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Show 4 I SI?? yfSSZZsa - 45li L'kiHliivliLaLvi and EDGER 35" Ung 3 pickets 9" high and 2 sharpened end 17" stakes. Surfaced 4 sides. S359, tough trimming jobs on grass :snd woods In places that mowers can't reach. Converts eas Does ily to trimmer. Mfl cn 47 reg. 1995 TREWLiS 6-f- t., 7-Ie- af AT OUR NEW STORE ONLY fan made front l"x4" redwsod. Painted white or unpainted. Easily assembled. reg. 2.99 a; . uJ Beautiful plants to enhance the beauty of your summer garden and last throughout the winter. 1 gallon JYlugo Pine 9-1- 2" 1 gallon Mugo Pino Dwarf 6-- 9" Green Colorado Spruce 12-1- 5" Scotch Pino Austrian Pino White Pino 12-1- 5" 12-1- 5 9-1- 2" 5 gallon Austrian Pine ; O 34 5 gallon Scotch Pine o 3-- 4' Green Spruce 3-- 4' S' Thoir wide range of colors will provide vibrant beauty to spring gardens! 2 grade. reg 7.99 reg. 639c c FOR Si |