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Show Uu- TheTE PEOPLE'S Coalville - DEVOTED TO THE ADPESmiS, IE1 WT. TEE mmCBJTa JOB OS STTMAXT OOTTNTT. T I COHOS SEISE fOR VOXEL , EIIERS FROM - AN OFFER. TO OVR, REAOER.8. HKNESffK. l very much pleased nlih the visit and tha kindly feeling shown to her by on Bacru, Utah, Nov. H, 1901, and all. EdITOiToim; THE HOI.' " " - Ittl tj j j Son-da- y. v. band-paint- ed gold-plate- d -- A a Ufl Wy-Oo- ha met with unbounded, suceese, and hit Branch Offices, managed by skilled physicians under hit personal superritrioa, are now located tended tba special conference in Salt on Sunday. Lake and report having bad a good time. The atarting to build that foundation In every large eity of Europe. ' I for a dwelling house at Henefer, caused By his superior methods each patient receives, - James Woodard was here from Salt advioe detailed and full of c free a barge, absolutely lie ripple of eicitement here among tba aU take last week visiting bis folks. especially adapted to her case, thus avoiding a it ia presumed it meant emberassment or lneonvealeDen, and as Dr. Is irae taken sick and complained a little young people, ef small form the Bord s remedies are put up la the Jo of One of our charming young earrfed aad taken while coming from the city hot did pay dainty wafer, they are easily attention. much attention to it at the time. He ladie before many moons. Eh John ? atany time or place, without attracting This insures regularity la treatment which is (rot worse Through an vrIght4n writing up Thursday, and Dr. Lynch wai moat important to a cure, and generally impoa-mblailed in, who pronounced hie complaint the item onWidowsDay I neglected to with liquid remedies. Liquid remedies always contain alargs proporDr. Lynch telephoaed to mention tba songs sang by F. L. Pater-to- n, tion of alcohol, whUkoy or other liquor, to pre- appendicitis. Wafers LaBord's the recitations by Georg Cridddl ; from Pr. tome Salt Lake physicians on Friday serve them spoiling. are a "dry medicine and are positively free from aad they decided to hay Mr. Woodard the gentlemen ware encored to tha echo. intoxicant or narcotic drugs of any kind. HODIKS MITHOUI tiken to thehospiUl ' s.'he was taken Misa Laurtna Iaaktoukad eompany alto been achievDr LaBords greatest success has W AKER. Tni down on, Saturday, accompanied by hit aang a nice piece," ed by the useof tire CABONIAscientific prepaia-tiala not a Patent Medteine, but a (commonly brothers. It is to be hoped that hie illElder F. W, Marchant gave a lecture of "Vtbnrnum,tor'CAKoMA anown as Blaok Hawbernr), and other well ness will not resalt eerioasly, bat that befote tbe Y. M. M. L A., on Sunday known herbs, whoee curative properties have been known to herbalists for eenturte. he will epeedily recover. Md or "OA BON LA, Is recognl evening on the Erroneous Ideas of the the world a by tha leading physicians oftroubles. The Godhead. Eider Marchant -- handled the beat known Bpeeific for Female taste of these drugs has. extremely disagreeable retatn-. skillful in the a masterly manner km! XABIOIf overoome manipulation. been by subject virtue and itreiigth,, ing however all of their been 4 ned coma aad so was liatened have he and these specifies to, .by the , thoughtful Maaiox, Utah, Nov, 13, 1901. u to lorn a dtiaty wilw, wily atd certain Enrroa Tim : with marked attention and instudent, yet embodying the moat accurate cure for Female Weakness, Nervous Frustration, " terest. painful and gupwetsed Menses, IrSegulantrof Mr. P. H. Hortin ia quite tick, Leueorrhosaor Whites. Sterility. Dlreraimn 1. sr the Uterus, Uhange of life In sstm house is ' being winter weather in real earn- - - A new dwelling Coronic Decline, "Urinary Troubles, CcrvOns If bilifv. Profuse Flow, Threateued Miscamscc, in the of town. Abe erected north eud Lett ilc tin Palpitation oi tbe Heart, Pains ia ' Cold Bauds and Feet, Bearing Down Pkius, could be what use it Will would, I nn telhjf of of braiding SCIIO, feo renew of Brewi, SeuraUn, t ferine li- We have been informed that it put. ' 5 i meet, and all um jmioiM wrickM$ii t t' writing miserable ' verave woniiBi Ufe is cl ken to- to our mind it looks ahlbiurth essy aua aA AS DOuXoBfi Biy.'i i ATAI.UAK1.K a bird and eae. would cot xe lk: CARONI A WAFhltb have proven a bleig j Lew visited the school at Pcoa on to guess very hard to name tbe bird (hat will be caged. t iJy I of Echo Wickel Mrs. Mr, Frank ad also the only I matter how luiig neglected, but are man ia bound to have who ill young tmxcN roMsdg that eaa be oAwfutetg relud upon to spent Friday of last week visiting with hia prevent Uum monthly recurrence of extreme pam sow and bis wild fling, oats, will flad and tv feeing, needlessly endured by so aiauy of Soiea SoretjfOD and family. our women. ia that tbe time lost, ia unprofitable aof ASDirFEcmi Mrs. Boss Mitchell was quite etek fdki the w ild oata will require severe treatDR. U.BORD8 CAROSIA WAFERS are last week but we are pleased to a?y she do injurious chempurely vegetable, containing to ment; and even, then, will be a great are gimmuteed positively icals or drug, autf f most neglected cases, if diptrtions ia much better at present. cur ven hinderance to hia advancement in goof hou medicine pecarcfiiUr followed, And tbe estW taken Mias Lemon ReUa Lake to went Salt CA should bury the wild eat work. Yoe This TaliMsble remedy, PR. LaBOBPS KoNl A, I now oil Mile In Amencn by the im on tbe 9th to spend few Her days. down deep, while young, so deep that Company, who sorting firm ef NoYETrUKR e have oontnheted with Dr, LtBord for theoxclo-sirA cswulli-tio- n sister Emma is teaching school during they can never take root if you ever exagency lor tbe CnUrd biaies Deportment, under ifco saperrlsiop of )t. her absence. pect to be a man. Never do an evil act, LaBoxI, U mtinUkiued, nod specinl 11 drce nir wb pmke msbed nboiuily free of ebarge to M. L. A Mre. re left Salt CAROM for jiVoolstenhulme the treAtment my boy, that will come back and hit yon ordering invited to write aU About their portieuUr emses,T Lake on be 11th most to ssrred month. the fora pnr-jicin the face. It ia a false notion that gone in detnil nsd su Mured the m to their teorrespoodence, ss no vesnmon I or letter frem ladies sre ever jmblished by us Daring her etay she will do some work eotne have in saying: let them mw is cot4hlDir One box of CARON IA WJlFkRd their wild oata, they will be all right A month s upplf, will be wrut. eeurely psdeed in the Temple. nd prepaid teeny Address in the v. h or Cm by It ia dangerous to play with Adn, ou receipt i One DoUr, aocompso Mrs, John Anderson presented her ia time. complete tbe details of fow cae. ' A full sud mm medisLu neeessnrv tools. huaband with all on a edged Westment, Including bouncing baby boy ; e n "i-bumu- 4 ve7 pleasant surprise party waa glvse Wrg. Lehi A. and Haber C, Benndsron the evening of, the 11th. finest things offered by any publisher, The tbe waa spent in indulging In varmore than one picture is wanted If ious kdi of amusements, garnet, etc., they caa be secured for an extra coat and a idlcious picnic waa served. of seventy-fiv- e cents each. Miniatures Maned, today, the 14th, at the home made on cuff button will also be given of tht bride, Mr. Deyid U. Footer to away to each subscrider for $2.00, Mis Jligtll Eeherta. Thsyoung couple Each payment must be mad in advance have thoet of frieods here and In the in order that this offer will hold good. eouniy who will join In wishing them k This offer is good to those who are happy, long and prosperous journey for one or more years', subscripowing throopi) their wedded life. tion, providing they will pay op within Prc$,cU ere much brighter for tb the next 30 days. comp .ion of the new road through the This is an excellent offer tor these narrow. When completed it will aave who are not now subscriber, to get Thi at lean four milee on the rouud trip io Times tor one year and one ot these those hsuling from the lower valley. It beautiful brooches for (1.50. Bend us a united effort on the part of your money end pictores by mail at only all th.