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Show BLUFFS DON'T GO I WITH "SLATS" I I'mpire Davis Hands I Out Ultimatum. I Throws the Captain Out of I the Game at Se- f attle. I Rough Language Does Not Appeal to . His Fine Sensibility Es- H sick's Fine Work- H SEATTLE, Wash. May 6. Portland. I with Esslck In the box, shut out Seattle Hal today without much In tho way of effort ef-fort Runkle was given rt ba.se on balls ln the fifth and Mitchell, who followed him was hit. h- the pitcher. Runklo I - or-l on Atz's : mg out to .-enter and I Mil. hell on Van Burens single. In tho sWth Householder hit out a three-base hit H and scored on McCreedle's two-bagger. Cant. Bchlafley was put out of the game I In the seventh Inning for rough language to l'mplre Davis Score: R H E Portland 000 012 0003 3 3 Ek attle ooo ooo ooo o 7 0 Batteries Esslck and McLean; Williams Wil-liams and Frary. Umpire, Davis Tacoma 2, San Francisco 1. I TACOMA. Wash . Mav 6 Singles bv I Nordyke and Casey, with a stolen base, scored the winning run for Tacoma in the eleventh Inning. Miller was more ef- i fectlve than Brown, but fast fielding kept Mi. visitors safe. Score R H E I Tacoma 000 1X 000 01 2 6 2 j San Francisco 010 000 000 001 10 3 Batteries Brown and Graham. Miller and Wilson. I'mpire Klopf I Oakland 4, Los Angeles 3. r SAX FRANCISCO. May 6 The Los Angeles An-geles team enlivened today's game by a couple nf home-run hits, but outside of these Incidents Dr Moskiman's pitching ' I was very effective. When the ninth was reached It seemed as though another ex-tra-lnnlng game would be added to th season's record, but a couplo of hits ,'i.ilnst P.. i um brought ln the winning run for Oakland. Score: R. H E. Los Angeles 000 001 0203 8 2 Oakland 020 001 0014 10 -2 Batteries Baum and Spies; Mosklman and Byrnes. I 'mplre Pei-rine. I |