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Show 14 A Mai Lake inuiuie, iuujsuu), Apia t, Uu Missionary Reunions Friday, 7 30 pm, Erte gn 3rd 4th aid rn wards,, 9tn Ave and K St SaturANDES SOUTH BOLIVIAN) day, 9 JO to 1030 pm, Unlversty Ward, 160 University St For further nnrmatinn, call ARGENTINE Fnoay 7 30 p m , University Ward, East aide, !&) Sunny-- s ds Ave Program nq refreahmenrs. AUSTRIAN kSrr tf Aroup), Fndav 30 pm, )4S5 Ute V, Informal open house not the regular reunion held in October REUNION AUSTRIAN MISSIONARY WITH THE LOSCHEKS Friday 7 30 r m., Burton Ward Chapel, 2700 S. Mam St AUSTRIAN (Watkins Group), Fri(Right day, 8 pm, 4100 Camnle ben nd Otvmpu High) AUSTRALIAN (ah Missions), Friday, 7pm, East Institute Complex, 18U0 Hempstead Rd Bingham group. Room 7, South Bldg , Christensen group, Room )05, Institute Bldg , EnInstitu a Bldg , sign group. Room 2 Room 8, Institute Erekson group. group. ChapBldg.; McConkie-Taswnstitute el, Bldg , Moore group, Room 9, Institute Bids, Ojssoo group, Chapel, South Bldg Simonsen Room 31, Institute group. Bldg , Smith group. Cultural Hail, South Bldg i All Australian, Presidents Miller, Hyde, Pushton, Tingey, Reese, Judd, Orme, R hmond, and Li'ian-ou's- t. Cultural Ha1!, institute Blag AUSTRALIAN iAII Bingham, Christensen, Erekson Coombs, Ensign, McConkie-TanneMoora, Rusaon, Si monsen and Smith groups), Friday 7 00 pm., U. of U. East Institute Complex, taoo Hempstead Rd AUSTRALIAN (All groups), Friday, 7 00 pm, U. of U East Instate Complex, 1800 Hempstead Rd. BAVARIAN Friday, 8 pm. Valley View Waro, 4101092$ last, bring Children, food and drink (Berryman-Oakes)- , BiOXI SaturGarden Heights Ward day, Chapel, 2220 Fisner Ln. (2950 South East door. BRAZILIAN (All Groups), Friday, 7 p n , Murray South Stake House, East, Murr3 y just east of the Cottonwood Hospital All missionaries under a'l mission presidents BRITISH MISSIONS ASSOCIATION Friday, 7 pm, East Mill Creek Stake Center, 3103 E 3600 South. BRITISH (Woodbury Group), Tuesday, 7 30 p m.. Lion House, 49 South Temple. Dinner For reservations celt Jim Brown, BRITISH (Boyer Group), Friday, 7 30 pm., Richards Ward, 855 Garfield Ave dinner will be served BRITISH (Robinson Monday, group), 7 pm, Three Fountains Clubhouse, 50th South and 4th East SRITI5H MISSION (Hanks Group), LDS Institute (Nort.i Friday, 8 fsoo Building), Hempstead Rd BRITISH (Clift on G. M Kerr East Mul- Group;, Friday, creek Stake Center, 3103 E 3600 outh Meet with Brit $h Mission Association. BRITISH and (Cannon Brown), Friday, 7 pm, Monument Park 9tti Ward, 1565 Foothill Dr For before call reservations, March 3Q. BRITISH Friday, 7 to 9 p m , University West Institute, 273 University Ave BRITISH SOUTH (A wher Group), 7 30 Friday, pm, Holiday Stake House, 2065 E. 4575 South. Speaker and refreshments. BRITISH SOUTH (Child group), 7 30 Friday, p m., Joseph Smith Bldg , Banquet Hall, BYU Campus, Provo CALIFORNIA Jensen (Anderson d Ave Group) Saturday, 9 pm CALIFORNIA (1st Bunker group), Sunday, 8 Chapel, 453-- 1 1th East. Fireside. CALIFORNIA (2nd Bunker Group, Friday, 8 p m.. Winder 4th Ward, 951 E. 3825 South. CALIFORNIA (McConkle Group), Saturday, I p m., 2580 Glenna Dr. Phone for further directions CALIFORNIA (MacDonald, Smith, Hinckley, and