Show fumio ING sotirea aarl FOIL FOB vata PATENT HT no usma starre I 1 AND A ND crosa 1 0 pi 1 LT IT I 1 AKST ait cur ul auh ali ju jac us 20 ash f f is il rien that F ancko m aloo e pou lUo i la a bill salt liko lake city uth utah joseph J otholo who abom 1401 0 Is in alta coll utah bull r 14 xander blat Streel whose 16 1 city state of b losolis have bato made for a patent for ono one then food linear tn feet by vo hundred 00 OO ice left A in of the civin ifor mining claita lenng buyer baltor below Lt fito vo situated in little cottonwood mining ill brict but fol morl la in Moin taiD take halt lka C duty utah tied lie cri bedia in lio 1 ard flola hotle on oa file ajl in ID wah lb att 18 ilaf bet kd allo de be giant 8 it at post k 1 0 1 tt at the abo barill corner coraor of the sold claim aid ru fouth 21 dog and 43 45 VIA oi two to hundred SOO fact iwato to FO biot 1 10 lo 2 at the boatti corner of said eftim north of d 13 TOO cast ut coo saud I 1 olo 0 fo foot to lo corner no 3 at ai th taft south looth catony cord or of 0 paid md clum claim north 33 dc kg g I 1 min wait 1 l two I 1 JO lion tl feel to 0 o corner no 4 it at the lb corth corder coraor of a ill 1 claim iacoro od knob mb ca den 9 IS 15 min ma west 1 oud 1 buu fact wl tc nj pott post no kii 1 ilia ali loo ot of begino tm ilg 41 atea re or of 1 I ano of land arom tire ello covery of alj cis cl in stated mine rat moo aDent no 4 bear south IS 3 deg 17 min east four hoo and dd abreo hundred and dd 1370 foul wit distant the tb nearest known knon claims are the DO la pinto end nd bolln bold a otte said id claim Is in recorded did in unok 0 1 pied pago 23 la in tho the lc llo ilor of ILiR uko midus district as 1 l silt nit lake oily adt lilo lake cout ft T utah I 1 direct that to kotce bo be pub joshua for CO daya in the pal t like trally LZ WI aa C 9 OlL custar aar At for foi I 1 have this liI dy day appoint od mr oatta W WEb boiling our jD en etLI business A goo 9 TON ft of B chith limited Um llod I 1 hr byr A 0 Is Allor nr la in ciol AU AL Flo stuff mine salt lake oitt city jm JAU 20 I 1 1877 ir 7 0 mo junu james A YOU ton ua sze heroit hy by that batt I 1 be vo alpenstock in labor and money UM mo ma lum in of I 1 ono conj mod ml two dollars gad lid furty forty jno ano cents cant tl QIU Al the lh liui being ft alio llio assi on your lu in the tb biallas mica long ham canyon went we wool tain mitat did di trial utah territory Torn Torri lory tory for ilia year oi and ir if uld said make alii op othar ther with interest 1 aj I chilt is 1 dot DOI pud paid to 0 me ma wit mahln bin vlosty 90 jy days from the iho dt of ailin ached your in t art drogt in 10 uld amid rate alfo will become mv prop p troy by proceed of 0 law 1 0 it a 04 ganyou U T JID jan 1676 1076 43 i NOTICES NOTICE IS awby given that alburl a 0 lu to b ba the clony in 10 fact all nl mon aiger goir of 0 the ibo hiller of utah la in entire y without 6 cholity tho lity and 11 ned T nos are a wooed ilan a ad dot uy IID daffer lr willi I 1 alio llio a for elj avel or 4 I 1 0 Z J N U fig lafr silver ill minor 60 oo 00 albl alpl ro R p al E N T NOTICE NO KO 14 ND 0 omar 1 f PALT un city can cnn jio jan 13 M 7 1 Is i hereby given anca iott t b st e elat I 1 w b 0 d d r e 1 e s oell iorg city utah ik II I 11 I alado applies ta e u na for kv a tia f for 0 r t abi b 0 D br L mining g 0 lm j f 0 0 rf big 1 col t 0 a w M J I 1 ai 1 m brict t bait lako a ko etarl Terri lurT Q r r rica J salt giorg 0 tu fully 1 y dorl bd la in tbt plat at J d bold nol anuw on A filo a la in this thi office ki boutto 1 from UH a worril monument no 3 2 boors south 37 dog doah 42 win wet fuel fot ir wati tiit thence kill L h 87 deg d 80 min bodt oil 1300 ai foot to 0 o poet pi no 21 3 north norih i 2 deg jo term tain rul cut 20 foot to a post no 3 theme north 61 67 deg ilk 10 nilo min wool vot ISCO lct to poet pel no ko 4 south 1 2 dog deg SO 30 min wilt foot fil to tit post poll no 1 ilia place of beginning 5 9 du 1 ok 0 acres kufs the lear