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Show AN OrtCK TOOVR READERS. In order to materially Increase the circulation ol our paper and that tbote who may eubaciibe can get anmethlng more lhan the paper f jr their money, we have decided to make a good offer, which we hope will be taken advantage ol hy all those whose name are not now on our ttibacrlption Hit. The proposition I a follow: To every perton who will itibteribe lor Tin Tims and pay in advance lot one year we will give them free a beautiful band-painted band-painted brooch in a gold-plated frame like the cut below, made Irom any picture they wish. These brooi he are worth at leait II, and ar ona ol the lineal thlngi offered by any publisher, II uioro than one picture I wauled they can be secured lor an eilra c jsl ol aeveuly-fly cent each. Miniature made on cuff button will also be given away to each (uhttrlder for $2.00. Each payment most be made in advance In order that this offer will bold good. This offer n good lo those who (re owing for one or more year' subscription, subscrip-tion, providing they will pay np within tb next 30 day. Thi I an excellent offer for these who are dot now lubtcrlliert, to get Tit a Timk for one year and one ol those beautiful brooche for $1.60. Hend oi your money and picture by mail at once and give thlt trial. Bamplei ,o( the wot k Can be teen at tbil office. We will have aolicilor cull at all the homes of people and bone to receive much en-cotiragement en-cotiragement In tbil olfer, |