Show CONGRESS cenate jan 25 it was wai agreed that tho the bill reported by br the be judiciary committee last be so 0 a to croato create a 3 finking fund for tho ilia t duo from the iho pacific rall railroad roul comonia comp coulp nia enies f boula bo be taken up op st the expiration of the ees ion to dey thai mile becoming business i ill llis belt meeting at tho the expiration of lour hour mr J jones nee of florida florid called up the he 1 I of the democratic 6 presidential electors of that stela that tbt their vote be counted as lao aruo return aa sai ad dreaded ll 11 alo 0 senate that peace lind prot pros dorily existed in 10 Ff florian Flori orila in mr allion alli on oo reported a bill to ratify daiy an made by billop whip 1 plo Is mud ud others with certain bands ot of ito sioux nation and also with the arapaho fini 0 indians lod iiDa on th tho 0 the bill provides provided for or ratifying the be agreement with lio be sioux indians 1 lart t october for the of the black hills hille country conniry without any material amendment except the bo rne no chinh omita the iho provi provision for their removal to the indian territory mr galls introduced a bill to attach to tho the territory of 0 wyoming a curtain certain portion of tho the blak blaik hills country for or judicial purposes ro berred mr allison alliason introduced a bill to ex tend ilia jurisdiction of thodi and circuit courts court of tho ilia united states for or the punishment of cri onmon mos over the ilia indian reservations within ol of organized Tern laferr ifie nel a 1 mr iowa presented a petition ilion of tiie tha milwaukee chamber of 0 commerce comme roo favoring the appropriation of 50 to establish a temporary exploring colony colon j noir near tho the slot 81 et deerea north dorth latitude referred mr wisdom toJ a petition from the minnesota legislature an aa the appropriation of the proceeds odthe sales of public lanan in the bo wales and Terri oties by ond and th their air oges eggs ro ferrod ter roil mr dests molion mo hon that today to days sad adjournment jo journ ment bo till douday was wa ro re jetted 33 39 to 0 9 after the iho forcing hour mr jonea jone a or of florido Flo riJo on tho the petition pc lilion 0 f the florida io electors eloc tore arguing that those electors elo olora were legally chosen but defrauded by tho the ret boire which hid had boindi no judi obi dial powers ii owera mr chaiman called up dp the la bill amendatory to the pacilio pacific railroad act sand and providing a fiolina fund lor for tho the liquidation of their indebtedness to tho the government and it will bo be unfinished busi bus inces aces tomorrow to morrow mr allison reported the military ep bill the bo amend amendments mento thereto are anim por tint at being principally tho be ro Is horation to ration of the longevity pay and an appropriation of for tho the band mr windom reported back tho oat iaci lin appropriation bill wilh an increasing the appropriation pria tion for sea armament and comici noce from rom to aber an exe cativo session siy the bonato adjourned t HOUSE 1101 SE tho the house IT I 1 caled alel to order at 10 when but few ew members were pro ent the discussion ait oit of iho ho el elo toral cloral bill wi was at once resumed rei omed and hooker her I 1 ridge and felton spoke in ia favor of the bill and aad against the claim the that ll 11 the president Pros ident ot ol the senate lid had tho the right to count the thi electoral vote vole mr mill opa cj the abe bill ond aud said were elcue good things in it it silenced ilic that the president of the benato had power to conol the voice at tho the expiration of mr mills time a point of order was vas raised that he bo could not speak moro more than ten minutes mia ates according to tho the agree moot made yesterday but bat alter after some eoma chion cg ion 1 hij I J timo time was waa extended to ODO b boari od 1 14 4 ocl ocic fixed as aa the iho timo time for calling tho the auca bioc mr lamar fol followed olo owed wod the fallacy of the iho wil wao in ia the he assumption that the power claimed either oa ca the one ode hand lor for both I 1 Ilou jollies or on ilia other for the tice to count the votes totes wm vita a a legislative body it t wis was no DO such och thing a legislative body could oot not do an aa sot act without laving having the approve that notice action it ww was an 0 o organized body clothed with the abo i ingle function la notion to count the votes BS as the D coutens coo cou tend or witness tho the count as the ibo held therefore luero loro the ibo bill was not cot a delegation of legislative authority mr lumar then con eluded his bia speech the bill b con and it to a tribuna whose character guaranteed justice right anil and truth rath in its it decision mr baker ol of indiana lodi mii declared the tha measure ead and it lor for excluding from rom the the chief ahlet Juil too oba motorizing the discrimination an eat time oua and unjust reflection on that wi so magistrate mr Wal torson took the floor and sail said it might not be 18 I 1 r DO t bat tho ilia country stood on the brink of civil wr war but it wag wa true that grave hive abin danger threatened our publio public interest lie he eald a welli organized collo piracy to alico io tha ilia officio a man who haj not beau elected