Show HARD AND SOFT WATER all cooks coobs do oot not understand the diff bereit effects produced by hard and suit sott water iu in cooking meats and vegetables peas and beans cooked la in hard bard water con or gypsum will not boil tender because these antis harden vegetable cacide many vegetables as onions boil nearly tasteless in sot t water because bebau se all the flavor is 6 boiled out the addition ol of salt aalt often checks this as as ia i a the cane ot of Ot onions Aclus causing the vegetables to retain tile the peculiar flavoring besides such bious matter as might be lost la in soft water fur for extracting the juide juice of meat to make broth or soup soft water unsalted and cold at firsts first is the best beat for or it much more readily penetrates the tissue but tor for bollag where the juices should be retained hard bard water or soft water salted is preferable and the meat should be put in while the water is boiling boil IBS so as aa to co seal up the pores at once Jot journal ernat of menus try |