Show A new irrigation shome when a few years since the protect act of constructing a canal from a point on an the jordan river southwest of the city to the salt lake to carry off the surplus water and prevent the low lands west of the city being flooded was mooted it nit with a good deal of of indifference and not a little tion lion from persons who ought to have been interested in it especially parties through whose land it was proposed to have it extend even after it was constructed at ac least one suit for alleged damage by overflow was planted against the canal company by one of the class last aasc mentioned it would now seem however that the landowners of the extensive range situated between the jordan river and the lake and north of the white bridge have learned to appreciate preci ate the canal as a considerable number of them met last evening at the cullen hotel to consider the ques tion of placing a dam in the river bed to turn the whole of the stream through the canal it is said that the consent of the county and city officers has been obtained for this to be done and the result ot of last evenings deliberations libe rations was that a committee consisting of james thomson george W lufkin S C ewing and T J almy were elected to inquire into the cost ol of constructing the dam etc the probability beia behig that it will soon be an accomplished fact several thou thousand sard acres of land will be thus brought into a condition conditi OH to cultivate |