Show DEATH OF HENRY ARNOLD who passed to the other life clife this Nor morning elder hour henry 7 arnold proprietor of the globe bakery died inthe in the rooms in the rear of that establishment at half ball past nine this mo morning sept henry arnold was the eon of henry arnold and elizabeth monk and was born bom at Ren chester near the ci city ot of hereford cheref herefordshire Hereford 0 rd shire england ian on feb loth 1822 1829 his father died when he was eleven years old causing win him to be placed under the care of guardians in 1841 elders woodruff brigham youn young r and other apostles were in the f vicinity aher brother arnold resided creating great greald religious excitement by their preaching he attended one of the meetings at lugwardine Lug wardine the room was very crowded and a sin singular gular incident ident oc occult carped ed during daring the proceedings as related by brother ishmael lat imael phillips who was present on the occasion casioa oc A sister named gibbs arose in ift the congregation conr gaton and stated that she beheld a light ll 11 over brother arnolds arnold head and exhorted the brethren to pray for him he was little more than a lad at the time being in but 19 years ol 01 old and this circumstance caus caused e d him to feel very much abashed and to experience very singular feelings ile he had never been iden idea titled any and during that i meeting was firmly convinced ol of the truth of the gospel as aa revealed anew through the prophet joseph smith it was announced that there would be a social gathering of the saints and their friends at a place 14 miles distant so bo he secretly a ticket walked that distance on foot and attended at that meeting the doctrines of the gospel were further explained to him lad and he was baptized on the eth ot of february 1811 by elder william kay the fludder and first bishop of kaysa ville and confirmed the following day shortly afterwards the same spring he was ordained to the office ot of a priest and prea preached elied the gospel in herefordshire Hereford shire being the means of bringing quit a large nu er into t the he C church in 1813 1843 he and ar william biam allen alien were sent en n a 11 mission to pembroke shire their labors yvere were con confined mostly to Nar harbath bath milfort ft haven and some other towns being abeln about the first missionary work performed in that part paiton of the country in this dispensation pensa tion tiou they baptized seventeen persons and organized a branch while in that part of the country taase two elders suffered great hardship arad exposure this was occasioned casio ned bainy oy by the bitter prejudice of 0 a weiby man inan who owned a large part of the land in that section sect ioa ho forbade the people from entertaining theRl ders on pain of dismissal f from rom employment and they were compelled to sleep in barns stockyards stock yards and other exposed places during the cold spring weather le leaving an elder eider named james hushes to preside over the newly made branch Brother arnold and companion return returned bd in the summer of the same year 1813 1843 and he was appointed to preside over the lugwardine Lug wardine branch acting in that position until called by eldor elder E F sheets then president of hereford shire conference iu in 1845 18 to assist him a a traveling elder in that field elder sheets was call d home to nauvoo to receive hla his endowments before moving westward and brother arnold was appointed to succeed him in presiding over the conference retaining the position until be emigrated to america ile he crossed the atlantic in 1848 in the sailor prince landing at new orleans going thence to st louis where he remained till the spring of 1852 when he crossed the great plains by ox team transit landing in salt lake year brother arnold lived in the fifteenth ward for a time and responded to a call in the spring of 1853 to accompany an expedition ol of which the late george A smith was the head to assist the people of the outlying settlements to in the south to erect forts a and nd is save a ve themselves and their cattle from indian depredations the indians indiana at that time led by the notorious lens walker havink killed many of the brethren and made numerous raids on the stock in the fall of 1853 he be and others were called to go goto to fort herriman to protect that place which was then a frontier part of salt lake county from indian incursions ile he was in the echo cadion campaign of 1857 8 and went south at the time of the move 11 returning with the bulk of the sail saints att in ISM 1860 herriman ward was organized and brother arnold was set apart as first counselor alexander barron the latter and others were called to settle in southern utah and herriman was disorganized being attached to west jordan as a branch brother arnold being appointed by bishop archibald gardener to preside averit over it cecon he continued in that position till 1884 1864 when tie he was taken ill high unto death bein ing in a precarious condition several months he was removed to the city by his bis old friend bishop E F Slie sheets ets who took him to his home in the spring of he accepted the of the warm springs bath house bouse tendered him by the city and held the position for ten years ile he was set apart as second counselor to bishop A H raleigh of the nineteenth ward and acted in that capacity capaci tv a number of years in 1875 when bishop raleigh resigned R V morris was ordained in his bis stead and brother arnold was set apart as second counselor to him and subsequently as first counselor after the abath death of bishop morrist morris brother arnold was appointed first counselor to bishop james watson which position he be held at the time of his bis demise the deceased was in the early phases of the legal raid instituted under the edmunds law indicted for unlawful tul cohabitation under the segregation scheme he kept out of the way and spent considerable time in england after his big return he was arrested a few months ago for a number of years his bis health has been precarious being afflicted with stone in the bladder and inflammatory rheumatism that complication of complaints being what carried him off biff leaves a large family and his bis wives and chil were mo most st an tensely intensely devoted to him are greatly distressed by his demise he was an honest upright kindhearted kind hearted and intelligent intelli sent man aiming always to 10 be consistent with his bis religious religions profession his case wason tho the court calendar for trial and he fully expected to go to the penitentiary cat but hebah sone gone to his rest to sleep the sleep of peace and to aws await I 1 t me call of ane resurrection to cove forth to immortality tile the funeral service will be conducted at the ninetieth Nine ine teeth ward meetinghouse at 2 on wednesday sept 26 aib we are requested nested to say that friends of the family are invited |