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Show 6 The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, V 1, 1911 April t p 1 i x Strike Faces 1 y Canadas i -- $ i t x t x MONTREAL K 1. skt - - Jjv -- ; V: f-M'- K; ...... x, - f- - I I' t,- iT .:. . Kjlia v nrv f V' .vr-Tf- ? '. , - - -- t - j -- 1 -- gassr nr s 4 el i : . v r ,M I1 is R. called a Mi ike for Mbnday against Canada's two laigest rail lines in a waj?e dispute Their cuirent averse annual pay is 510 450. taken The action was Wednesday after the Biotliei-hoo- d of Locomotive Engmee.s broke off talks wuh Canadian National Railways and Canadian Pacific Railways The strike would involve 7,000 engineers. Eailier in the day, CPR cut tailed both passenger and f i eight service in Western Canada m response to increased! work stoppages by engineers. so because it was "slightly jealous " He said he i ad no m'ention cf coMiowng Elackie, a part Alsatian who jumped into little Sarah Jane Good child s cnb Monday and bit her on the face back and legs 1 know the dog will never biher-lMatc- . s sF iv .. PrSi WPAOip badly, Copilot Raul Trinidad is at risht; lions; Kong air olficial Janies Pickeruig is in centei. Meal d BERLIN (AP) Margarete Inger returned the folk site Beilin hotel dur- took from a ing a bombing raid 26 years ago. The hot' I served her a special lunch with a candy fork for dessert. A service Great Gift Idea for Easter From New York Times Service Communist HONG KONG China indicated Wednesday that six young Filipinos who Air a Philippine hijacked lines- plane and foiced the pilot . to fly to China c ere being treated not as political jpfugees. It described them as who chose to passengers remain m China, A brief report on the planes arrival in China by Hsinhua, the Chinese press agency, did not say it had been hijacked. The agency stated that ! entered illegally Chinas territorial air space and was ordered to land at Canton, a major Chinese city about 40 miles northwest of llong Kong. on a domestic Hijacked flight in the Philippines Tues day, the aircraft made a refueling stop heie befoie fiymg on to Canton. The Clunesa report said that plane China. All passengers, except six who firmly refused to go back to the Philippines, left China on board the plane, Hc.nhua said. The plane, a BAC111, landHong Kong airport this morning. On board were the crew and 19 passengers, including four Americans One of the Americans. Eldied Fewkes, vice pi esident of operations for the Legaspi Oil Co m the Philippines, said ed it We spent in long-rang- was lippines. offi- The Philippines naturally very nervous " erto Santos, a cer in an guerrilla force called the New Peoples Army of. the Phi28 year-ol- d H0RMEL CURE 81 HAM Britain's announced Wednesday a scheme to relieve harried fathers of that Tell me a eternal question, bedtime story, daddy It comes into being Fiiday. As of then, anyone dialirg London 246 8000 or Birming0 will receive a ham bedtime story about animals brought to life as children see them, such as Peter Rabbit, Reddy Fox, Johnny Chipmunk and Giand-fathe- r Frog. ...when you au- thorities had earlier offered a reward for his capture Fewkes, who is 59 years old and a native of Burley, Idaho, said the Chinese treated (Copyright) very courteously. i Ouslcd General Leads Ecuador Revolt Gaining In Pakistan moved to military barracks outside the city. The rebellion grew out of a military quarrel. The leader of the rebellion Gen. Luis Jacome Chavez, was ousted as head of the war academy Tuesday after demanding the resignations of the defence minister and Gen. Jul.o Saco-t- o Montero, the army com- By Jorge Jurado Associated Press Writer New s Agency NEW DELHI West Paki- - fn ed troops Egyptian machme-gubursts acioss the n Suez Canal on Monday night in the first reported shooting incident at the waterway since the Middle East ceasefire ehded March 7, the Israe- of his Fifty had signed academy officers the communique command military FWfHiifSCl i . new way . . . Hams, Roasts, Turkeys in 4 the time . . . with no messy clean up. said ers. Sinks After MOSCOW headed (AP) freighter Crah A Sov let (or North Vietnam, Haiphong, collided w ith a Chinese fishing vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin and the Chinese boat sank, the official news agency Tass The Wednesday. reported Soviet ship apparently was loaded with military or economic aid material for the North Vietnamese The news agency said the collision occurred Tuesday. The Gulf of Tonkin is south of China and east of Vietnam. I. Opn door, put in. Clot -- SALE-00- 00 .FRESH CALVES LIVER FRESH KILLED FRYERS RIB STEAK GROUND ROUND 69'b. OR 29 GROUND BEEF,1 SHORT RIBS LUN KEF LaJ, .1,139 5H0UlDER"n'49' n79 NUG 1816 SOUTH STATE .STEAK :$FARE RIBS... ib. ib. ib. 43c 49c 39c Hb. 1.00 slum STEAK jibs. $1.00 si. oo 3 IbS i lb. PRODUCE SPECIALS LOIN CHOPS ib.69e RIB CHOPS STEW FRESH SIDE ib 49 4.M..00 "pel!!! SPECIALS Roasts ifc le PORK PURE SAUSAGE Te piec 43c 389c SLAB BACON CftSi SLICED BACON 43c :89c GQSA DAGSH f.lGAT & POODOGI1 RECK BONES !NM I 192 lust 390C South Phono massaeaxs 262-371- 2 Downtown, Cottonwood Mali, ... see Beech Valley Fair Mat? fV-- s resum. cooking, dot. ' door and push ' Stilt twitch again. 