Blood Groups), Friday, 7 pm., Chuck-Rama Buffet, 2690 Highland Dr. Details, call 467 72)3 CALIFORNIA (McMurrin Group Tuesday, 7 P m , Carriage House, 2224 Carriage Ln. (4530-23r- d East, Holla- - - 4pm, 7pm caBioknia Friday, Bda 7 30 (Rasmussen group), Olympus Seminary pm, East. CALIFORNIA NORTH (Peterson-Co- x group), Friday, 8 pm, Cottonwood Stake Center, 2080 E 5)65 South For intormatMon call Admission fl - CALIFORNIA SOUTH (Houston, Coleman, Wood and Mlccoles groups), Ernest L. Wilkinson Friday, Center BYU Skyroom, campus, Provo tl fee requested Program and refreshments. CANADIAN (Rich group), Saturday, 4 p m , 5i4 B St (Prlvaie home) 7pm, CANADIAN (Cannon-Johnso- n group), 7 Saturday, p m.. Parley's Ward 2430-2- 1 st East Chapel, Separate priesthood and women 7 p.m., joint, 9 cInTSAL AMERICAN (Presidents Romney, Wegner, Hancock, Brewer end Hansen), Friday, 7 p.m., Lucero Ward. 231 W th South. CENTRAL AMERICA (Brewerton- Smlth groups), Friday, 7.30 o m , at 125 Cresvlew Provo Pro-ra- m. Ave., Brewer-to- n president will be present. CENTRAL ATLANTIC STATES -(4 30 Aposblan Group), Saturday 744 E pm, 4th South Dinner reunion, RSVP or CENTRAL ATLANTIC STATES (Ferre-PetersoGroup), Friday, 7 30 pm, Stratford Ward, 15h East and Stratford Ave CENTRAL ATLANTIC STATES (Henry A Smith Group, Satu'-da9 30 p m Rose Park State Cen ter, 7th North 11th West, east Relief Society room. Lawmakers, Educators Set Meeting Calvin L. Rampton and a panel of legislators will discuss issues confronting the states colleges and universities during the second annual Higher Education Assembly April 7 in Park City. Members of the institutional councils and representatives of each of the states nine colleges and universities have been invited to attend. Sessions begin April 25 with a discussion of what the legislators interpret to be the next steps for the Utah State Board of Higher Education and the Utah System of Higher Education. Gov. Rampton will address a luncheon meeting that day. Later, members of the state board, the institutional councils, the 1371 legislatures Higher Education Planning Committee, institutional presidents and other campus representatives will meet in small groups to explore such issues as vocational education, faculty tenure and the distribution of state funds. The State Board . Higher will conduct its Education monthly meeting regular pril 27 after the final session the assembly. Gov. 25-2- Reschedule Talk talk by Dr. Brace B. Clark, dean of the college of humanities at Brigham Young University, has been resched uied from Friday to April 9 at m. in the South Salt Lake Library Auditorium, 2480 S State. He will discuss Ideal Family Relationships as Seen sponThrough Literature, sored by the Salt Lake County Liorary System. A 1 - ATLANTIC CENTRAL STATES (Noioer Group, Sarutday, following Gorier a Pr esnucoc meet ng wm Chapel Mortuary, 12Mfb East Coen bouse for Siver Katoer, ATLANTIC STATES -(CENTRAL Price Group), Saturday 9 30 pm, East McDougaFWhite Cnapei, CENTRAL BRITISH iDuftyon Group,, Friday? 