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Show 2A The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, April 1, L'Cl Senator Threatens to Quit If Nixon Revamps USDA Sen Milton Yourg. a senior Repub- WASHINGTON (AP) lican fiom North Dakota savs he U ha' no interest in seising in the Senate and may resign if President Nixon s reorganization plan abolishes tne Department of Agriculture Young is a ranking member of the Agriculture Committee, the Appropriations Committee and its subcommittee on appropriations. He is opposing vigorously the President's plan to divide the functions of the Agriculture Department an1 its mulhbillion dollar budget among four new departments If the Department of Agriculture is aoolished. I U no longer have any interest in serving in the U S. Senate, Yourg told the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Tuesday. Later, m an interview, he made his views even more emphatic. If the Nixon plan succeeds, Young said, he certainly would not run for reelection and would cors'der the possibility of resigning the Senate seat he has held 26 years. agri-cflltu- re Higher Court Lifts Ban On Selective Rail Strike - A federal WASHINGTON Court reversed a Appeals lower court Wednesday and ruled that the United Transportation Union may strike selected railroads to try to obtain a national contract with Awaeiatd erM Wireptioto company pensions, hich cites lack of benefits to employes who left their firms in last 20 years. It-N.- D-- Senators Eye Pension Reform Try .WASHINGTON (AP) members -ranking of -Top- the Senate Labor Committee said Wednesday Congress probably will remedy conditions disclosed in a study which showed large numbers of participants in private pension plans, particularly short-teremployes, never receive any benefits. The loss of benefits by large percentages of employes in 86 firms surveyed was blamed largely on a lack of vested interest for employes in the pension funds. Sen. Harrison A. Williams said that the Jr., Labor subcommittee, which he heads, will begin public hearings soon with a view to writing legislation which can be enacted in this Congress. The preliminary figures are the first fruits Study by the of a $500,000 Labor sub committee which the senators said should, w'hen completed giv a good picture for the first time of the operations of private pension plans in the 'US. The report covered two groups of companies operating 87 plans. In one group of 51 companies, where pensions rights are guaranteed after one-thir- d all the rail carriers. The three-judg- e panel returned the case to U.S. District Court tc determine if any such selective UTU walkout is done m a good faith effort to obtain a national agreement. Their ruling left the lower court free to bar any walkouts it concluded were Washington Star Writer - W. Harry WASHINGTON Johns, 53, a mechanical engineer (Cornell 39) and father of three, had crossed America 40 times often looking down at the patchwork landscape from 15,000 feet or zooming along expressways by car. But I never really saw this country until the last month when I rode my old bicycle to Warhnton from Denver, he said Wednesday, I was almost sprayed by a skunk in Pennsylvania, almost run over by a deer in Colorado and followed by polk? through most of Indiana. Could Smell, See For the first time in my life I got to smell, and see, and hear this country at close rafige. said Johns, a resident -- of Aspen, Colo. -I got to know its people, sjiend the night in small, out-o- f Jhe way hotels the little places bypassed bv the interstate highways Johns said that, despite his ige, he was accepted by jjHing people particularly th hippies, who tola me they thought what I was doing was ff good thing. Ke arranged with his family to; take a kind of personal, r sabbatical to set off wra tnp that will take him to inner tube stuffeij in his bedroll, one change of clothing and money inserted in the hollow handlebars of his bicycle, Johns pedaled out of Denver. 100 Miles s Day Excluding visits with friends, the cycling took 16 days, at a rate of about 100 miles a day. That Included of one stretch pedaling through Kansas in wret sluh, snow, high winds and weather. But Johns, who recently worked on a project building moon suits for astronauts with the International Latex Corp., was dressed for the weather. He wore ski clothing feet tall and weighs 170 pounds, said the only unpleasant part of his trip was through a lengthy stretch of Indiana. To Train Recruits The police apparently decided to use me to help train some new recruits, he said. The Indiana police, he said, constantly harassed him, followed him and seemed to be trying to find some excuse to that wasnt enough, at one pause a local said very audibly: citizen arrest him As if handed down injunction March 10 by U.S. District Judge John H. Pratt He had ruled that since the