-- e concerned to accomplish thia once end give thi e trial. Samples rof w great improvement. dtsc-Wr- v V 1 our written guarantee. Five Dollars, payable In sdrtBCfl. This charge covert expenses, including free advice and roll direction. There are no additional charge of any kind, thus placing the 11 treatment within the reach ofall. Address Consultation Dept.. Tax ConrAMT, Market and Jsih feta, Bote-Fcnpa- " a rax tbe 9th that weighed thirieeu pound Mother and child are doing well, Nathan Vernon made a trip to Salt Lake last week to bring his sister Janey Tha young lady has been, stopThe Ontook, of New York, pointtout ping at Holliday the past two year. that $300,000,600 has been given fo charMrs. Emma Hoyt and daughter Marity purpose during the last eight year, tha and Miss Emma' Lemon went to itndthattoiay in the presence Of this Hoyisviile last Saturday to attend the on fcl,thH all rch men, lack tbe diepoa-ti- funeral of Miea Slonebraker. to relieve misery, argue either a total ignorance of current history or w v rioA. home. ' -- T. to facts, totalndifference f Noliody aaid the rich have no regard for the poor In factJ.hey are very solicitous of their welfare and they ee to it that iV-A- , Editor J. Utah, Nov. 13,1901 Timka s A. Marchant went to Salt Lake City last Saturday. tbev do not starve ingrest number, Our town waa visited by a large rain X The rich reed the poor need them aa and aoovr atm m on Sunday night. hewers of wood, ss drawers of water, as now in erder and are bees ate lbormto Quilling aervants, as coal miners becoming fashionable again, minister to call wants. Yes lb rich it Costs 31rs.s.Grace Milliner entertained a are very ciiait liable, so long number of her lady friends on Monday them nothing. Miss Ann Gouldr for ' t ns of dol-l.t- ra afternoon. instance, can give away uiiilif . wealth of at much Woolstenhulme Jdu Marion, atand thert possess aa the end of the j ear as af the beginning. tended the Seventy and afternoon meet-- A 'millions ing in ieua on Sunday Carnegie ean give aw ay biaoy beMrs. Chrtstena Jensen was called to and never feel the pinch of hunger, his Millville, Cache Co., on Saturday owing he whom give cause those wen to money, return it many fold. A Liberal Offer- fhe undersigned will gi of Chamberlains Stomach to tbe death of hey mother at that place. aud f.irer pie reliable wanting one Tatdeta to any su..f stomach, of the remedy for disorder U a ne w TM biliousness or com.ipuon. hr BoyOca on- -, remedy and a good k Sou, Drugffiata. i Blomquist was 77 years A large number of fr.endt sui prised her ia tbe lady afternoon by taking their picnic to her home. A Mery enjoy able afternoon was in soc'al chat and i partaking of good things provided. Tb old lady was Mrs. Christen m oil on Saturday. hr erft tbe FOR SALE. v - at this office. We at all the homes of people and hope to receive much en F i' hundred and ninety acres ot land couragement in this offer, wit! ue and barns and farm imple. Diet, part under irrigation, for $1400, In the Third Judicial District Court A , I. Anderton & Bro., Box 45, io and for Summit county, State of Utah. - " St w w t,Uuh. ilLLIAU .... t UcKIHLEY 1 Ilia Life sind Work, By Gin. Charles II. Crotvenor, Presidents life long Friend, comrade in war and colleague in congress, was near his side with other great men when bis eyea were closed in death. Followed the bier to tbe National Capitol and to Castoa. The General requires a share of tke proceeds of his book to be devoted to a McKinley Monament Fand. Thu every subscriber becomes a contributor to this fund. Millions ot copies will be sold. Everybody will buy it. Orders for the asking. Nobody will refuse. Elegant Photogravure Portrait of President McKinleys last picture taken at "tfiWhlteHouserYoo mm easily And quickly clear $1,000 taking order. Order outfit quick. Chance to prove success, secure yearly contract Outfit free. and become Manager. B. B.E. Yixk. Pend 1J cts. in stamps to pay expense of wrapping, packing and mailing elegant WAHSATCH. prospectus. Taking 10 to 20 orders Wahsatch, Utah, Nov. 13, 190L daily. 