7 P m , fail M Stake Center, o'03 E jcxJQ Gee South CENTRAL BRITISH (Jams A Cul- 9 pm limore Group), Sa'urda resi49Qfi S dence of J emes A Cuihmore Three Founratns Df number 49og $ 9th Ca.t) CENTRAL STATES (Dyer Grouo), Monday, 7 pm, residence of Boyd 1425 Harvard Ave. Busarii, (1)05 South) CENTRAL STATES Lady Missionary 7 Banquet, Thursday, pm. Lion House, Reservations, call 7 30 p m , East InstiCHILE Friday, tute of Religion chapel, l&uo Hempstead Rd COLOMBIA-VENEZUEL(Central America anu Andes groups), Fnoay Room 847 Wilkinson Center byu csmous, Provo Refeshmems and slides. CUMCRAH MISSION AND CUMORAH PAGEANT Friday, 7 30 p m , Urn East versify DANISH (Alma Petersen - Edward Sorensen Groups), Friday, 7 pm, Grant 8th and 12th Ward, 3400-lltEast DANISH (Joilus Sorensen Hoiger Petersen Group), Friday, 7 30 pm. Orchard Ward, 846 W. 4400 South, North Sale Lake. (Take M5 to North Salt Lake Exit, thn fol.uw Orchard Dr. to Center St ) For information, 363 D66. DANISH (Lcvl Thop Group), Saturday, 9 11 pm, Accent Decor Interiors 3855 Highland Dr For Transportation, call Gary Peerson, DANISH (R Earl Sorenson, Don L. Christensen group;, Senrcay, 9 pm, 22nd Ward Chapel 725 W 4th North. EAST CENTRAL STATES (Jensen, Tew, Doxey Group), Saturday 8 Pchard Ward, between pm Ave and Garfield Ave. (South of 17th South and between 8rh and 9th East) EAST CENTRAL STATES (Brown, Chase and Eidredge groups), Friday, 7 30 pm, 22nd Ward chapel, 225 W 4th North EAST CENTRAL STATES (Richards, Mafheson Zappey and Richards Groups), Saturday, 9 30 pm, South-gat- e Ward, 2702 $ Ntem Reservations call Lament Fowler, Buffet dinner, 20 to 25 year reunion EAST GERMAN 'Glaus Group) SatRobert p. Anderson urday, residence 2039 Michigan Ave (980 South) Dinner will be served EASTERN STATES LADY MISSIONARY BANQUET Monday, 7 pm, Lion House, 63 E South Temple. Phone tor reservations 355 8393 EASTERN ATLANTIC STATES Friday 7 30 p m , South Sait Lake Stake Center 2380-3rEast. EASTERN STATES (Eidredge Group), Friday, 7 30 p m , 2200 Parley's Terrace, Salt Lake City Open House EASTERN STATES (Jacobsen and Smith groups.,, Saturday, 9 pm 714 16th Ave EASTERN STATES (Tavlor Group), Friday, 7 pm, 1325 Wilson Ave. nd light refreshments. Open house EASlERN STATES (West group), Sunday, 4 30-- 30 p m , 2680 Roxbory Cl, missionaries and members invited FUiAN Saturday, pm, Ensign Fourth Ward Relief Society room, 9th Avenue and K Street. FINNISH Friday, 7 3D pm. Grant 1st Ward, 601 E 3115 South. Dinner nd dance $2 50 per person. FLORIDA 8 pm. Temple Friday View Stake Center, 1875 S West Temple - I. 8pm, lh Vu 9pm, - t FRANCO-BELGIA- Friday, 7 30 P nt , 85 S. 900 East, Provo FRENCH Saturday, 4 pm, Joseph Smith Bldg , Banquet Room, BYU Campus, Provo FRENCH (Lee Group), Saturday, Priesthood session Chez following Conrad B Jenson, 113t Vista View E 1180 Drivo All (2950 South) missionaries and members invited. 7 Call Thomas Peck, for trans- portation. FRENCH Hinckley (Christensen, Brossard, grows), Friday, 7 30 pm, Program and refreshments FRENCH EAST (Moyle group), Friday, 5pm, South Cottonwood Ward Chapel, 5235 Wesiey Rd., U12f Fast). tor Dinner at 7 30 pm, call reservations reunion ill w FRENCH 7th South EAST (Martin Nelson Group), Friday, P m , Murray 10th Ward Chaoei, on Stauffer located Ln , (5670 S. State), Murray GERMANY CENTRAL (Beesley and Benson Groups), rrtday, 7 30 pm. East Sharon Stako Cent', 900 E. 1600 North, Provo GERMANY SOUTH (Gunther, Fet-zeJacobs groups), Friday, 