dear tat t claim id 1 tho the CF liona nit tiia haker a oliam mica is recorded on an pigo page af 3 book 11 big Col collinwood lanwood firks I 1 direct that bit ibis notice li be for or the ho full fall period vt of W 4 daya I 1 to ilo t 0 salt lake LEWI 1 I 21 B gi after application tuu IOU PATENT NOTICE sl mg Ci lazio OMM I 1 stir BAIT lint LAFR carr UTAN otin asay is hereby given giron that 1 yn r P davis whose abow addra te Is salt lake city ankh bu bas nula made an n ter cr a patent 1101 linear feet of 0 the ibo silver king no 2 west mining clile boating ob ill 1 dr af and ather min mineji erald aa gother with our ff ground I ono feet feat in wirtly to ID the iho rush limb mining district tousle county utah territory and moro more fully folly described in ID the iho plat and field note doted of like ilia offield GiSl survey artt thE cheroot rOOt on DO tile in this with volva t on 17 dog jut L u foliated to alt 0 1 maken tring at t port foo t no I 1 of the rid aid a id clalia 1 s lut and running therdo north 4 deg kat waid walt ong ho ha eod a it line of the tao clilia claim a buo ouo b doe foot to pott post no it a nuth aag hi dig woodit odo oco tofu tovu to post pod no 3 thence mouth 1 4 df ava cut along tho the rolt t i lid dd lt of alo OWED clim oto eta boinard ildo feletto diet to no 4 thence to orth north 86 dog deg east ODA thousand loio fact to to oit ait alno no 1 the iho place of fi ln be containing an a area aci of 3 2 at am of land bom mald post pol sa no 4 united state minal Mi meriol monument no 2 banors north 30 somin min we cn hundred and ninety four 1791 1701 feet dla dim lack and the north norih west corar carat r of orion thirty VO 30 1 4 south gioga 4 silt 91 lalni ako Mor litan board south oath lo 10 th d 9 went motif three ibra sit frit humored mud abd nicety thre 1 foot ilio laDt li he bo ell ver vcr eing no jio 2 won welt extension mining claim to la deigo tod as ac to lot comber c r forty five li 45 in 10 the tat an mom ic flold i d betl m of tho survey made under der tho the direction of tire tho united surveyor it gen tryst TI for ulah an I 1 approve i by him gottul bir elih th louisa claims tro are tho the kice 1 rn tto cast tle contra on OD tin on root roith k and tho ilo I lt w amt eat blarr ainar no 2 on the south the abo r ri cord of location of uld said silver king no lio 3 2 s claim is i lu in tho the cleoa of tho the know 0 orlinm linam vilify valley district at blockton bloc kloo utah tom tory t bryin lu hook book 1 D page ot of tho the records of maid in brict I 1 throat direct thil that unit UK folco bo be ivr the ilio full pulled period of sixty days in ia tho be fall belt liko lake dally daily tribune a nimr cpr I 1 UIAL dutot the location 0 of the be king no ko 2 tot M 0 g claim ElLBO Uil LEWIS alj 43 B Ib 9 grier C g E Gilch riol alfy for application IOK NOTICE no ko uxry C amt fix LAND LAID I 1 SALT batt laix J lt utah clah asoy NOTICE I 1 I 1 given that tbt philip 14 whose floo address la is stockton ul bag made applice lion for a patent for af aten hundred 1500 jaccar feet feel by two tire buneriu kit in ia width of the ito iro quals in m oil nug at claim tm boa bearing ilter blog lug lut lutton b toM 0 50 tiiu lol I 1 Is baily mining Diot vet lodolo county coonly mob tor I 1 wry and in ia the pl end dd field arid ook dot a thereof on bilto to la oft leff with otto varlo titu D at t to ell cc SO 30 aknin ead cut as lol luw at t no KO 1 XI as the corner of the ho ail aall Iro holism still lisenco bouju 1 au lb 23 2 1 dag 11 1 L two flick aio to 10 r 1 0 11 o 2 s rt t the terly conr of isaid casim thence north 61 C dig cut cast recta fifteen linz oddred foil fees to icso hoilko Io ilKo no 3 as the corner of jf claim cordio 21 2 1 J aff wa 1 7 ro hundl ad 2110 2100 feet to past no 0 4 a i the orth erly cirou of paid aid claim tb nee non ill gl 02 ol 01 dag vocal L hundred fit feet to raa rot Kol ilio ilia n area oi 0 ca HU acron barea 01 land jana from raid paid rot no 1 untied lot