Show JORDAN BOND MEET IAO ano TO the ilo bondholder of oath the jordan mining JL and Sm smelling smelting elting company notice to is hereby given I 1 bit in p c 0 0 0 of I 1 tho the provision of it A treat dood r 1 n g dato date oo on tober to thi u toos by the jordan wining mining tied smelt log company to secure becaro tho the payment rT mot of lu let bonds bondi ot of even asta with mid dood deed and nd daoa abo written laurat ot th tb boldon of dij hoods bood apon which default la in his bu bodd been mido made ft wonting of all the ibo bondholders bond holders of uld said campanis Com panis ial beneby called e kod od abo flame will lo be li ii i I ld d it iho offelo of 0 horatto bi ilag low no 60 vily El chicKc in ia tho the city ai of boston state ot of on the liy of A D I 1 1677 1877 it at 10 on the oro oooo to consider and doUrm fao whether the it aa u such alcoa all rhall he directed to sell ibo be property do in ia said mid deed of truet trait for the ilo pay mont ot of the iho bonds of slid company thero them by secured chaa H HEMPSTEAD 1 1 GEO F I trustee as oro W LOW LONG I 1 dated i 1 1847 aso 50 |