60,000 copies wilt be told in this Editoi Times : vicinity. Address, Mr. Platts and family of Fort Bridget THE CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY, were here last week on a visit. Corcoran Bldg., Oppo. U. S. Treasury A shipment of cattle wae made froa Washington, D.C. "" here Iasi Thursday for Omaha. William Mob of the Deseret Live Stoct Mans life is full of croeses sod tempworld with eompany has three cars of - salt at tbs tations. He comet into tbit out hia of it against out consent and goes iff tbs Station which he caching for his atid fg will, reeky. exceedingly places winter. Tbe rules of contrariness are trip. The sheep herds have about all disap When he is little the grown girls kiss peared in the direction of the w intsi him, and when he is grown the little range, Dirk Hatch moved hia last betf kiss him. If he raises girls large from hereon Sunday. . v family he is called a mustard, hut if be Mr, Miles, the Woodruff rancher, k raises a small check he is a thief and occopie the old Booth k Crocker and faud, and is thunned like a Chinaman Crawford ' ranches on Bear river, w with the seven-yea- r . Hcb, ir be is poor, here last week looking after hiscatu he 1 a dad manager; if be is rich he it interest. dishonest; if lie is in polities jou dont Mr. and Firs. Switzuj of the Castle know whereto place him and he is no Rock station, received a metsage lw ffood to his county: if he doe an act of Thursday telling of the degtn of thiff chaHty, he doe it for popularity ; if he mother at Green BiverAhtyJeM.ldwt U i. a OT. ami live, eel for him once for that place. , self; if he d.ed young there was a great The Jap house at Wyuth was brokts future before him ; if be live to b a good Info by tramps on Wednesday and sever 1 articles were stolen, consisting el $30 watch, two mirrors aud other tbiop-Tbis about the third or fourth tiao that this gang of Japs hare been robbfd to travel iL Ex. ia this manner. ' it We can do your job work. work can be seen will have a solicitor call 1 1 42 Send us your orders for all kinds of Job Work ...u Co , - r at by shirk Ikroak. Dally la tard Ii.bu.1iu, , x Ns Noxlssi tloa. . Vs af tha Wnksalsy SU.U All,, uii aad Fosiitsa Cara fvr tbs i Habit. jqusr It is now gene known and uoder-sto- od nness is a disease and not Weakness. A bedy filled with poison, and nerves c npletely shattered by periodical or cot Unt us of Intoxicating liquors, req rcs an antidote capable of neutralixing and eradicating this poison, and der ying the craving fe ,'erert may now cure themselves at h me without publicity or lost of time am business by this wonderful I. ffE GOLD CUKE which has beer, perfected after many year close stu- - and treatment of inebriates, The! .ihful ase according indirections of tl i wonderful discovery ia positively guar iced to cure the most obstinate case, t o matter how hard a drinker. Our r orda ebow the marve-lo- ut transfort :ion of thousand of Drunkard int j ober, industrious and cpright men. WIVES CU1 E YOUR HUSBANDS tr CHILDREN C URR YOUR FATHERS IE Thi remedy i in no tense a nostrum but is a sped fiL f r this disease onJy,aml le so skillful! devised and prepared that it is thor h!y soiubli and pleasant to the tae!, so that it can be gfvem in a cop of tt ! or coffee without the knowledge tf the person taking it. Thousands' cf Drunkard have cured themselves w h this priceless remedy, aud a many ra hav been cured and mads tempe, , men by having the CCRE'ad uttered by loving friends and relatives j bout their knowledge in cofft-- or t , and belies today that i"d drinking of their own they discout free will. I K0T WAIT. Do not be deluded by ; a rent and misleading Improvem Drive out the disease at once and ill time. The HUME GOLD CUT it told at the extremely low price of e Dollar, thus placit g within ra f everybody a treatment more efTUt an other costir g 2S to $" 3. 