7 30 p m , East Mill Creek 3rd Ward, 3408 Celeste Way FriGERMAN WEST (Hunt Group) day, 7 30 p m , Royal K. Hunt residence, 4635 Holy Ln GERMAN WEST (Mcfntlre Group) Sunday, 7pm; 2711 St. Mary's Way, GREAT LAKES (Berg, Mickelsen, Roberts group), Saturday, 9 30 pm. Liberty Ward Chapel, 445 E huiverd Ave (1100 South). GREAT LAKES (Burton group), Saturday, 9 30 pm., 760 N 11th West. Gled-hi- ll GREAT LAKES (Christensen, Groups), Saturday, 9 pm Winder 3rd & Ttti Wards Relief Society room, 4350-1- 1 th East. GULF STATES (Hanks Group), Sun-da730 pm residence of Mrs. Jody Hunt Pratt, 102 East 1650 South, Bountiful, Contact feiiow m ssionaries GULF STATES (Saturday, 9 pm., nth Ward, 951 E 1st South. HAWAIIAN (All groups), Friday, 7 30 p m , 17th Ward Chapel, 142 W. North Authentic Hawaiian First welail visitors scheduled; program come. IRISH (AH Groos), Saturday 9 pm , 27th Ward Chapel, 4h Ave end P St. Refreshments and contributions IRISH (Covey Group) Monday, 6 30 Room Wilkin onCener, Sky pm. BYU Campus, Prove. Dinner 84 25 7 30 per couple ITALIAN pm, MISSION Thursday, 7 University 3rd Ward, 160 Uni - St versity JAPANESE (Cltssoid Mauss Group), 8 pm. Pagoda Reslaurant, St Dinner, (3 25 per person KANSAS MISSOURI Saturday, 8 30 pm. East Institute, North Chapei, 1800 Hempstead Rd. KOREAN Friday, 7 30 P m , West Jordan First Ward chapei, 7950 S 1700 West, West Jordan MEXICO WEST Friday, 8 pm, Hiqhfand High School Seminary Bids. Friday, 26 E tth East. (Pratt to Bowman groups), Saturday, 9 pm, East Insti- 2221 MEXICAN tute of Religion, 1800 Hempstead Rd NAUVOO RESTORATION INCORPO RATED (N R I ), Saturday, 9 0 p m , LDS Institute of Religion, University st and 3rd South 7 30 NETHERLANDS (All Groups), Park Ward, 1150 E Garden pm. Yale Ave Refreshments NEW ENGLAND (Young-MaughFriday, 7 pm. Lion House, 63 E South Tempi Reservations required. $4 per perjv, NEW ENGLAND (Carr Group), 7 30 p m , Davis Stak Center, e 950 North Main, Centerville 6 NEW ENGLAND (Jackson group), Saturday, 9 30 pm, Colonial Hills Ward, 1455-- 7th Eari NEW ZEALAND MISSIONARY SOCIETY Friday, 8 pm. Rose Park North Stake Center, 1155 N. 11th West NORTH ARGENTINE Stone (Scoett, Groups) Fnoay, ? 30 pm, University Fourth Ward Chapel, 1851 E Stnnyside Ave NORTH BRITISH (Alva D Greene Group) Friaay, 7 30 pm. East Mill Creek Stake Center, 3100 E 36th South COMNORTH BRITISH MISSION BINED REUNION sen (Payne-Ro- b 9 to 11 pm. Cap toi group) Saturday Hill Second Ward, 413 West Capitol St (Due west of the camtui) NORTH CALIFORNIA (Pugh Group), Friday, 8 pm, at his residence 5124 Cottonwood Lane, Salt Lak City NORTH CENTRAL STAT8S (F England, Lhilds, Hilton, AMphtne, Satterfield Group ), Friday, 8 p m , Jessie Knight Bidg , Room Pmvo BYU Campus NORTH CENTRAL STATES (Hawk group), Friday, 7 30 p m , 304 E 27h South Potiuck BRITISH NORTHEAST (Th0rn Group), Frktay, 8 o m , 17th Ward Chaoei, U1 W 1st North NORTH GERMAN Thursday, 7pm Wilkinson Center, BYU Skyroom, campu Provo, Utah CALIFORNIA NORTHERN (Alien ttt CALIF. AVOCADOS LARGE CUCUMBERS - See Page Column 7 sjsn.nr'BSSP-- s I QTOSHIIBSg CRISP RADISHES GREEH ONIONS 6 ft ANY PAD 1 OR CD'S 3.00 r.03 VALUE nm FASHION Sunqiasses Specie! with Limit 1 TM Wl. Cerpss, jper ?tr Cfar ctcpea mpiM tm, SUIISI HI-RO- Cft facte s |