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Show 8L Pcleraburg nespiipers devote much Bpaca to the death of LI Hung Cliaog. The commelita are Invariably favorable, though the wriu-ra declure he wss not such a friend of liussla as has been asserted abroad. Th4 committee of the French Aero elub, by a vote of 13 to 0, proclaimed XI. Hautos-Dumont, the lirszillan sero-nsut, sero-nsut, Ihe winner of the prire of 100,000 frsno offered by M. Deutsch for a dirigible balloon. Oapla'n J. C. Voaa and A. K. Luxton, Ills sdrenterous Csns.lians who sailed from Vancouver early in July in an India dugout canoe for a voyage around the world lu her, arrived at Apia, beiuoe. aafe aud sound October luth, having traveled lu that time a distance of moo mllca. |