Show california CALIF ORISIA SCENES described by one recently on the spot editor deseret news no one can claim to have seen california who has not visited the cliff this is a very lofty precipice looking out over the bay and ana ocean and from which a descent nay may be made to the beach by bv roads constructed with much labur labor not far from the cliff house grounds maybe may be seen the seal rocks about thirty or tony forty seal were lying lb on the rugged of these rockland rocks rock sand and looked as if they were at home in this region sealskins Seal skins do not appear in the natural state like the artic articles lesof of apparel worn by ladies would indicate they are ot of a more drab or dim color and do not shoy show signs of that chat beautiful rich appearance pe pea arance fance which is supposed to be such an attraction to an unmarried lad yand such a powerful means of reconciliation among coving oving couples after marriage the dyeing of sealskins seal skins is quite an art and was diE discovered covered in london I 1 believe or at least the secret of the most perfect method is owned by a 9 london house and helps to render tile the article quite expensive both in england and america A first class well prepared sealskin costs in calif ornia about ua 0 and upwards the same kind however might be obtained in E england for about half that sum there eliere are three seal rocks at the cliff and all of them were inhabited at least tor for the time being by these peculiar denizens deni of the deep only a 9 little distance above the cliff house bouse is what is known as sutro heights heigh tsi this is a private park owned by mr sutro a millionaire about fifteen financial feet high the grounds are beautifully laid out and there is statuary of almost every conceivable kind and in every nook and corner statues surround the extreme ed edge e of the heights which overlook the C cliff ila and from the highest point steps stepp have been cut out of the solid rock down to the road beio belo walong which are constructed seats in the shape of mushrooms as they bad grown there each mushroom being two branches bran coes fur nibles seats for two if they are young i and good looking otherwise or it have been indulged in they ban communicate with each other from their respective mushrooms at a respectful ful distance AV sutro lives ina in a palace that looks like marble it is elegant in the extreme like most millionaires his bis wife does not live lornia fornia the curtain cartain is drawn over the private life of the pets of society mr sutro butro is rich and though advanced to in years is good looking he rides a nice pacer and seems to take life about abo at as aa easy at ad most men of means A gate keeper beeper stands at the large gate to admit vehicles and horsemen to the grounds toe small gate is for pedestrians all are free to come and go out but strict injunctions are posted up not to pluck the flowers or wik walk upon the crass in fact all those little restrictions strict ions common to places of resort no lunches are allowed ou on the premises so that an EDg englishman lishman is not likely ly to stay over the dinner hour unless invited thel the palace which does not occur very often I 1 fancy Every everything n around the premises denotes n wea wealth 11 and care to keep it in order one very pleasing feature is the comic character of many of the smaller statues in the garden models from the caricaturists are quite plentiful f al and ad striking tending to enliven the ledue scene remarkably and to recall pleasant persons and reminiscences and abd such sich chark characters eters as mr dombey standing ing among the Ii lilies lies or barnaby Ba rudge nestling in the chrysanthemums furnish quite a novel vh picture c tu r e in a great mans garden these e e sights can be reached and seen for a dime being a five cent fare on the cable car and the same saine on the train how do they make it pay the usual way I 1 suppose the immense number that are to go keep the cars full and a substantial interest in a saloon restaurant and hotel help to make the road a good money investment i I 1 will probably furnish a tall to my literary kite by describing some society points in a few days GALLIC |