into tto the tt o which favor his bia course n hoenes lerdo after atter alo battle of tecoar found liti bin course best aud u ith a party of 0 ill u loan including Ex Ew cobado after labay in any da dangers ogere reached in ill guarro bifero abo party wore taken prisoners by general Al Alber berezo cz a partisan of Igle alas but etro allowed to BI gothing could bo be gained by holding them ei cobado ws was not shot aa but with lordo and tho the rost rest of tho the party part Y on the iho of december embarked om barked on IS a german merchant bonne for or panama PH imi lerdo declared to femoral alberez that he bo considered consil cred his bia cause hopeless piles hc end would not to malico except as a private citi citizen zeD election Eler llou wasim r TON 20 26 tho corn com mitt mattea eaon tho anil privileges 0 the ho tionne la in conn taug tho the electoral vote veto to day examined charles 11 II brumb lei graph operator at Tolla bassee from the bah to the of 0 november he bo to ro hearing a telegram going over tho the wit ono one from governor steams Sto finia to if Cli chandler andler which thich in subi a s bismarck Bisma relt should Enon lil bo be at it or tall a glassco this was sent mut before tho arrived Ch chamdler Audler Gov that bat la ho bal seem coa the and Sec of ivr ways aua and would woula bo be lint it ness did not pretend to give ivo too abo exact words of the iho dispatches and to answer ant wertha the question dili did you yon speak to an body of tho the contents of 0 tho the telo late aran Rr 8 an Mitt less hail bad no recollection not ihal les ah r party tent sent ft a dispatch saying wo must have bate florida ADI by amr or other wisa TIM tho the commIt teso ty till tomorrow to morrow boolton BOOl TOI jan ar 2 abe th following win was adopted by the ol of representatives of Ite solved that tho ioto cost for tho the authorized electora clec torii tora lor for and let ol 01 ilo lu ill dilates the ilia olec election tiou of Buth ruthford ford 11 13 anca and william Willi ant A Wh whaller atler to of ficera slid nud ley of ought tobo to to at iho national capitol on the tha ath of match ly by the iho constitutional the Nc anlou WA qui jan ag 2 the tito of clomus with a formal adjournment tho the donao was im mediately modia tely called to order brid and to days legislative session opened wit prayer rr yo the reading of 10 the lo journal of besto iday wm TIM postponed the specter announced the bo tollow follow log dolock committee oil nil tho use bao of troops in tho wood 1 agodo I southard pout luril wd wall smith tit of georgia ghori Go ori harrison Ut non kaa son on roar earns eams alia ingo 1 F 16 tho anro tho I 1 deballa 91 t tho gaca libbian ww random roast will remind the iho european powers abat iu in of 0 the refusal of 0 Aum austris tris and nd et eug g isnac to participate in this ibid programmer pro grammo gramme literee lit ered upon llio alo work of 0 dirocc and tho the czar anjou act a ills intention to act dealia De Afia to lo exact by force itco from tur tor koy key what buma know could not mot bo be otherwise obtained ilnia joined the th respect lor for the ibo bimbas ti ot of coropo naj and so 0 o as lo 10 pernile it Troit tho the forte to show the full oil ti ex to tent n t ot of its in ill III will russia agreed to ro duce the bobco forth herself ennit entitled t ad to reckon on the abo continued c ivo efforts of europe abono accord for come men action las laa not bacu do the con fo florenco renco the concluded by ting lLusala proposes pro pOMa shortly to lo submit t abil to full she honcik hoac a to abt obtain am tho the adhemor ol of the lb poe guem arm self herolin Her form orin jn jan 20 26 ports port intends introducing of its own records thi the reforms demanded by the bo confer Ci ends sir eliol bailish ambassador A left toda to da alny daron yon von verlon Vcr thoD getman Am Lador anil and count zebby austrian ambassador will vill sail on satur sator dal deif F general departure li Is still retarded by tuo the tempestuous won ther in the black sea boa avent 1 im elevator vo jan 2611 26 11 D DOTH davis was olarte d donator for the long tol term do b by R 1010 of to an anil d 1 hardford U for or t the be short formby a veto loto of seventy to new lork Ira fatora torm it jan ZB 24 tho sonata today to day adopted nil opted a resolution approving the tb joint tor for counting tho the electoral clec toral vote veto |