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Show Hu ait I tkt I ilium, Imr-ila- nl I. , II IM'l illianu Bill B Mj husband loses to putter with the landscaping.' liitennounfaiii Uriel Proposed Wiretap Bill Stricken in Committee Choice, California, Navel CARS Fresh, Crisp Solid Heads of ys Youll love these ) X C I T Y. NhV. A pioK)sal to allow (LTI) wiretapping of Nevada lasi nos has died in the assembly judiciary committee The committee a meed to strike from the lull a ptovi .sion which would have al- lowed eavesdropping in eon nection with gaming ci lines Both not them and southern Nevada gambleis had objected to the bill which had been Thin-skinn- ed Wyoming Mulls WTO. CHEYENNE, Secretary of (AP) State Thyra Thomson said following a Caswith per meeting county cloiks that election officials Crispy-fres- Treatme nt Bejzim Hites Girl 15a I IS) BOULDER FOODS piirfluiTHTm VAlUESIIN. FROZEN 6 0z TIP-T- - Corn, Peas or Peas & Carrots fcjyool 10 Oz Disinfectant & Deodorizer Reg or Pm1 OP Lemonade 8 0 Qprriy - - Banquet PIES A , V Ul Ttewell ' - V t khX'&x ' ' RASP. - tmr cut corn " v ol arin'3 . . - Gortons FISH for , janett Two PAKnrv kise - Reg or Super $129 MEDS TAMPONS size Stretch pti'jwwytaww n " k Mrt tissue j: Pkg. of 175 ; f1y JfV W s , . V V. K J2 79 Value HI-L- CertiFresh Brand - 21 RUG Brain and gland tissue from the bat were sent to Reno for analysis. BOISE (AP) F Vernon State -Ravenscroft, Rep. uttle, Wednesdayin R-- T announced public meetings April to discuss the multiple use concept for the Sawtooth Mountains. He urged south and east Idaho residents interested m furthering the proposal to attend the meetings at which he will spek. Tuttle was elected president of the newly formed Idaho Public Land Resource Countd. Inc , which supports the Sawtooth Mountain multiple use concept. Meetings will be at the Lincoln Inn on Good Fnday at 8 p m , then a Cnallis April 16 and at Blar kfoot April 23. Stale Probes 48' O PILE $019 L MJB COFFEE HORMEL SPAM $068 TOMATO JCE. LYSOL CLEANER Flavors 12 Oz Cheese or Smoked flavor 59c Wes'em Family 6 Oz. Cans Six Pack 28 Oz Bottle A'l Pu'pose Disinfectant Action 69c lndus-ti- m y the same company as mutdei. extoi tion and kidnaping. They claimed they weie still being treated as a stepchild and that the std'e already had rnough tools to control the gambling industry. Vote Problem 72 have gotten a head start on the recoid voter handling turnout she expects in 1972 said the Mis Thompson "shoit 18 through-2- and resident" 0 year-ol- d voters probably will swell the state's voter turnout Short resident statutes provide that, persons of voting age with six months residence in Wyoming, may vote In local elections and those with 30 days residence may vote in national elections. Last year more than 120,000 Wyoming electors cast ballots in the general election State Moves To Save Santaquin Auto Death LDS Chapel state official Wednesday the first step to aveil possible demoliUon of the 18th Ward Chapel on A Sheet between 2nd and 3id avenues, by the Church of Jesus Christ A took of Latter-da- The dath of a Sartaqum man. who fell under Ins car while attempting to stop it nom rolling down a hill, is being inve-tigat- to detei-min- e classed as a traffic fatality. Jack Mahoney, d rectoi of the State Of flee of Financial Responsibility. said Wednesday afternoon. Santaquin Reserve O'fmer Elrov Davis said Eirrer Norton, 78 98 S 3rd East, fell under frort v hee! w hen his c&' began to roll from in front of i, s honr 'hi"'1 it 2 Saints. y Milton L. Weilenmann, executive director, Utah Depait-nen- t Serof Development Diviincludes which the vices, .State History, asked Vernon B. Romney Gen. Atty. In a letter to take necessary steps' to preserve the charita hie tiust that conveyed the iiapel to the LDS Chun h sion of In I se Forever The trust specifies the md is to be used "forever" for a a usage meeting place which doesnt match the possible use of the land as a. .parking lot when a planned new stake center is built on adjoining land to the north, Mr Weilenmann sa'd "The Eighteenth Ward Chapel on A Street in Sail Lake City has been placed on the Utah State Register as a Vedenhistoric s,te," Mr in, tun wrote the attorney gen 1 eral " ry New Deliciously Fresh 69' casinos y anti-rabi- Sawtooth Meet $1 39 Value (facial Angel Food Coke .... STICKS $1 79 Value Scott 3for89' SPiCiAl7BDYS!IKH01fStliOLDT& Q2HDTOGJE0 Pound Pkg A 4 year-ol- d girl has (UPI) staiced the painlul rabies treatment after being bitten on the thumb by a bat Schelle Gilger of Boulder City apparently picked the bat off a tree Tuesday and was bitten. She ran into the house screaming and her grandmother stepped on the beast and killed It. Several rabid bats have been found in Clark County in recent months and the vaccine series of shots were started immediatel- y- 14 Oz Pkg Oarg 10.4 6.4 River Valley 10 0z Pkg - t Lady . NEV. CITY, of Representatives testified the 40 year-olwas being pul new Long Green, Slicing h, by state gaming supK)ited control board chairman Philip Hannifin. ( of histo buildug and sue that a rliaritable her k of the legal the indn ate truM was established for the sue of Said rhapel by Joseph Don Carlos Your g on Sept 6. 1880 if it should be ks Enforcement "Sinre we believe that this r char.table trust established Young may now be in danger, we call upon you, the responsible tor the party charitable cf enforr ement trusts to seek a judicial determination and enforcement of that trust " the letter con-tlby-M- u led p m t r I'd been J,n ked -- o arrived when oficei' up we wee unable to rifterrmne if the brake was et when the i ,r iic.ao to roll " e srfij ' Tt e 1 Mi Ron ey s id Wednesday afternoon "We are look-uinto the natter to see n t ere is any resjonsi'm'uty on r g fittt t k.. r i |