Show CURRENT EVENTS IN EUROPE growth of the british navy A new international Raff railway ivay revival of oriental co commerce arce Is marriage a failure picnics lor for Gip gipsies stes I 1 affairs afratis in france italian colonization napoleons birthday bulgarian brigands brigande Bri gands etc the fare in which a portion of the navy has bay been lately engaged has been one of the best methodi method s that could have been devised to keep up agitation is IB the cause of naval reconstruction while british shipbuilders ship builders have been building navies lor the principal nations of the world comparatively few englishmen could have been made believe that many of britaina Brit ains cities were iu in case of war in danger of being taken by just such sach ships as have been built on tae ins banks of the clyde and the mersey dersey the presence of a hostile fleet in greenock and port glasgow and ana the capture ol of oban and aberdeen have had a wonderful effect iu in arousiag arous ibs public attention to britaina Brit ains coast defenses tile the london aski aadi the question any is it ic that prince bismarck is ablo able to change his hid allies as he pleases pleas esl simply it is replies relies because the C germany rany army are incomparable it 11 the english navy davy was to all other navies what the german army is to all other armies our alliance would be af ae eagerly as is the german alliance now and in the same way possible bleill ill wishers would be justas just as little eager to incur our hostility the real policy of En england gand then is to increase her navy with as ais little delay as may te he until it is clear to all the woi id that itis capable ol of protecting I 1 her own possessions and lier her own commerce all over tile the world and at the same time ot of sweeping every hostile ship from the ocean and when we have bave d done that we may laugh at the hostility of possible enemies during the past month there have been launched for the british navy three nw ironclads iron of the most im proved patterns and this but a commencement men cement of what will be done in the next ten months in the between sir morrell mackenzie and the german doctors sir morrell is getting th the best bast of it in the first place le has been able to prevent an english translation of the german doctors report then he published an answer which has been extensively ten read throughout the british islands and lastly he has sold the right of translation of his reply to an eminent german physician dr beig mann for fr r this is the same dr bergmann Bargmann who wn was one of the emperor fredericks physicians and dissented frony from the german official report the world moves for all that said Galli leol leoo and a similar expression might have ben been made by european residents in constantinople on aug when the first regular passenger train arrived in tile the Su sultans itans capital direct from vienna after a tourney of 48 hours duration iu in all the principal towns alos aloi g 1 the route there was great rejoicing among the passengers were several austrian government oell officials bals the president of the bulgarian Sob So brange and a number of lead ing journalists the train consisted of an engine baggage baasen ger coa coaches clies and a gentil genuine lne sleeping car ot of the pullman pattern there will now dow be daily communication between SV IRTes estern tern europe and constantinople and as soon as the turks can be prevailed upon to see the wisdom of the proverb that time is 18 money the journey as at present arranged will be considerably shortened for the moment the turks seem rather out of temper and protest against the festival character of the inauguration it was to be expected that our turbaned friends would grumble while the rest of the world rejoices at the establishment lish ment tardy of railway traffic between the east and west with the projected railway stantin ople to damascus completed a wonderful erfal social and political transformation may be expected to take place it would indeed be hard to describe the consequences of this new commercial artery ond those that will soon connect with it they will doubtless act upon the peoples whose countries they traverse like a galvanic current upon a partially paralyzed limb the opening of this railway shou should id chark the beginning of turkish regeneration the turk now finds himself compelled to choose between accepting I 1 western customs custom sor or having them forced upon him from present appearances pear pe arances auces the day may be near at hand when damascus and jerusalem shall be numbered among the leading commercial cities of the east at this season of the year when politics are dull the claims of social and moral reformers are brought more distinctly before the public one of th these ps a mrs jaird caird has been setting forth fort in the pages of the westminster reviews Review ewt the e grievous wrongs inflicted upon womankind by matrimony and contends that woman hai ha i been degraded by tee protestant ideas of marriage thi article has called out jut a vast amount of eor correspondence directly opposed to mrs cairo position one of these an unknown author has issued a work en tidd I 1 A sudy udy of life in which it is claimed that tit it was romanism Ko that degraa aclegra da 1 I we w mart man and caused her to be look looked 1 I upon as tile the most tim taral biem of mans spiritual nat nature tire thai eveaj avei i stel sli II 11 ui marchi of if ha bea ij niu k 1 I by the ellew buu ut of iiams aish s and privileges to the weaker sex and aad that the ahe true ideal of life ate will be only reached when each recognizes in the other a co coequal equal and a coworker co worker and both shall work together tor for the elevation of the race the so go balled moral reformers or at least that portion of them known in london as the band of love 1 are now exercising themselves not in reclaiming the destitute and tile the outcast not in to alleviate suffering but in retting getting up a number ol of picnics for the