1 direcious accompany ',!y that Drun . a 5 each p islaJvhe k.1, phys.i :an tra cit'.e 1 the hr-- s In ' 1 t by gkUlea wubout ex-- 1 to ary j art of J re.j-i- f Ot - .IN B. , UlLL-t - poration, plaintiff. All 8. Leah Levin, Samuel B. Goldberg, li man Goldberg, Charlotte Bimmetsch-in- , Elizabeth Illmmclschien, Battie Gall-ne- r, Joseph B. Goldberg, Siatie Mow-so- n, Isaac Goldberg, and Minnie Goldberg, defendants. Summons. The State of Utah to said defendants, and to all persons unknown who claim any interest in tbs property hereafter described in this summons: Yon are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of thia summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the abive entitled action, and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered Aga inst you according to tbe demand of the complaint, which wilhjn ten days after the service of this summons upon you wilt be filed with tbe clerk of said - ' court. The following it a description of tbe property which it the ubjct of this at tion, said action being for tbe partition thereof: The following described tracts of land in Summit county, State of Utah : The Pinyon and Pinyon Extension mining claims, except 2.65 acres thereof, cold day of September, 18SG, prior to the the Rebellion, the Uecla, the Aetna, the Tidal Wave, the Mulkahy, tke Shamut OBrien, the Climax, the James A. Garfield, the Samuel, the Bible Back, tbe Senate, the Fallon, the Walker and Walker Extension, and the Buckeye mining claims, all located in Uintah M:ning Dis rict, said county and State A!o the Crescent Tramway from the said mines to Park City In said county, thereof. with all For a full and complete description of this property reference is hereby made to a sheriffs deed, given .by . George Lindsay, Jr sheriff of Summit county, to Henry G. McMillan and David C. Mc, Laughlin aa trns'ee-- dated Sept, 4, 1807, Recorders off!, e of the in recorded and Summit county. Utab,the 7th day o March, 1899, in Book J, Miss. Rec-or- d, lt CWi-ir- , til tin,, !.-.- ul. . tJ(. the irrigation of the West, the question which, apart from practical politics, tf course, is proving moat intereatiiig to the Jretfl ot is the Indiana. The- President Us lived ia the West and knows the Indian's character. He tdao- knows the serious defect of tbe present. f ttein of dealing with him and believer After ihs the arid Li rest in of that it cou'd be greatly improved. He wants to institute some method by which tbe Indian ean be made-entire- ly and he b&s held a number of conferences with Indian Commissioner Jones on the subject. Commissioner Jones entertains tome cf the most radical ideas. He would give to every Indian a farm 1,60 acres and teach him how to farm it. The President apprecit that it would be an immense stride if every Indian cou'd be settled on a farm and rendered cspuble of supporting himself but be alo appreciates that an almost insurmoontaola obstacle stands in tbe way which is that tbe Indian does not wiab to become preferring to Le as a ward of the government and fondly believing that he is receiving from the goverment only a very beggarly return for the land which tbe has taken from him. It ie pale-fa- ca of altogether likely,-howeve- r, that the message will contain some on tliis.ubject recommendation unique Presidents Knit. Jumped an n Tti-Inn- y The