existed lie ho mol moa grouly believed tho the republican party parly was wi barong to mako its exit from power by a great war the republic can party was dow don to the ike country into a civil war if the abo two iwo houses failed to agree ou on tome come plan to lil lids over tho the great emergency the ibo country would see sea tho the sodoto declare dealers 11 fayeg ayes elected anti it konsto won would d eta a president of the united states supported the array army ala mr hurlbut argued gaca against the ho bill and said every word of influence nind and weight senate iko fio reau tatton of its supporters sod dd abo occasional cne cas ional threat or injudicious men mcd of po tillo civil cirii war and possible complications bad been to 0 o boar on cu the house to induce individual members to forego their own concio tiona and their own views of blat the required of them mr hill gave fito 0 to the bill hu his learty hearty and aj warm approval app speaking or of I 1 tho be S auth he be said I 1 have atoo a witness of the sorrows ol of that pok pomplo plo and swilling eauer of til all their mil sal durings fu ori rings Dif alay I 1 therefore be L par domed on this occasion for calliga the al of 0 the house iio aaa and of tha country to the spirit which hu has been manifested by that divided people during their entire con controvert trover 01 B oa 00 another cu ion I 1 delen dod I 1 their lek maii mainhood hood their civilization their humanity from phat I 1 know knew to bo be it the answer then ben w lot tho the furth er cr answer bo be found in 10 the pint spirit bloh the ol of the south have during the UBI last silly days tre alore li is BOti oely a moo ia a that country 10 who lo does doca not dot believe tho the democratic ticket willa va clo clottel otel aill who does not believe that thai all they have remaining of property 61 right of jasi tico depends upon rotten of that ticket yet during daring oil all this controversy ini I 1 by it with pride naj and the south has manifested but ono one spirit and nil that bat his bia bc aten on ct cf of kind nesti and of hiroomi with ill t tho a chains or of the usurper still on her litano with the ibo greed ol 01 f tho the zer alftin hor her already collars coffers with the army of tho the united states now seat goat trl t rl throughout hor her bordon borders sad and for tho the colion of robbers rob bera the south utters to thoai who have been ler despoilers and who now threaten to be despoilers of each other but ene ena voice and the thai boico is ii for peace civil wr war ro ra dr preserved DO rights 1 it you doubt dolbt it look here beio mud and bo be con vinced I 1 hope that bat the people will never dever again bo be derided with the iho charges of rebel and traitor for offering up their lives lires la in vindication of their honest belief that hit they were right lit mi r derosi tho liopo that bit la tho falura he bs alone will be reg irdel as chief rebel who tho after the of this maib anro of 0 poco shall again whisper tho the words hato bato lot let him bo be regarded as chief traitor inner who shall again seek to breed sectional toot ional strife I 1 feel eel a pride id ia being able to fay thit I 1 can cai look upon every loot foot of american Amerio aa ecail ind and thank god that it is part of my country I 1 oa can look n say person itt ia this whole land anil say et this is my ay follow oil cit azark and fadd I 1 on can raise roy my vision anion to the uttermost boundaries of 0 the ilia lio ito find and say bay my whole country oo blessed is ia he be who bles blasc soth lh thee and accursed is 13 he who theo then mr hill bill upon ol 01 i ws warmly congratulated mr davis of north carolina said laid that while ila ha did not mean to bo be understood der stood as acquiescing in tho the course of events that made such bach a mass measure ure necessary he ha would give giro 1 i his bis hearty heart support to a bill which would give peace sod bod quiet to the connary coaD con try mr singleton ot of opposed the bill on ca tho the ground of an constitutionality and repudiated tho the theory that Congre Con grest 63 has bm the right to cill call in the judges ol of the supreme court or any uy ot oiher her person outside of 01 congress to assist in m the adjustment of tho the question mr laphand of 0 new navy york opposed tho the bill on constitutional grounds mr blakj of Misti missouri ouri sustained tho the bill because it provided a remil dy lor for tho the but bat ho he expressed his bil belief that no constitution or lt law could bo 10 de devillen defield which would accuro honest elections or which thieves and robbers could not tied find same earne means of odi ovad og log ct Ohio tho the bill lut but suggested ina it should bo be so EO amended as aa to prid a for tub sub milting to the the clues tion lion as to the tight right of colorado to vote toto as 99 a state mr vatice p of ohio opposed the abo bill as mr harrison of illinois Bastain cil tho the bill mr poster foster of iowa belief I 1 that hat governor hajto had bad ro received one hundred and eighty civo elector electora elec torl I votes nod mad was elected but bat yet ho bo waa vis in favor of the bill ile iio 11 hould support it blua he ha considered it a fair mode made of ettli oR the aba existing complication no