mineral in io 2 br dorah 21 deg ITO hino hundred mull kud eighty debty MO feet ollo taut and tho ilo northwest carat r of aj I 1 south bange 1 4 woot wool felt alt la a 0 bum dorah 69 0 ILK deg 57 mm mul wat wIt abro hundred and dd forty fuel dibling from told mid ro t no io 1 the ll 11 brot I 1 tuomo down are the ibo jug of klitou which adjoins on OD the ibo nor dolab it rif aide mud DI the send find and LIT claims lio ila to the north and bid bald claim in in ID look ae E 11 to tho the R bordor officio ot of rush buah mo aloy aloy ditrick ht at H utah ulah 1 direct that tbt for sixty days antho lut boll salt LAW doll an bano L W aia 73 aa fadl I 1 register I 1 0 X atty for tob farest ZAT no ko umito starra domce I 1 SALT BILT LAU t try utah jar jan 11 1817 I 1 that maryf atry F oboes is 1 hick bun cl calr t tt utah adli liu this day mado an vr liest oil on oa for i a bolted stated patent it I 1 or dim hundred took cot of a costim vein or lodo of quartz or other bockin rock in bp isco bearing sold silver 1014 sod kod of other c r valuable with curfs turfs ground IWO lt DUll 10 ibo late mining dic inott hib ball logo lo 10 cou rity territory lod moro more fired 10 the pilot and hold field notes 0 he orvay abt roof on ale lu in abid with tai lution lasion 16 dog di 30 min ian cut ut lill f 0 ollowa ol 1 I 1 lowi 0 w m t to 0 w ml li CC m m c v cio t ibo dl c 0 N c r y 0 b a ft a ti dd d ra n oi n g H hideg dog ill limia in in walk huntrod fact to a oro I 1 ia th tho cantar of the mouth weavrly end cail f oliam 41 deg 4 45 miu MID to loit tj t DO t no I 1 of 0 said nil clum claim thence running nth JL 41 dig 15 13 min mil OHI ease two hundred to poet no 2 north il 13 min coat fillou frUnd rol 1 I 1 OLO fact to post poal no 3 ranD radomir north 41 deg 45 i min w wrt at two hundred filet 0 plat no 4 running oath 13 dag 13 min mia wol west handled bundled 1100 feet to 10 the westerly cor car nor of the claim which to tot to t jo bo ii 1 rod and tho the first established aa are arct of it a eaic o gores orf of ct land from floor pout post no 8 V U d monument no I 1 beare coith 54 dog JO min 1 I feet dialect ilia orton onca grove gaoing rf clum claim is ii des del g avo As lot 10 one OLO and dd floor ly in ia tho the offia lat pigs 1 I an fidd office ol 01 of trio survey made under udder the united tola alsky taft burve yorGen oral el for utah nl gad ampro ed by him novem ekr fifteenth fil 15 laili trio to nearest lacown claims gro fro the M e 1 ay 11 1117 JUKI tint the M d of 0 1 loaft in ia the flino of the forming of maid ild wet west mountain joining district dl at t bing liam oty all L lilo U T I 1 throat direct that hill no tie bo be od for or the fail prenod of daba la in the 11 I 1 she daily tribune a nearest the iho location of the lb oroee urubu mining cis ol 01 in alt aj fiR hirbour BOUR LEWIS leflar Reah stAr 1 I 1 jk N NOTICE to ii hereby KITO given that tbt the thao an devik ined ad joint owner with joined jimei warfield alid bd W B lo in alio be love LODO kioa lodo anio to ia the he mining district ufah territory Turn tory bu bids fated the lh work required by lw law to tw bo performed pir formed on ludo lur fur the tb year tad and that bit the th alro of ebu wo cout coat of such kuch aslor which falls to 14 the oil bold Ward eld to his in to ia said lode judo to abo om of twenty d lint mud aj tho LIU haro falls to a the mid laid atil record log a to till bid anfort laio Do matir to airy dolit dollard dol larf iod and that unit tah of said ina dimill aar purlin tits teiji repay to the under gd fa oinita day city from arora defte datte hereof the for which thoy they to ro by of tho the premus if 11 tilo hill each of their in wall lode will the tb liiri jaws of ilia volton stated bonomo to the model fri gued FRANK JACOU to james dd ad W 1 u jacob oily city bato jm jan 7 T ZOAA oVE A A mining company Comp tny ou of lilal alce of boat i icci salt lalo cody n of worlo LILLI cottonwood mining minim district boll alloth hotia