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Show A writer III Kautaa City Star, who evidently never lived In, I'lah, wrilea aa (olloa t ou a dellcata (object. " riiecelilirncy que.tiun la a dedicate one lo liifi'in.., but U at i-ina to uie that il by giving young aurkiiigiiien a chance of lodging theitiielvfecoiiifortcbty ami rea-prclably rea-prclably when they Ural beciinei aelf-uplKjrling aelf-uplKjrling you prevent theiu liotu getting get-ting married togtrla aa young at tlietu aelvea and nciuiring a iiiiverful of biibiea belore they are well out ol their leena, far mure good harm ia likely to reault in thn long run from tliia oieration. Young men ol the middle claaa ar the preaent riuy rarely marry under thirty, many ol them not till llier are well pail lliutage, Ko fur a I can aee, neither they nor aociety are the worae lor de (erring Ihelr unptiala. The lower you go iu the aiN'ial tcale. the atrouger are thn reae -tie uuaiii.t ninrrying young." |