young gipsies in epping forest and thus try by the help ot 01 god to do some of them a little good iut but how are they going to do it when their younk young boheme ans shall have filled themselves with bread and butter and cake will they be likely to favor psalm singing and sermons of course young gipsies cannot be preached to th the older gipsies being preached at also and what could be more ridiculous wan than such a picture with a background of adult gipsies of either sex i quat ting on OB their haunches haun chee sull sullenly eDly Hinoki og their pipes and listening with darkling brows and flashing eyes to the eloquent outpourings 0 ot these self constituted apostles of the bond of love 11 this one movement is sufficient to show in bold relief the miserable farce of these sectarian movements the house of commons has ad jaunee until the gih of november baving carried through successfully the local government govern co ent bill the par nelli nellita te inquiry bill and many minor measures I 1 in paris paria the strikers str ikera and revolutionists have shave for the moment been deprived of a common center of activity oy tie te temporary closure of the bourseau bourse Bours edu du travail still meetings take place in various p parts arts of paris at which the language used is of the most violent description it if there was gooing in these meetings of workmen economical discuA discussion slon between wage fage earners and capitalists everything could be easily settled baaun but unfortunately the revolutionary party meddled with these disputes and and envenomed matters the revolutionists are to be found at the working mens meeting but they never work what do these revolutionists its want may be asked simply to throw every everything ahng into confusion it is this party w which aich watches all occasions of social suffering buffering 02 and industrial crisis and which solely to aggravate the evil and to render it intolerable should a financial crisis come when work would be suspended though for only a week we have good rea aon to believe wese these revola will make the most of it by the way the chances of a financial crisis are not dot improbable in 1871 the total annual expenditure was five hundred and fourteen million dollars the present year it is estimated at a little wore more than seven hundred and live five million dollars the national debt is now over seven thousand millions of dollars time after time it has been hown that military arv expenditure has little to do with it unproductive public works have proved to oe the gulf guif into which the resources of france have been annu annually flang without any benefit to anybody any body except to a handful f ua of constructors and negotiators of loans la justic Jit I writes it is evident that we areep are marching onward with eyes voluntarily closed to a bottomless pit we must not say toward bankruptcy it is a big word there can be no doubt that french finances are in a criLl critical cal condition france has so abused the loan system that sho can no longer borrow with facility the I 1 ID dark ark continent I 1 I 1 as africa is sometimes called is the last grand d division to be opened up to civilization izat IOD and many european nations are put tins in their claims for a piece of its territory italy has lately taken possession of a small portion on the eastern coast the late defeat of the italian troops by the abyssinians Abyssinia ns has been very much exaggerated the contending forces on each side consisted of native troops and did not dot amount to more than six hundred men the natives in the service of the italians wera commanded by bv italian italia officers who were killed in the engagement and very likely betrayer by their own men the employment of native troops always presents considerable difficulties as the british have found in india even even there natives are not always to be relied upon as was shown during the great mutiny this sli slight ht check of the italians will probably result t in increased e efforts ff orts at colonization niza tion the french protest agai against ast the occupation cu of this territory commonly known as Mas Masso wab will have no effect on the european powers except to kindle the wrath of italy imas mas at the time of its capture was a sort of no mans land and italy had bad no doubt as much mach right there as prance france had bad to plant colYn colonies les in algeria and turns tunis the of august seems destined to become a general holiday throughout france for centuries it has been recognized by french catholics as the festival of the assumption it is also the anniversary of the birthday of the great areat napoleon from this his coiner colnai dence ence it seems destined abe to be generally observed as a holiday this year it was almost universally observed throughout france not merel merely Y by catholics and but likewise by republicans as well frow riwu bul bulgaria aria have lately come repeated report of brianda brigandage e until at lenski several europea govern governments hat taki rann ii official oll iclal of if it ai tb I 1 bulgarian hiis has la in formed that the luxury of brigandage cannot be permitted lu in well ordered states toe the english tourists who were captured happily escaped but the austrian subjects that were recently arrested by brigands brigande bri gands in Bal bulgaria garia after suffering much hardships were only released on payment of A heavy ransom the putting down ot of brigandage iball tile the more imperative on th the e government as the inter optional national railway from vienna to constantinople will doubtless convey many passengers who possess sufficient money tu to make it a temptation to br brie izands ands to rob them any neglect of common policy regulations on oa the part of the bulgarian government wint will speedily put an end to its existence and band it over to Russi ato the great joy of most travelers who object act to being plundered notwithstanding fig the halo of poetry thrown around it oy the bulgarian bandits J IL W europe august |