otlo is J hirtzy abal it of thu of tru hold ou oil tho bolh 1 JT of joe jon ry A D aa as no I 1 of bilty conto pot per late was u vied ivied I 1 vlod on the iho cap av list stock of th abo corporation payable liu im in stat stakes currency to tho the at the t filed tt ct life comi toy it at blank tit balt uk take vity oily auy any klook block apon hab tho the assessment shelf bl unpaid on I 1 harshay the ib ZIA day of cabri ary 1377 1977 will lo bo do hock abd fur or otto 10 lo lit as public tuo ilon add 01 uneas I 1 baym I 1 li awk will bo god idoa 00 saturday tho the ellb 2 1 ill dy day of f march 1877 to lo pt pay tho the delinquent to gather with the goat of advertising mud a x of talc mio W 0 ER 1 A boore tary MINING NOTICES SALE HALE NOTICE PLYMOUTH MINING COMPANY ram PANY location Lt Kilion of place of ct bum D 0 a leoh looh lion ion 0 of work anle 1116 cottonwood hilt gait ito coon ly U ab b nolice thera agodo are do it loiret loir Dt up upon tho the fo howing described it on a at of cf boosi NO 3 l P on oil the ibo 24 1876 the IL several ame iset opp clu 1 h 9 mamoo dime of f abo t ftp UTO imre 6 h holdeM 0 ers ed follows loll owl names no no amt afif cert C bin bbs W orl 11 II bell trustee 60 1 0 0 00 IV 11 72 10 off 00 W if th 11 11 trustee tM 73 too D 00 0 W W W it ti H lea bell all 1 1 I 1 ir 1 r r u uit t ico e 76 75 71 loo ITO iro 1 1 I 1 CO 00 CO 00 W H I 1 dell 1 1 T 0 77 II 11 pe 1 00 camj akeo W V H foll 1 1 71 loo WH W it D 11 tm 71 79 too loo ito 10 io 10 v H bull Tram loo 80 10 1 vf y ti ff dall 1 W 61 1 1 0 0 ert W ill 11 B 11 anum Tn uM fa 1 ICO aft iut 1 W ff 10 ito lo 1 Tra K 1 US iwo ito tu W H doll SS KS 1 03 J it am I 1 GO 1625 15 8 P 3 IM 13 IS 83 ta L ajac baffo 2 70 J J marko it lya 1883 13 83 E B tar bridgm ISS 1 to and ADI la in with law and od to an order of the board of directors made on the tbt 21 23 day y ot of december croter Bc 1871 1870 0 so o many allayed of nob parcel of och each stock lock ad way mif b no oro nio chikry try will til be ISOM boll at public fill unction action at tho the aimed of tho the csom complot comp pacy tOT HI california street ra pan rare low on SATU it DAY the d Y of january 1877 at 1 the boar of 1 1 a clock jr so lu ol of wit ud day to pj pay said ij de thereon hereon hc reon together atti costs and dd expend a oj of iiii CHALTIN secretary Offic eIll street sto ban fran afna clean cico california TO NICK jonhson JOnh BON X ton will plead a tika e abe ablie ga bno ao t in amonoy L ind abor a aror ibo of fifty del do a 8 0 on oa the diihr afo ergo mud DI co 00 felt tuto in cottonwood mining citric t to in halt 1 l lakil county territory of utah and that unless yoa pay mo me fifty SH GO dollars that we abo for your year inkret of five hundred foot in bald mine together with lot rut rell nil coat som ca or before atie expiration of ninety days st if tor for abl tits notice too tits in ID bald mino mine of jon 0 0 falling 10 pay all tx be forfeited to end cio or y due dao piece a ms and ad dball bamo beca momy iu pro pory aldbert CAMPBELL Y J n 26 1577 nal A TION FOR FOB NOTICE no carm sta Ts LA no bomor SALT BUT orrt U clab uh any lo 10 NOTICE 1 is hereby given that Jorome P Os of bafo boa address to ij utah territory mil and W unit whoa 0 addrel Is 1 salt lilio lake llly city cab territory rr an lor 0 for or flito a hundred hand reil foot ot t t abo b of I 1 matik 11 and now NOT year no 2 abod coina mo lidik Ini claim ring tod and othar bila orale wilb surface g m c 0 d t to v 0 b un d re d roi I 1 alc ut t la i a w id t b 0 it u at 0 d i ID 0 th abo 0 i hah i b h CV I 1 I 1 oy M 1 n ild g d dir i g I 1 trio county utah Teni tory all koi moro more fully folly in the LO plot and fidd notes of the official survey ou an fit ia inar w with i allows 17 it dok beet at u f follow att th hu a auth argot budor of clula t pot no 1 ud and reading thorie ct dorali M 9 deg wot west two lira bondred att no 2 thence south ca dg deg west we six alx lx line kundrod largo ad 6 0 |