Show THE REDRICK ITES A detailed account of the origin and history of the sect which holds Poo possession session of the temple lot at independence PAR WEST missouri se 1 editor deseret news before leaving independence we gathered considerable information in regard to the Hedrick Hedric itee kites we considered them werthy wo arthy of this attention as they are the present custodians of the temple lot and because oj of the kind hind aud and honest spirit t they h ey manifested d in our association with them we think more ot ol you people in utah than you are probably aware of said one of their leading men while conversing with us aud ard we hope the time will come when we shall fully understand der stand each other 11 aney wanted it distinctly understood that they did not consider themselves dissenters froma the elie church organized in ig 1830 but as a branch thereof not refection of principles taught by the prophet joseph joaeph they wished us to understand der stand that they were not contending conten dins or quarreling with i any one cowcer concerning ning matters of religion but were always willing to receive superior knowledge and intel licence froin chose who possessed it said aney htwe it we find alias you have more light thau than wa w have we are willing to receive it the future will prove move whether their statement in this rezard la is correct co erect or not no they dont believe in ia plural marri aure reject baptism fur for the dead ana mot most ot it the revelations elat ions joseph smith received since 1834 at which time they believe tie he became a fallen prophet because ut ot a few errors they thick ahey pave have discovered ili ic the revelations revelation a they also reject a plurality of grods gods and the doctrine that god wis was bouce a like men row DW are arc arid and men b bome gods by a of ex illation tiley twi twelve LVe it i ii i 3 richt 1 lo 10 1 puy pay ti thing tint hat it lee c th ai a through the prophet july 8 neither do they accept chebook the Book of abraham translated from OR papyrus thus thas it will be seen that they nave have been left far behind but notwithstanding this our hearts were drawn toward them because of their apparent sincerity and we earnestly hope they way may yet receive understanding concerning the truths seem to be a mystery bothem to them to become member ot their church it is not required that the he person be baptized if he has previously received baptism by the hands of one having authority either iu in the utah church or with the but it if any one prefers baptism before joining then them he can have this desire gra gratified tided tae history of the Hedric kites is briefly as follows la in the year 1851 1831 granville hedrick had been a member odthe true church for or many arsand daniel judy had bad consid considerable erye coo conversation about the condition of the Cla church claunch and faey finally made in an agreement with each other that they would could begin from that time to discharge their duties as elders eiders bay having been duly ordained suca at an early lay day they accordingly began to preach the gospel as they understood it and call on all who had tor formerly merly belonged to the church to assist in pr promulgating 0 mul gating the good work previously commenced by the ifie prophet joseph they began their labors in taswell county illinois and quite a lumber cumber of people who once belonged to the churca charca were baptized by hedrick and judy who ul began holding rel regular idar meetings me elines finally in 1858 1838 or 1859 they organized themselves into what they styled a branch of the ral church organized april ath 1830 they continued to work nork under this organization until july 19 1863 when a conference euce was held by them in livingston county on which occasion granville hedrick was elected president of the church and was as ordained by john E page who had once been one of the twelve apostles Apost lea but had been oed august 16 IM 1863 mr hedricks received his first birst revelation which was endorsed by john E page david judy adna 0 haldeman and jedediah owen who signed themselves apostles in the last named having been previously ordained apostles by john E pase page and granville Granvil lc hedrick april 24 1864 mr if hedrick edrick received revelation commanding the saints to remove remove to jackson county misouri mii in it also predicted that war and famine should commence in the northern states in 1871 and terrible bloodshed would continue until the nation was overthrown and the liberties ox of toe people taken away from froin them this should terminate in 1878 in july 1864 the first number dumber of the ti truth uth seeker a monthly sixteen page periodical published in the interest ol of the new church was is sued at bloomington illinois G ailed rick and A C haldeman editors twelve numbers of this paper were published published at bloomington and two at independence missouri after which the publication was suspended lor for want of patronage the main body of the church remained