union had bargained on a national basis, it must strike all the railroads or none at all. Pratts blocked UTU from walkout March gfe Salt the 150, its scheduled 11 against two major carriers, the Burlington Northern and the Seaboard Coast Line. His order remains in effect, however, since the Appeals Court decision does not take effect for 21 days to give time for filing of- - appeals or requests for rehearing courts The higher decision, written by Judge Harold also said the union Lev-enth- SUBSCRIPTION RATES Carrier Delivery $3 SO mo. Daily and Sunday 42 00 year Daily and Sunday By Mail 3 50 mo. Daily (Sunday by carrier) $2 50 mo. Daily only $2 GO mo. y Sunday 4 00 mo. Daily and Sunday 48 00 year Daily and Sunday All in mail subscriptions payable advance. member of the The Tribune is Associated Press. The Associated Press to the use of Is entitl'd exclusively reprcductioo of all local news print! in this newspaper as well as all A.P. news dispatches. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations, WHIPPING CREAM Pint cross-countr- 39 O.OSIT COMBINATION a buy y 30 (Copyright) LOCATIONS GET ONE FREE! ... DIAMOND est styles ire available including the Shag, Parted Dome, Shoulder Length en the new Long Curly Sheg Sty eng 2 00 additional. 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Two speeds blend, mix, chop, liquefy, grate, grind, or puree, reg. 9.99 Moden AH unsolicited articles manuscripts letters and pictures sent to The Salt Lane Tribune are sent at the owner's said, are the most unnerving cycling. part of THE BLENDER ED Established April 15 1I7L Issued every morning by tto KeemsTnbune Conwi tion, Salt Leka City Utah WHO. Entered at lha post office at Salt Lak City as second class matter under Act of March 8 187? You can always tell the Communists buy they bicycles. At the urging of Transportation Department officials, Johns has completed a treatise on what should be done to crosson assist cyclists country tours. They include special bike nghts-of-wa- y along the shoulders of interstate highways, and clamp on bike bridges which could be attached to highway bridges. Bridges, he ON t 2-SPE- Dial 524 Sculh Mam BUY ONE -- Proctor Silex injunction Extended! WE Frida end Saturday. gfibunf g CALL 6 16 from 2 p.m. to S p.m. on Thursday, rately. 2 for I SALE tailback for Cornell, and is slightly over six 1 UTU bar- gained on a national basis with all the railroads, it would be illegal under the Railway Labor Act and precedents set in court rulings to strike some of the carriers with the aim of getting them to settle sepa- from Claras Including windproof trousers over two pairs of felt and his wool trousers. Between socks and ever his gloves he wore plastic food bags. I was really quite comfortable, he said. who once played Johns, second-strin- Pratt that once the whipsaw strikes aimed at winning contracts separately with each carrier. The decision overturned an Engineer, 33, Tours U.S. By Jack Kneere 2 years service or more, 92 percent of the participants who left the firms in the last 20 years received no pensions. In the other group of 36 firms, where vesting of 10 years or less was required, 73 percent of those who left in the last 20 years received no pensions. I believe this preliminary report we are releasing today and the hearings w.ii develop a demand for action on the parts of millions of workers Pedal-Pushi- n -- 11 who have not realized their Sen. stake in this matter, said. Jacob K. Javits, Javits noted that he has introduced a bill which would assure many more workers that they wood gain their pension rights. This could form the basis for a compromise measure which he and Williams might jointly sponsor, Javits said. He added that he hoped the Nixon administration would give strong support to their efforts. The 87 plans studied in the report covered 9 8 million of workers or almost the 30 million now under private pension arrangements. The assets of these plans totalled $16 billion. It is estimated that assets of all the 34,000 private pension plans in th country have reached $130 billion. demonstrated ot stores would have to give the railroads two weeks notice before striking. This would thus put any walkout off until at least May 5. leventhal's opinion said the carriers could defend themselves against a selective strike by locking out all workers across the entire industry. Management also wuid be free to put into eftect the work rub changes it has demanded in the UTU contract talks in order to eliminate what it terms featherwork practices. bedding Leventhal and Appeal Court Judges J. Skelly Wright and Alcolme Wilkey agreed with By Donald Finley United Press International Sens. Jacob K. Javits, left, Harrison A. Williams Jr., J ., on Senate report panel survey of S PROCTOR SILEX APPLIANCES Bountiful Shop Point Shopping Center, BittfU 232-ClFive tt c i ii mitui |