4. To Adams today! MAGNAVOX Home Entertainment Center SWISS 89c 79c your Easter Ham Free 3 To check food, just open door Unit shuts off automatically. kfliwi for luality Protects md Semes ter ever 20 years. BEECH ADAMS 57 79 LAMB SPECIALS WHOLE ib 2. Set Timer Control ond push SUrt switch. (et H MM STEER BEEF ONLY food door. c BEEF . V-lF- X Wednesday. The incident was also reported by U.N. observ- ICiKFS Hllti BYO ij EN Pe sjdd ifrs QV . . Despite air-pm- ls MICRCWAVE your free Hormel Cure 81 Ham now . , . and make your Easter dinner ecen better with this new Amana Radarange Oven Cook the best demanding the ousters. An The rebels stayed their QUITO. ECUADOR stani troop's Wednesday aphand until Pi esident Gustcv ousted general led a military peared to be winning their revolt W Heineman of Vest Germany ednesday against battle- against East Pakistani state visit President Jose Maria Velasco ended his two-da- y secessionists as the Indian Ibaira and claimed V of As the president support ednesday. parliament called for the immost military garrisons in saw Heinemann off at the airmediate cessation of the use this capital city. port, the dissidents announced of force and the massacre of their revolution m a commufrom Theie weie reports East in defenseless people Ecuadors second mander. Guayaquil, nique. They said Jacome ChaPakistan. his that the provinremoval, vez refused to accept his dislargest city, Information coming out of cial missal. garrison there also had Jacome Chavez returned to the embattled eastern region the military academy and Velasco Ibarra then headed over to the rebels. gore lemamed fragmentary and for the Defense Ministry. Political sources in Quito conferred with his supporters. there was no way of checking said the fall of Velasco Ibarail the claims and counter could be ra's government claims broadcast by the offiif the claims of imminent clanand radio Pakistani cial rebel suppoit weie true. destine rebel stations. Velasco Ibarra, 78, has been Kowevpr informed sources elected president of Ecuador appeared West Pakifive times and ousted three stani troops weie winning the times struggle to restore central Rebel leadeis said they had government authority to Eat A SPECIAL PREVIEW EVENING Pakistan although they weie no direct quarrel with the president, but demanded that still meeting determined rehe fire his defense minister sistance and the army commander. The official Radio Pakistan The defense minister, Jorge Raid the situation was normal Acosta Velasco, is Velasco everywhere. Now tli1 tune Hi get Ibarras nephew. Bijt the press tiust of India aay the BY U wav clanVelasco Ibarra first closeted New1; Agency quoting for a rmini! European discovery adventure destine radio stations and rehimself with his nephew in the rt a lifetime. 1 welv outline Seven we kx! port reaching the bolder, Defense Mmislry building, said libei ation army foices which was sunounded by has captured the northern troops. They re'urned later to at Rangpur and Oahat-t- a the government palace so the near Dubajpur, and that president could meet with his Hie jxut of Chittagong and its cabinet. BE OUR GUEST Ecuauoi 's War naval base were burning Academy 8:15 p in. THURSDAY, APRIL I was rebel heqdquarters at the Dijilomats in New Delhi and Bit' SALT I AM OMiK foieign coorespondents recent-- ! beginning of the revolt. Wit200 , m Dacca, the East Pakinesses said tank and other arFor fit-- information ronlait B) ( IHWTLSrLDY tend to discount stan capital, mored forces whose sympaPin i ii, t Inh HlhlH icjxjrts of major successes of thies were not known were kiessionist forces. sent there. The rebels later th - buy your new Start with Report Suez Shots TEL AVIV (A P) -- li However, their stay in Canton was uneventful, he added. The other Americans on board the plane were a missionary couple. Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Ebersole, and George V. Drysdate, pi esident of M.irsman and Company m the Philippines. claims Military Support (fbveniineilt Reuters after necessary investigations Chinese government decided to be lenient and ordered the plane to leave the put of the night the minimal and aboisl 12 30 they put us m a bus and took us to a (lorinito.y, he said The dormitory was within the Canton airport compound Asked to describe the passengers reaction when they found they weie going to China, he said that everyone at a news conference hete that tlieie weie six hijackeis, who. he Said, apparently had studied engineering and belonged to an organization. e They have some progiam because they said they would be back in the Philippines in a year or two, Few kes said. Reports fiom Manila said one of the hijackers was Rob- Amana Size A Big Full 246-800- Red Chinese Treat Jet Hijackers as Passengers aged it MOUNTAIN FUEL LONDON (AP) iMi&i. think more if we had the dog desire) ed V eUiesdtiv the Goodctnlds led their two other chiliren, Post Office y f TAP) 11 end 3'.,. home alone with Biack.e while they made Sar ill for an. i gcnients Jane s funeral. Pol ce s, id tnev had no pow ei to order tl e dog A charge that the dog muM be made Ls d ingerous and pioved in court before it can be destroyed Coodchild was s1 ghtly jealous at he at'entioi the babe got. 1 1, is is a tei.ible t.igedv foi uur tamilv. but we feel we would suffer eren I 35 Nickel Stories Asoc atd Lldred TewKes, one of Americans hijacked to China, tells newsmen they were not treated v V'. .e at iviiiiWXllirJ ';y -- 1 wr0',J Vlf -ir -- ; -- 5a y ;rf f yf 7 r.--.-vu v- - - ilk i !- 5 a ijgar -- slike agun " said LirilE W ALII AM ENGLAND (I PI I U,i io., Guod-- il lid foieave h.s dog Wed.ivs-cii- y fur biting to death a d lynuminold s, id the large bound or!v did daugl.ter Kail Lines ?f mad ergmetrs have - a 'f - Dad Forgives Dog Thai Killed Daughter World bmif bid R |