he was wait not dot influenced by democratic threll threats of violence barking dogs were not dot apt to bite mr townsend of 0 now York opposed the bill lie nai via convinced that hayes boil and he did not dot propose to put ia jeopardy that election mr lynch opposed the bill bo cause it a was 03 unconstitutional mr knott opposed the bill iio was one of those who entertained tho the that there wm wait nothing in v holved 0 lye d I 1 la a tho the presidential quest I 1 ol 01 I 1 which demanded or jus titita tho tho measure coder consideration mr carr opposed the abo bill on con grounds gron odB mr dannell said bill that bo be found some things in the bill which prevented him irom from giving it his bia sp bp tr oval la io his opinion the auler gency bad hi not arisen fur for Congre ai ei to lo put ita to vile habdo cia ills supreme louth the was not such as aa could compel clumped Coo gresi to trample do down we the iho dignity of thit that high court coort if this chii bill was pissed it would bo be como a precedent and the tha same earna great force would lo be played over again four our years hence mr favored tv orel the bill mr townsond of 0 elvadia did not dot the tha vice Bres president ident had bad tho the solo eolo power to count the and be ther eloia favored the 1 bill mr pratt of iowa ionae opposed the iho bill as a at variance var ianco atwith i the whole course ot of constitutional precedent it II created i trib unknown to the willient willi ont limited powers and with authority expressly dolo dele to own autho ity and its ita own powers power so eo as to make it supreme oa ca the ques lion mr vance of north carolina sent bent to the clerks dek and hud had read a telegram from gov GOT yance vanco of north carolina stating that re ablutions sp sq proving the ibo biu bill bad last abt passed botu both hontice or the ibo legislatures elmost or quite at lour four before calling ilia fotion mr rado allow ej ad mr hopkins to lo read on swend ment containing a to re tor for to the all tte tle toti tosti many takeo taken by either M mr I 1 payee refused to allow the amendment and moved the previous buos quos lion which was wag seconded though mr southard ende endeavors avord to ret get io ia ao am mom dment mg Colo colondo raio mr payne having an aa hour to close yielded to mr walker who supported on bill air lawrence enumerated eight oba objections cottons cot ions mr blackburn ati eail 1 this WM was no proper subject for arbitration tho the bill ww was a temporary makeshift makei bill ind and iu advocates durt durot not plead it as 63 a precedent lor for but an u abortion born ot of a tim i city which kioh bought to void avoid the abe ini biliti cs of tho the hour mr jones jonca ky opposed tho the bill mr field now new york said that while ho thought the bill was waa unquestionably tion tio Dably ably within the abo competence ot of congress he ha was wa sure eure hint bat it ws a just juet and aad honorable kod and the bua boil method ol of an aa impending calamity the arg cargamento amento were A members wort were road ready 7 to voto anti aad Lee should hh hould talio take no DO pirt part to ia further urther discussion U could not retrain irom from bill admiration of the fidelity and courage Tiou coupled pled with mah the moderation ol 01 bore bora of the ibe concurrent committees on both sides and IQ in both houses of 0 Coo prees mr brown of cl kentucky favored the ibe bill A donth ago go ha be lad doo doa paired of the abo Ro republic public As ai a part parelean lean he be believed the bo voto vote at ai ceat ter prea allowed nearly a squatter of 0 a million majority lor for tildon and a million majority majori lv of the whito white votes of c the country sod be ba feared the no DC would bo be threat brant upon them to attempt an organization ot of in aco a whom they believed beli oved ltd lad won TOD but I 1 olima T albod tho she tj in kniph of 0 tills this compromise compromise would provo prove the stability of the ilia constitution it would give R ITO ranco to lo the country oo unity tho the section from froia which lie be camo came was brokenhearted broken brokon hearted and aci in the iho weada of mou laing not only boly lor for ambition toiled foiled tod and pro priority rity ruined bat bal lor for liber lyp that section would lin lift up again agabo sunlit brow with in ia her heart and with encouragement that her liberties were to bo be protected anil and noted sod her equably is as a part of the government secured se coreil mr gilson bill mr payne chairman clith mn of altho the c corn ci whish reported tho the bill billo closed loiel the debate io in a brief but earnest earneest speech in ia the course of which ho he slid bijil that it houch the be jaeger danger of civil war haj bad boco been flippantly flippin lly enetro I at there had bad beo been danger such buch ft war with which no DO wr war IQ in ancient or modern could lave compared the ibo debate was wa closed and the speaker announced abe voto veto tho the mot moat intends interest sod and excitement prevailed and as ai republican after ro llo pub publican public licau aa voted no DO that tbt voto veto seemed 0 to o cause prise to many who had bill supposed fully ono one half bill of 0 them would support the bill the speaker announced that he bo should |