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Show Studying Memory of Frogs and Turtles. . 1 ii)tsXsJSJv' Among recent lines ot study In the psychological laboratory st Hiirvard btvs been the memory mid perceptive faculties of the frog and the turtle, tte training uf new lublin In the crny-fUn, crny-fUn, and the symptoms of n. emery In tbe newt. Or these the ones Involving tie frog and the untie have been the most extcnalvo anil the morl InterestingIt Interest-ingIt only bet-uuee of Aesop und his followers down lo Joel Chandler ll-rli ll-rli and the nights of Uncle Ui-mus. Both anlmala are fixed In the luiHglua-tlon luiHglua-tlon of mankind aud ull grown-up children chil-dren will be glad lo learn thnt the verdict ver-dict of the centuries on the comparative compara-tive Judgment und wisdom of the tur tle la confirmed by the exact methods of modern science. In the flrst place, before making comparisons. It becomes necesenry to determine whether theee lowly crea-tares crea-tares had any faculty of memory at all and this required a specl.O apparatus ktndlly put together from dry goods poxes. In onu Ikix culled tbe "nest" vera cool sand and stones, well shaded lth board m true haven for a rest-sicking rest-sicking creature. Agiiliixi It Btood another an-other box, with a single ( p'-nlni! coin-punlcatltiK coin-punlcatltiK This second box was divided di-vided Into a series or long ami comparative com-parative narrow coni.iiiitii.M'la h means or sliding pliccn, llinuii h the bottom ot oui-h of which n h.unll upen-Ing upen-Ing -or miniature "dog-hole '- had been cut. Ily spuclim th i oil. minis m different Intervals! o:niih;ni! like a siare w.ls ohtul I. The suiijcet of Mic u rl m lur- HOW THE PROFESSORS AT HARVARD EXPERIMENT WITH THB KKOUH AND TURTLES. tie or Irog. was put In tb compartment compart-ment furthest from tha neat and then watched, recorded, and timed aa ba v orkcil up and down, back and forth, until he had finally made hla way to the resting plate. Tho first time he would discover It, probably, by ccl-dcni; ccl-dcni; but afterwards tha function ot memory would Inlluenee the result. Ampin Intervals of rest were allowed I between each test, perhaps an hour or two. to nvolil fatiguing the lllllo auh- j -t-t h. The Hist Journey nilKht require ,.ii r; hut In the lifilcth exuarliuen' the turtle or frog would fairly scamper to his haven, and even a shifting ot th position ot tha little doors fulled In time to throw them out. Again, wben Inclined platforms, runaways, aud blind alleys wore Introduced tha little creatures still continued to learn. Allowed a rest for a day, for several days, und then for a longer Interval, truces or memory remained, strengthening strength-ening with each experience the turtle, however, coming out llrnt throughout, with the nimble fr" tliti less nluilile-wilted. nluilile-wilted. r ;.r |