in the vicinity of bloomington illinois until 1867 when a number ot them removed to independence jackson countr County 1 misso missouri ur i agree agreeable aWe to the revelation prom prominent 1 n e nt among those that went up on that occasion were geo P frisbey john T dark clark john hedrick Je dedian owen david judy and alma owen they came up wi n teams learns other ainer members followed loii owea and ana they continued to arrive until the church in jackson county numbered members in IM 1808 trie brethren divided for the purpose of gf buying the temple lot and in order to do it t quietly and avoid trouble it was bought in sections by different members and when all had bad beeh beeb obtained it was deeded to granville hedrick trustee in trust for the cli and his bis successor in the very best lawers weed employed to ext the records and to th obtain an abstract to prove an unbroken chain ot of title the whole lot consisting of about three acres cost them nearly 1500 it may here be stated that at that time the original purce purchase e con consisting g of aft acres including ludin the temple lot bought bt for the char church brI Bishop edward partridge in 1831 had been cut up into blocks and lots as an addition to the city of independence and sold to different parties some of these boball tr actions had changed bands already several the Hedric kites bought the three acres which they now hold after a while trouble and division began beau to manifest itself in the lied church which in consequence was crippled considerably and tx the num number berot ot members reduced to on such an extent that no regular meetings were held for several years except conference meetings on the oth ich of april and ath of october every season in 1871 david judy jady and jedediah owen went on a mission to the indian territory and built up quite a branch there consisting of about fitly fifty members this is all the missionary labor ever performed by the Hedric kites and that little baud band has not since been visited by any other ot their elders from independence hence its condition is unknown granville hedrick edrick ll died in july 1881 abdat and at a conference held july following david judy was elected his bis slie successor cessor both as president of the church and aad trustee in trust during mr audys term of office a few new members were received and the old eld members became more util united ted april 14 RS david judy died and in october following richard hill the present incumbent was chosen dent and trustee in ic trust for the temple lot at a conference held april 6 the church decided to build a house ot of worship on the temple lot richark hill A and geo P Jb were appointed a building committee the house a lumber building 26 by 18 feet was erected during the summer and since that time regular meetings have been held therein the church was moze mose fully organized june jane 10 1018 SS by electing a priest riest a teacher a am a deacon M Es eaton tg n was chosen april 4 1871 but since his bis death they nave had bad no bishop at the present time they number 46 bembera mem bera oera and only ab 36 of these are known at head bead quarters consequently Cou as they frankly acknowledged I 1 knowl edited themselves their limited number will not yet allow the calling of apostles and seventies the they y once ordained a lew few Apo sues as previously related but never had a full quorum some gothe the josephites invited them to appoint a committee of oe three to meet e e t with a similar committee in betl f of the forme for the purpose qt adjusting the differences existing between the two fact factions jons in ia doctrinal matters the two tw commit tees met and the Hedric kites so our informant stated were given an opportunity port unity to join the josephites Josep bites unconditionally the small difference in their religious beliet being considered of no consequence by the committee representing the josephites sep hites the Redrick ites however how cser disgusted with the proposition declined cl ined as it wins was evident their friends ere simply planning to become possessors ot of the temple lot in consideration of which they were willing to overlook technicalities in point of re ligion failing in this attempt we were also informed the josephite Joaeph ite faction have recently given notice that they will enter suit against the lied ric bites kites tor for the possession of the lot but the latter Jatter s say they are prepared tor them and that t they ey will nut not find it so easy to 10 possession get of the temple lot in independence eq as they did the kirtland temple in ohio a few years yeara a ago 0 in conclusion we will say that richard hill the present leader of the lied hed ric kites is a plain unassuming E englishman ti a blacksmith by trade bonn born august he was baptized in england in 1817 1847 emigrated to wisconsin in 1849 and removed to independence missouri ja in am he said he entertains the aest best ot of feelings toward the people of utah ANDREW JENSON EDWARD STEVENSON josepm 8 BLACK |