lltile daughter of Mr. J.N. Fowell jumped on an inrerteJ rake made of teu penny na b, and thrust one nail entirely through her foot and a second one hall av through, Clsmberlaiiis Ph in Balm was prompt! applied and five minute a tier the pun had disappeared and no more suffering was experienced. Ia three day the child was wearing hei-bo-e asarasi nd with absolutely no discomfort. Mr. Powell is a well knowm merchant of Forkland, Va. Pain Balm im page 812- t an antisepticani heals such injures withDated Nov. 14tb, 1901. BtcHaaDi A Fxsxv, out maturation and in 'one third the Attorneys fo Plaintiff. time required by Use usual treatment. P. 0. Addres: 604 --d McCornick Bldg , For sale by John Boyden & Son, gait Lake City, twh. gists. -- X W'. are - curl gold Aa lacaatoas Tr, aiWs are Hr tpltn c Reed of the Latest and Most Successful, Importation from France. 'd Co-o- p -- EXECUTED No. 45. In order to materially increase tbe Geor circulation of our paper and that those of son Beard, Misa Lauraena lsakaon baa gone to gtephea Beard, j can get something subscribe who sick week. may during the Salt Lake City to ramaio until tha hol- hafbeorery x more than the paper Im their money, The rr.iid the County ia Seten iday. !ple here continue to load hay All Womankind May Possess Bright . decided to make a good offer, we have tome for the Coalville and Mr. Lydia E. Walker baa beea quit on (He Eyea, Fair Skin. Strength which w hope will be taken advantage Good Health. tick for teveral day; tb lady ia aoma p to tut (or Anderson Bros, at Peter- "Dajs. of by ail those whoa names are not now setter at this writing. 4 Bo ays Dr. LaBorA. tbs famnn French jrsc- If ! on our subscription list, titioner who ha. Aeroted hi. wkol. Wrtr EltftEItlEgS fif til PlSt tht ia disl fine of veather a the good number Tha primary department -v , IrtuiJy af woman, and has won tha hlfheat The proposition is as, follows:. To trict tchool wagclosadon Monday after- will turnout frnm here to the Sunday Told la Detail by Efficient tl action through hi wonderfully tuSMul irs j every peraou who will subscribe for Thi CM among the drat families of Pari. noon owing to that ickneMof the teacher, school tooventiou at Coalville on WOW AW A aiBOIS Tints and pay in advance for ana year Correspondents. ' Mia Mary M. Walker; Woman ia a heroin. aaya the Doctor, aud her we will give them free a beautiful - remarkable endinanco and ability to wrttwund The Henefer Sunday school paid She to as nnfortanate war who Tboaa admiration. to most tha brooch in k frame trying rAcnl.eompel KAMA. U a Slav to tha Satunti Modesty of her sex, be caught ia the gtorin on 6andty even- little Over a nickel for every officer, like the cut below, made from the greatest any endure to which to often causes bar Kama, Utah, Nov. 13, 1901. ing bad a taste of aha i coming lator teach wd member enrolled on their picture they wish. These brooches mr triala, aad suffer In silenee, rathee than eOBlt achool tteorda on general nickel day." ever her Family Physician, fearing to axpow Emtoe TmaaX on in the lessen. worth at least $1, kndare one of the herself to necessary questioning and ptobabie Ourfewu will soon seem lonesome, ' examination. MoraiBgs and evening! are quite cqld Elder E, B. Murphy , of. Woodland; ATCDT A since the storm. The snow that fell has Enoch Brows of Hovtivill and William to ipa of our young men are leaving Dr, hit la practice. fact thia early Beeegnixinf for tht et with their sheep and more IcBord has, by year of study and close applica- disappeared in tha valley, Park were the Archibald treattion, evolved an entirely new method of etio leave for the coal field in exp peakerg beta at tha afternoon meeting ment for all al Intents peculiar! women, which , A few of the good people of Kamai atU4ie-STwul- mr WORK COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, NOVEMBER 15, :goi. YllL YoU - |