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Show 4A The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, April 1, 1971 Rafferty's Answers Wliats Naive About my courses on the excuse mat they are taking part in the National Student Strike that I, William F. Fuchs, instructor, am staging my own demonstration lor sanity, Lw and order, common sense, and discipline. My protest will appear on your report cards. It will look like this: F. Your repeated InsinuaQ. tions that instruction in the principles of phonics is all a child needs to X IP become a good reader are f:ne m p1 e s ex-- a of rsimplifi-Surel- & fZ t A- y Stout fellow! must yu k n o iv that PA. (AP) Reporting there is no possible for the two hope trapped miners, mining authorities began sealing the Nemacolin shaft Wednesday. Flooding operations were to begin shortly. Fire broke out in the shaft Friday and has been burning since. four-maA exploratory team entered the mine Tuesday night and said they saw-nsigns of the miners and Randolph Charles Gibson, 61, both of CARMICHAELS, Teaching Readinir? By Dr. Max Rafferty Crews Give Up Efforts to Save 2 Miners burning n Richard Nemacolin. Public Opinion Poll 19-2- Nixons Popularity Decline May Be Leveling Off By Dr. George Gallup Institute of Public Opinion of this year, Nixon's approval rating stood at 56 percent. In the figure had February PubPRINCETON, N.J. lic confidence in the way President Nixon is handling his job has reached dropped to 51 percent. And in the latest rating he receives a 50 pervert vote of confidence from the public. Key factors in the decline in low est d o w r. w popularity the beginning of the yeer have been discourage- ment over the Vietnam war and the state of the economy. since Hits High Spot ard trend mav be leveling otf. In January Presidents the yet recorded during his ad-i mstration, but the latest indifigures cate that the The high point in Nixon's popularity came in November, 1969, just after he had Dr. Gallup persons, 18 years of age and holder, were interviewed in person between March in more than 300 scientifically selected localities across the nation. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Nixon is handling his job as President? announced his plan for withdrawing troops from Vietnam and training the South Vietnamese to take over tho fighting. At that time his approval rating reached 68 percent. president Nixon's populari- - Health Insurance Seu. WASHINGTON (AP) has Gale W. McGee, introduced legislation to give rll federal employes and their families broad new health insurance covering 100 percent of all medical, surgical, hospital and health care expenses. ty has been closely tied to the as was war in President Johnsons. t Johnsons President recordwas 35 percent, Indo-Chin- low-poin- when discouragement over our inin Vietnam had volvement reached a new high point. Smiie in South ed in August, 1968, - Significantly, Nixons rating today is highest in the South, where his Vietnam policies have consistently met with the greatest approvl. Below is the question asked in the survey. A total of 1,566 President Ap- - Disap- - Nii prove prove Op;n. National East Midwest South Far West can reading and should be taught through several current Nixon's popularity rating cf 50 percent under his is consideranlv overall average of 59 percent approval, recorded over the he has beer, in 26 months office. The national results and the findings by region follow: 37 39 3.9fin ap- 13 "7 1! 17 32 12 41) 13 h proaches and by various techniques, not just by a single ;method such as phonics. Why x do. you oversimplify a G.C., Jeffer-so- n subject? com-!ple- City. In the game of one of the earmarks of a true pro is to accuse his I critics of oversimplifying the issues. Such a charge is nearly-always guaranteed to land censurer in the the would-b- e slough of simplification, wallowing about hopelsssly and gililtily, spluttering from time tu time that he does perceive the true complexities of 20th education, honestly Century he does. Thus, when someone makes the suggestion that children be taught to read by memorizing the 26 letters of the alphabet and the various sounds which go with them, and then putting them together into syllables, the automat-- , ic riposte of the methodology expert is first to smile gently and pityingly at the naive simplicity of the mere suggestion. A. school-manshi- Expresses Regret Second, he elaborates learnedly on research done during on the past quarter-centur- y or the configuration-contou- r look-samethod of teaching reading. Finally he expresses ironic regret that the critic has seen fit to advocate methods which have .been hopelessly outdated by the of increasing complexities modem existence, and politely. hints that the phonics adherent should go back to school and bring himself up to . y ; date. The phonics buff who lets d and himself be put on the defensive by this Establishment gambit deserves his fate. His proper course of action is to remind his subtle insulter that life may indeed become more children but complicated, dont, and that the rules of reading havent been altered over the centuries by the invention of spaceships, gas balloons, steam engines, or the Macedonian phalanx, for that matter. He should then cling grimly to the jugular of the issue, citing the horrendous growth during the same 25 years both of remedial reading classes and the Eonchead English courses set up by our colleges to teach the fundamentals of the mother tongue to freshmen who should have masteieu them long before the filth grade. Devils Handbook 1 booby-trappe- Our critic then would do well to lift a page from the " devil's own handbook, quoting the Gospel according to St. John Dewey to the effect tlnf in education we judge pragmatically and strictly in accordance with how a theory actually works when put into practice. Obviously the "look-saEgyptian hieroglyphic method of teaching reading worth a hasnt worked plugged nickel, or we would not after more than two decades still be so concerned about raising a generation of iC :d.C1wc3, r- ;fc C; c 1 7 n Lin ' FrSt CeekteiS Aest. Jeli-- 'A toz.ftcs. O"Sc SSTtVAl fcAUABD -- uz. FV. J 60 Qc tritMONf 3to CAM VOU Z. 3-- 0 CHOICE PKG. fJrccb Whip KrcflDInnors - KRAFT 32-- MAC 714-0- II .. 20937 Snack Crackers SSL Chunk Tuna : 2QSCahy Teed Z. 8TL CHEESE FKG. . . 61 10 Ccm Fishes Peanut Cutter Canned Ccy Cairo Crbs Scvsnicrt Chicken0 Frozen Dinners A6$T. BEINZ ; U j Pros. KELLOGG'S IB-0- 2. PttJ. sum ... SHASt K-- t StWAWyVWrM ASST. i GEN. MtUS 15-- fKQ Sliced Dread French Dread Graham Bread , LOAF -- LOAF STAN. 0 FARM L LOAF 5 MEADOW GOLD CAMPBELL SOUP FIRESIDE Chicken ' Noodle Saitine Crackers DEL MONTE fomato Catsup V22f 499 209. II ' , STRIKES j? himself. m jr 03 2V Vlkti .Freeh DuRcr Usually at this precise mo-- , ment of the debate, the embattled defender of phonics looks around for his opponent and finds to his surprise that he; is alone in the ring with .5 O -- shadowboxing "w ft.' quasi-illiterate- s. His progressive education adversary has sneaked out between the ropes and is busy, busy, busy in another part of work- a town organizing shop for other methodology experts at which they will pass resounding resolutions congratulating themselves - upon their success nationwide extremist in resisting attempts to oversimplify the reading problem. Are you still there, Professor G.C.? Have you had any good v Q. news lately from the college campus combat front? We T.L., could use some. Rellefontaine. A. How about this blockbuster. posted on the bulletin board of the American University in Washington, D.C.? This is to serve notice to those students who have not conclude the re a ramevs c? W r SAUSAGE' YOUR CHOICE CHEESE M.D. ASST. Toilet Tissue |