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Show amerlraaslto Bamae Will na Borpri m Acconllng to advicca from Caih1r gan, capital of Hamar, Lukban, tha I-urgeul I-urgeul leader, haa sent a meets I General Hmllh declaring thai h will no listen lo negotiations for urrsa,!.r nntll all Hi American, have Ilk-drawn Ilk-drawn fram the (janilara valley. Oeneral Hmlth haa ordered verf American aoldler la the I. lead f Hamar and tha laland of Leyte never lo be without arm, vea at m.al tlni. II I determined that there ahall b. no mors surprise. General Hmitb alsv dirscis that Booming muatoonllnue Is-cessantly Is-cessantly and that all rice and hems caplured mint l destroyed. He eot-slderss eot-slderss th captur of Lukban only i queallon of a short tlm. |